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Arriving at Tiberius X (part 2)

Posted on Tue May 24th, 2016 @ 12:41pm by Lieutenant Scion & Admiral Maximilian 'Max' Hunter & Lieutenant Bernard (Barney) Phillips
Edited on on Tue May 24th, 2016 @ 12:42pm

1,196 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Tiberius X

[CONTINUED from part 1)

Max boarded the romulan runabout and smiled slightly as he took a few steps forward before stopping at the main controls. Once the two were inside, the ramp was raised and finally sealed. "Welcome aboard your new shuttle." He said as he uncrossed his arms and placed them behind his back. "Good Morning, Angel."

Angel nodded as her body phased out, than back in, as she was now dressed in a more modern Intelligence Uniform. With a smile she turned to Phillips and Scion. "Good Morning. Would you like a drink before we depart?"

This Angel made Scion wonder what sort of person Steel was. She'd read his file, of course, but this gave her a bit of an insight into his personality. She filed the information away in the back of her head for future perusal. "I'll have a pomegranate lemonade," she said. "And a chocolate mousse shooter. Betazoid chocolate."

"Of course." Angel replied, looking over to Phillips. "And you?"

"Strawberry Milkshake favoring the Ice cream please?" Phillips said with a smile. "A cherry only if you have real ones, the replicated are not all that good."


Their first view of Tiberius X was of a planet covered in ice and snow.

The few rock outcroppings and hills were also covered in a thick layer of ice and snow. According to reports there was a small range of mountains to the far north, but nothing, except for the carnivorous beaver-like creatures that lived in the caves, showed any signs of life.

Phillips watched a view port as the shuttle into a shallow downward slope being careful not to get too close to the ice vapor. The reports he had glanced to memory warned about not heating the ice as it was bad. In his hand Phillips had a type two phaser broken down on the table and some aluminum looking slats that he was working into the grip of the Phaser and sporting a smile on his face as he continued working and spoke up.

"That is a real winter wonderland down there Lieutenant Scion. " He commented "The ice when melted turns to a vaporized hallucinogen Properties." He informed. "I would not advise going topside without breathing gear or at least a strong re breather to filter the effects." He chuckled. "Not unless you want to be like a person from the Earth Circa 1960's."

"Actually, from what I've learned the plan is to use the hallucinogenic properties as a natural defense from unwanted visitors," Scion added quietly.

"Despite what people think that would not be a positive for the creative process." Phillips remarked. "But great for being able to dump people with a nice hangover and wondering what the heck happened?"

"I don't think they'd be people we wanted on the planet anyway," Scion replied. "I think it's a very creative way to get people "lost." Get them high and feed them false image so they don't know what was real and what was hallucination."

Phillps finished what he was doing with the Phaser grip and he held it in his hand while he made the final checks and such with the Tricorder.

Deposit them a good distance away and call it a black out?" Phillips whistled lightly and smiled at the phaser he was working on., showing the new grip style of the weapon. "Nice looking right, trademark weapon here." He nod.

Max tapped on his console and began their descent toward the planet. "Angel. Please send a message to the ground team of our arrival. Have Mister Steel meet us at the landing pad."

"Sending message to CID HQ, Max." Angel's feminine voice replied softly right before a beep was heard. "Message sent and acknowledged. We are cleared to land at HQ. Landing pad doors are prepared to open."

"Understood." Max replied as he tapped on the console. "Beginning descent."

Scion sat quietly, looking out the window, as the shuttle landed. Outwardly she was calm but inwardly she was excited about the possibilities of this new base.

"Miss Scion." Phillips started. "You want a toy no one else can play with?" He said with a phaser that he had customized the handle.

She raised an eyebrow, curious to learn what he had in mind.

Max tapped on the controls as the engine's stopped and the console shut off. "Angel. Transfer yourself over to the primary system and opened the door." He said as he stood up and straightened out his suit before walked to the back.

"As you wish, Max." Angel replied before suddenly going silent. The back ramp to the runabout began to open slowly and finally hit the ground to the underground base. As they walked out, Scion and Phillips would notice a cave like environment with wires and Starfleet monitors scattered through out the walls. Each monitor had a small Starfleet Insignia in the bottom corner, but the symbol in the middle was that of the CID.

"I know it's not much, but for right now, it's home." Max said as he stopped for a moment and looked around before looking over to Scion and Phillips. "Each of you has a lab of your own to work with a fair deal of supplies. If you need something more, industrial replicators are at your disposal and a weekly supply ship will come by and drop off anything extra." He looked around for a moment before finally focusing on the main doors. "Now. Where is Steel?"

The holoimage of a beautiful blonde appeared inside the runabout. She was in a old fashion skirted uniform, but with modern Intel colors. "Good Morning, Max. Would you care for a drink before we depart?"

"No.. thank-" He replied before being cut off mid sentence by an image he didn't recognize. "-you?" Max raised a brow and took a step toward her. "You're blonde. Why are you blonde? You're supposed to be a brunette and a little.. less... busty." He looked her up and down before taking a step back. "You're uniform is also different and very... revealing." He let out a sigh and shook his head. "I see, Mister Steel, has been taking liberties again."

"Correct. Steel requested by image to be altered for a much more flattering appearance. Does this change not suit you, Max?" Angel replied in a soft, and almost seductive voice, as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I'll talk to Remy when I get down on Tiberius. For now, please change into a standard uniform." Max said, turning back around and walking toward the main controls.

The more she learned about this facility, the more she liked it. Well, most of it, anyway. "Playing with his Angel?" Scion asked, very tongue-in-cheek.

"We have a Holosuite Avitar sub routine for the computer Avatar?" Phillips asked with a raised eyebrow. "What kind of Holo-Matrix does this base have?"

Scion turned to Max. "Probably state-of-the-art, if I'm not mistaken."


"Shall we take a look at our new digs?" Scion asked.

Admiral Maximilian Hunter
Covert Infiltration Division
Theta Fleet

Lieutenant Scion
CID Officer

Lieutenant Bernanrd Phillips
CID Officer


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