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Meeting Adams

Posted on Sat Dec 31st, 2016 @ 11:37am by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo

828 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Intelligence offices
Timeline: Backpost


After her meeting with Mabrade, Serena took a few moments to drop off her carry all and duffle, before heading to the Intelligence offices to report to her official boss. She had not had a CIO to report to since training at the academy, it was going to take getting used too but she was more than willing to adapt. Adapting was one of her best suits after all... She checked her braid, her vividly dyed locks had not escaped the braid yet though by the end of the day there would be a few stray hairs that would have come loose, they always did not matter what she did to tie it back. Her uniform was in order as well though she much rather preferred the plain clothes but that freedom was gone for now...She walked in looking for her boss, curious as to how Adams would run the department...

Raven was going over the security she'd set up when the Borg infiltrated the station, making some additional alterations. So much had happened since returning that made it mandatory in her mind to keep the additional precautions in place. Now, with tens of thousands of tourists descending on the station, she was more cautious than ever.

Raven sensed the new arrival. She'd received notification of a new officer in her department. This person was unfamiliar and so quite likely the new addition. Still, she wanted to be sure, so she saved her alterations, closed out her files, stood and walked into the main Intel area.

"Hello," she said to the woman, noting the uniform. "Lieutenant Giacomo, I presume?"

"Hello, I am Serena Giacomo," she offered her hand to the taller woman, her tone light and curious, her accent nearly flawless federation basic, it would shift from a more gaelic or itallian when she got comfortable or upset depending on the situation and how she reacted to it.

Raven shook her hand and then waved to a small conversation area with a couch and two overstuffed chairs. "Have a seat and tell me something about yourself. Would you like a drink?"

"Well besides the obvious," she gestured to her small size, "I love my job but I prefer being in plain clothes so if you ever give me the excuse you can bet I will happily change." her dual colored eyes were hiding nothing as she spoke, the chairs
had caught her attention and after a moments pause she chose the one on the left hoping that she had not just taken her boss' favorite spot. She shook her head softly at the question about something to drink. "I am fine thank you for asking though."

Raven nodded and sat in the other chair, waiting quietly for the other woman to speak.

Serena settled into her seat and regarded the other woman curiuosly as she realized she was supposed to add more to her opening statement. Well what should she say? Getting the pranking out in the open would be best and after that well it would be time and tell. "I like to play harmless pranks when there is nothing pressing for work. I enjoy my job which is usually infiltration or extraction missions. I am adaptable but then we have to be in this job." she said lightly and honestly.

Raven raised an eyebrow. "What do you consider a harmless prank?" She was curious to find out more about this. Mostly so she would know what to expect from this woman in future.

Serena gave a wry grin, "Confetti bomb or one filled with jelly, only put puce hair dye in my roomate's shampoo after she cut my hair while I was studying." she gave a light shrug, "I don't get personal unless someone else starts it first."

Raven nodded. "I don't like pranks, and I don't start them, but I will finish them if someone else starts, so it would be in your best interest to not start one with me."

"Understood, I will keep you off my prank list." she said lightly, with a pause, "So air is clear, is there anything you want me to work on or is there anything specific you expect from me?" Serena had a feeling if she was not careful that pissing off this lady would be quite a mistake.

"I expect you to keep a low profile, to work hard and to be discreet," Raven said. "What you do in private -- as long as it remains private -- is up to you."

Serena nodded she had no intention of bring off duty stuff to work in any case. "Anything else as in do you prefer your rank or the honorific Sir or ma'am to be addressed as?"

"I prefer Raven," she said. "Now get settled and have a look around." She gave Serena a brief smile. "And welcome aboard."


Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo
Infiltration Specialist


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