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More Chaos (part 3)

Posted on Fri Dec 30th, 2016 @ 12:36pm by Commander Raven Adams & Lieutenant JG Terry Wu & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & Khiy Tal'ehrihn & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

944 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture



Khiy had to smile despite himself at his secretary's actions. He tilted his head in her direction. "Ever think of a career in securities?...


In Intel, Raven sensed the danger in the TGT offices. She and Khiy had been friends for so long that she could pick up on his emotions when they were strong -- like now.

She quickly accessed his offices on her computer, surprised to find that the entire area was dark. No power, no cameras. Something was seriously wrong.

Raven reached out to him telepathically. She got enough to know he was under attack. She didn't want to contact security, not unless she had to. But there was something she could do. She used the site-to-site transporter and got as close to the TGT offices as she could. Then she pulled out a small weapon she kept for special occasions, entered the outer office, and went to help, her weapon on wide-range stun.

A deck away Otto's earbud chirped. After listening he turned to the Squad of Marines behind him, "Control noticed there's a blacked out section near us. We need to check it out." Otto looked at the wall in front of them a few meters away. "Jiles, get that Jeffries Tube hatch open!" Krupp said starting to trot over.

After a few minutes they could hear weapons fire ahead of them. Otto hit his Squad band COMM, "Jiles, Rovati, Sher Doh, take the next intersection and come around to the other side the rest of you with me." Otto said as he hit a hatch control and emerged into a firefight.


At his station in the Ops center, Terry Wu stood giving orders to the ships in the station's flight plan. "I repeat, Balderdash, take your ship out to the one thousand kilometer mark and park it there until further notice, and no, I don't know when that will be. It's when I say so, and that's all you need to know until I say so." His words coming out clipped and strained. The captain of that ship sounded like a Tellarite and they were the ornery sort that needed things laid out flatly.

Ops was like a ghost town with all the folks headed out to join in the festivities on the promenade, and Terry took a few moments to walk over to the locker where weapons were stored, open it and pull out a type two insurance policy, seating it at his waist just in case. Returning to his station, he checked the pattern again and grumbled before opening up the comms. "All ships in the Typhon Station pattern, I repeat; Typhon station is currently on lockdown. Nothing comes in, nothing goes out. We apologize for any inconvenience or any jimmies that get rustled. Please keep the comm chatter to a strict minimum please, and that goes double for you. You know who you are. Zip it!"


The thing about explosives after the noise was gone there was always a mess, and with several going off at once there was chances of folks being caught or buried under the debris. So since Serena had not been in contact with her boss since the initial orders to check the stations exits and like; well she was left to her own devises. She started helping folks in clearing the rubble to get to folks that were trapped and hopefully still alive...

[TGT Offices]

Although Raven was telepathic, she knew Khiy wasn't, but she wanted to let him know she was in the outer office on her way in so she dind't get shot by accident. "Khiy," she projected telepathically, focusing on letting him hear her thoughts. "I'm coming in. How many are left?"

Khiy resisted the urge to look around from where Raven's voice was coming from. He had felt it before, a tingle or buzzing that came with the voice. She was nearby and using her telepathy.

He glanced around the corner to catch the ensuing chaos of the stations Marines opening up on the assailants. There was a few clipped yells of surprise before they were cut down by the SFMC's finest. The remaining number of attackers hunkered down and began exchanging phaser fire at their new threat. As for the number of them, Khiy couldn't be totally accurate. The hallway was rapidly filling up with smoke and a thick haze draped over everything.

"Eight or so more!" Khiy yelled. He said it as much for Raven's benefit as the Marines.

Raven took a moment to locate the eight and, deciding there had been enough damage done today, "Hit the deck! That's an order!" To Khiy she added telepathically, "Stun setting, easiest way to deal with the mess. Get behind something heavy."

She waited just long enough for them to comply, then swept the room with her weapon, stunning everyone who wasn't on the ground or behind something. She counted seven bodies fall, leaving one remaining. "Khiy, one left."

Otto and his men entered the office and spread out, putting into submission the stunned intruders. Looking ahead Otto pinged his helmet's active sensors lighting up Raven and Khiy's crew. "Come out, come out rabbit." he muttered.

Raven looked in Khiy's direction, then noticed movement in the shadows. The person was being secretive, hostile. She raised her gun and shot, stunning the final intruder. "All clear," she called.


Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, TGT

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Master Sergeant Otto Krupp

Lieutenant JG Terry Wu
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer


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