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Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2017 @ 5:38am by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture

The smoke on the Promenade was beginning to clear. The emergency vents were doing a good job of dispersing it. Aria stood infront of the shop that had been destroyed sighing at the results on her tricorder. Security, Operations and Medical personnel were digging through the rubble looking for any survivors from the attack.

Aria turned to her deputy and patted him on the shoulder.
"Keep up the good work here. Report back to me if you find anything, although I doubt we'll find anything of value" she explained. "I'm going up to Operations to report what we have found" she told him.

Arriving in the Operations center a few minutes later, she looked far worse than anyone else on duty. Her hair was a mess, signs of exhaustion were on her face and her uniform was duty and even ripped in places from where she had been digging people out.

"Captain, Colonel" she said approaching the two individuals. "Security and Marine forces have done a very good job today. All areas of the base are secure, and the affected areas are sealed off for a security investigation. However we have a lot of casualities, and several fatalities" she explained looking down at the ground.

Wilhelm looked around, "Yeah what a way to start a festival. My Artificers are starting to sweep all public and critical areas for more explosives and the rest of the Regiment is taking care of their assigned tasks."

Mabrade was on the Operations deck; standing in a very military fashion; ram-rod straight despite the fatigue of being on his feet long before the beginning of this incident.

"Aria, you did well and your Marines Colonel lived up to their reputation and more." Mabrade complemented. "I would like to keep the CAP up as long as we can; I am calling for any ships in the area to lend a hand." HE looked to the Colonel. "I take a Command and the first thing I get is Terrorists and a stolen ship followed by a very... interesting COmmander of the ship Fleet Yard." He almost chuckled. "This is NOT my best first command impression."

"Yes sir. It's been a rough day." Wilhelm said.

"Well we managed to keep it further under wraps and get control rather quickly." Mabrade sigh. "The preparations I hoped not to use did come in handy and your men shone as I have come to expect, I thank you for that. If you don't mind a little clean up before they retire I could use the help?"

"Sure thing sir." Wilhelm said securing his gear and nodding to the fire team of Marines waiting close at hand.

"Well colonel, I think the days are going to get a little more rough as someone has to clean up this mess and the Security Forces will be stretched." Mabrade began. "You think your men are up to the task of a support role in getting this place locked down and back to some sort of a normal status?" He asked. "I will get the plan past the Security Chief; I do not want the kind of Martial Law but having 'Law abiding citizens' feeling safe again is an objective; if you know what I mean?"

"You have no idea how scared people are down there" Aria explained. She unzipped her grey and black tunic, which was ripped and scattered with stains. Throwing it over the back of her chair, she sat down at the main security management console. The large console could manage all of Typhons weaponary, and from here she could deploy security teams across the entire station.

She let out a sigh as her legs began to relax slightly. "We've got several ships awaiting to depart from Typhon. We're still under external lockdown. All spacedoors and docking ports are sealed. Transporter rooms are also closed" she explained to Mabrade. "I need your orders to unlock Typhon sir"

Mabrade went to the console and with practiced ease and a fast hand he typed the codes to allow Aria to do her job. "That should give you what you need." He commented. "Also I have placed the option for the Marines to help support you if you need?"

Aria nodded. She began to tap away at the console. She opened up a station wide communications annoucement.
"Your attention please. This is Lieutenant Kanzaki from Typhon Operations. The security lockdown will be lifted momentarily on all Station Services. Normal operations will be re-established momentarily. Please be patient while the lockdown is lifted" she announced. She cut the channel, her voice repeated over the speakers another two times as she tapped on the console.

"Your people did excellant under a very dangerous and sudden situation, they are to be commended." Mabrade added. "But if you could have everyone who is exiting scanned for the residue of the explosives used." Mabrade suggested. "Those on ships were likely not involved and we cannot have them checked, just those on'out turf' you might say so see to it please."

Aria nodded. She opened a channel to all of the station's security teams. "Kanzaki to all security teams. All, I repeat. All personnel, civilian or otherwise who is departing the station are to be scanned for traces of explosive residue or other contrabant. There is a possibility we missed people" she explained simply. "Anyone found with traces or otherwise report immediately and hold them until I arrive"

"Well put Aria." Mabrade said. "Now we get back to repairing our station after an attack." He managed not to growl. "I look forward to both your reports and the subsequent investigation into matters."

Aria simply smiled. "I have security teams moving into position now" she explained. "I've got them escorting Engineering and Operations personnel for their own safety" she added.

She picked up her ripped and stained tunic. "If you'll excuse me, I think I need a shower and a fresh uniform" she said with a smile.


Captain Mabrade
Commanding Officer.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security


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