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Marine Mast

Posted on Wed Dec 16th, 2009 @ 7:32pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

444 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Fannin was reviewing schematics to the new Science department, they were very detailed and most of it was completely lost on Edward but vital to the station. Yeoman James entered. "Sir, there's a young Marine out here, he's Requesting 'Mast' or something."

Ed turned, "Wow, been a while since I've heard that, 'Mast' is the privilege of any Marine to talk directly to the Captain or Commanding Officer with complete confidentiality. it's Marine Tradition but seldom used now. This must be important. Let him in and give us a few minutes please. grab his file and check him out. I'll need to look at it."

James headed for the doors, "Aye, Aye"

A minute later she brought in a Marine Corporal. "Sir Corporal Craft, requesting to speak to the Captain."

"Stand at ease Craft, granted. Have a seat and lets talk." Both Men sat at the table. "Sir I'm sorry to interrupt you but I have a very big issue and don't know what to do."

"I've just arrived with my new Marine Unit Sir, As I was in processing I happened to see my ex wife in the dinning hall."

Fannin was listening carefully. "I see. How long ago were you separated?"

It's been Two years now Sir, We were married right out of Boot camp, I was sent to recon school. She wasn't. When I was at the school I received word that she was filing divorce papers and she was gone when I got back."

Ed knew This was common in young Marriages in the Fleet. "Craft I can solve this problem but one of you will be leaving the station. Are you aware of that?"

"Yes Sir, I'll follow orders Sir."

Very well then, please wait in the outer office while I check a few things out, OK? A have the Yeoman come in.

Several minutes revealed the sordid tale of a very mixed up young lady who had no right to be Married to anyone. Mr. Craft had been betrayed. But he was assign special duties as a Recon Marine on the Station, were the Ex Mrs. Craft was now Mrs. Thomas working as a Marine Argo crew cheif. Edward saw the look on Jame's face. Cut orders for Private Thomas and her new husband. They're leaving today. And send the Marine back in.

Fannin explained the situation to the Marine Corporal and saw his relief. The issue solved. He would be able to do his job without the added pressure now. The other parties would be out of his hair. The Corporal was a happy Marine as he left.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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