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Arriving at Tiberius X (part 1)

Posted on Tue May 24th, 2016 @ 12:38pm by Lieutenant Scion & Admiral Maximilian 'Max' Hunter & Lieutenant Bernard (Barney) Phillips

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Tiberius X


=^= "Lieutenant's Scion and Phillips please report to landing pad 10 for reassignment. Repeat: Lieutenant's Scion and Phillips please report to landing pad 10 for reassignment. Thank you."=^= A friendly, and pleasant voice said over the com system.

Scion had been on Typhon for an hour, just long enough to grab a bite on the promenade. When she heard the announcement, she grabbed her bag -- everything else was to be transferred for her -- and headed for the landing pad.

"Come on Slick, you are lagging." Phillips came around the corner with the sounds of people complaining as the small hovering disk with a duffle bag and satchel seemed to follow him. "People would not complain if you would keep up."

Standing in front of Landing Pad 10 was a gentlemen in a gray uniform. This officer stood tall and firm as he crossed his arms and seemed to eyeball everyone who walked by. As Lieutenant Scion and Phillips approached he nodded his head and turned, tapping onto the console next to the door. Without saying another word, he gestured inside with no smile on his face.

"And a very pleasant day to you, too," Scion replied cheerfully as she passed.

Phillips came to all but a sliding halt and the Hover carrier bumped into the back of his leg with force to bend the knee and almost topple Phillips.

"Landing pad 10, okay your navigational routine is functional." The Little light on the top of a box at the front of the hover ecumenism flashed once. "Oh, sorry, Bernard Phillips..." The Officer had motioned him past. "Come on Slick we need to calibrate that motion detection." He rubbed the back of his knee as he walked.

As the doors closed, the officer tapped on the console again, locking the landing pad. Now that his job was done he walked off knowing that his assignment was done.

The landing pad was empty. There was no cargo, no crates, no shuttle for that matter. It was empty. The only thing there was a person. A pleasant woman in a red uniform with her hair back and a PADD in her hands. "Ahh." She said, looking to her PADD for a moment before looking back up at Phillips and Scion. "Lieutenant Bernard Phillips and Lieutenant Scion. Thank you for coming so promptly."

"You're welcome." It was a conditioned response. Scion wasn't quite sure what else they could have done. Being late would have been a very bad thing.

"Just glad to have been early." Phillips said. "I see our ride has not yet arrived, we made good time." He pat the front mounted Control Box. "I should say thank you for the invite."

She smiled, letting out a slight laughed before clearing her throat and continuing. "I am merely facilitating the meeting, Mister Phillips. However, since you are both here we should get underway." The officer tapped her combadge. =^="Admiral? They are ready for you, Sir."=^=

In the large empty area of the landing pad a Romulan long range shuttle began to decloak. Unlike most shuttles of its type, it had no identifiable markers. No name. No insignia. No registration. The Romulan style runabout was a ghost. The rear ramp lowered and soon a gentleman in a black suit and tie walked out. He had a long black overcoat with a combadge over the right pocket.

"Admiral, your reputation precedes you," Scion said. "A pleasure to meet you."

Max nodded his head to Scion. "Lieutenant Scion. as far as reputations go, your's is the most diverse, wouldn't you say?"

Scion grinned. "That's one way of putting it," she replied. "I like to say that I've had an eclectic upbringing."

Max laughed softly before smiling as he looked to Scion. "There is no need to be embarrassed, Lieutenant. Your computer skills aren't the only reason I selected you for this assignment. I need someone with your street smarts and eclectic upbringing. You've demonstrated a unique gift for getting what you need and covering your trail. It's admirable and useful."

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to having the freedom to use some of those skills," she said. She wasn't embarrassed about her past, but she was very much aware that a lot of people in Starfleet mistrusted her because of it. She sincerely hoped that she had at last found a place where she could truly be herself.

Slick was hovering close as Phillips noticed the craft in the background.

"A Romulan Long Range..." Phillips wanted to take a step closer yet like a child he thought it might vanish again. "That is not something that is seen every day." He looked at the man Maximilian. "Pease tell me that is going to be a round a while?" He asked as his eyes took in all the lines. "That is a work of art, the Romulans have a way of putting grace to things like no one else." He said in a voice of reverence.

"At ease, Please." Max said as he looked back to the runabout. "Beauty, isn't she? We call her Angel. She's fast and comes equip with several unique features. Virtual Intelligence. Clothing Replicators for missions. A well stocked Armory and a combination computer/engineering lab for 'on the go' use." He looked over to Philips and Scion, smiling slightly. "We made sure to program the replicators with more familiar selections. Personally, I would try the Betazoid style hot chocolate. Just the right amount of chocolate and milk. Very sweet."

Scion's eyes lit up at the mention of Betazoid chocolate. She had become rather fond of the drink since her time on the planet. "That sounds worth a try."

Max smiled slightly as he looked over to Scion. "I think I'll have one for the trip.

Monica, his assistant, quickly cleared her throat loudly and walked over to him. She slowly eased over and whispered something into his ear, which made the Admiral shake his head and sigh in response. "Well, what she doesn't know can't hurt, or more importantly, can't hurt me. Honestly, Draven? Do you report everything back to her? That's what I get for hiring a twin."

"I would like to thank the man that thought of putting a toy maker on a long range ship sir." Phillips said as he glanced to Slick. "It is ready to .. like now?"

"You're looking at him, Lieutenant." Max replied with a smile. "You're skills and talents for engineering, and inventiveness, will prove quite useful for operations. You will have a lab where you can create what you need for field work, and whatever is requested." He crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat slightly as he motioned to the shuttle. "Please step aboard so we can get underway."

With a nod, the two quietly boarded the shuttle and took their seats.

(To be continued...)

Admiral Maximilian Hunter
Covert Infiltration Division
Theta Fleet

Lieutenant Scion
CID Officer

Lieutenant Bernanrd Phillips
CID Officer


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