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Something of a Technical Question

Posted on Wed Dec 13th, 2017 @ 10:22am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,526 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Rii'Na's Quarters


Conroy was kind of wondering about this arrangement; he had become emotionally involved with a beautiful woman and he found himself tumbling in the proverbial 'head over heels, she is a woman and an Officer but in which order he had to think about?

He sat on the sofa in the larger Executive Officer Suite style quarters afforded her by the station. Why had Conroy not just kept his mind shut and enjoyed the feelings, they are intense he had to admit, but now he was wanting to rock the boat a bit.

It was the way other people looked at her when not in her uniform and just lounging about in a feminine attire; he enjoyed she preferred dresses and skirts as she had really nice legs. Still, how long could a woman like her remain interested in a guy like Conroy? She was sweet and very soft in both her nature as well as her body; he liked just having her close. The times they were just walking about or reading together relaxed him greatly.

When she entered the room holding the two mugs; her signiture rackta'jino and his Coffee, Conroy accepted his mug as she took a seat; he looked to her eyes for a moment contenplating what he should say; or avoid saying?

"Ashe..." He did not break contact. "How much do you know of Human dating?" He asked. "I know very little of your courtship habits?"

"We are a little more 'religious', seeking blessings and such but it's a lot like on Earth, from what I saw while I was there." She took a good sip, savouring the foam off the top. "Why do you ask?"

"I know it has only been a little while and we moved rather quickly with the intimacy and all..." He was fiddling with the mug. "On Earth when a male likes a woman a lot he... well, he ... " The words were there but felt like two sided. "Do you know what humans mean when they refer to girlfriend? I mean in that the part of the dating process closer to an objective?" He fumbled with the explanation. "I mean to say that when a guy... well me actually, really likes a woman he does not want to look elsewhere when I have... you here." He was probably beet red by now.

JC was very sweet, the stammers and stumbles, just trying for the right words to get his intent across. Ashe smiled and was very patient with him, doing her best to stifle the giggle that was building. He was like the boys back home, stumbling over their words in asking to date formally. Some things were the same wherever you were.

Ashe brought her left index finger up, kissed it and touched it to his lips. "I remember a young male cadet, walking up to one of the other nurses I was training with. He had this big bunch of flowers and was almost shaking. He had this thick American drawl that is a bit like yours; come to think of it. He was practically as red as my command jacket when he asked her to 'go steady' with him. I was at a loss for what was going on, it was the language that stumped me. As soon as one of my friends mentioned dating and courting, it all fell into place."

Ashe leant in and kissed his forehead. "You're wanting to 'go steady' with me, right? The whole boyfriend/girlfriend deal."

"Kind of in a nutshell, yes that was the general idea." Conroy had to smile a bit himself. "I know it might seem kind of sudden but we kind of jumped over a few of the more traditional steps and went right to the Intimate sharing of affections." He admitted.

"You are so very sweet, JC. I have enjoyed our time together so much. Of course, the answer is yes. Did you really think I was going to say no?!" Ashe couldn't help the slight giggle before taking another sip.

Conroy was relieved at her answer and all. "I-I thought you might have to consult with the Vedek or do some kind of a prayer to the Prophets as i am not of your belief system." He answered. "I hoped you would say yes but them Vedeks do have a mind on the Prophets and the quickness of our intimate sharing might have violated some tradition or something." He babbled a bit. "I-I just did not want to put you in a bad place by insulting your traditions and..." He looked in her eyes and just leaned closer to reach out to her right ear before he kissed her for a long moment; mostly the touch of her lips in a showing of affection did tend to calm him a bit and concentration was easier. before he broke the kiss. "I knew you might eventually just my suddenly asking for us to be a 'couple' seemed to be going a little fast considering the time factor." He smiled. "But said yes and that just clears it all up as Folks back home would like to hear about you and all."

"It's more of a parental blessing than anything, and there is no real rush on that. I pray to the Prophets every day and have a real 'feeling' about most things." She said with a smile, her eyes closed at the touch to her ear and the kiss was like it came off the Prophet's own breath. "I know some would consider this rather fast, but it also just 'feels right'. The Vedeks said I was aglow after our first night together. Sure they may want to give you a 'once over' but that will come in time."

In a more human tradition after letting his hand come back from her ear he ran a finger along her cheek in an affectionate way, smiling as he did have to give into the fact he had a girlfriend now. "You know there is a tradition that you might not know unless you had a Human boyfriend in the past?" He hinted a grin; hoping that he was right and she had no idea about what he was going to suggest. "A Girfriend is not just someone that is in the dating process; I have asked to if you want to delve deeper into the process, dating is just the thing you do to see if you like one another." He grinned in that sly way. "I think we are past that so at this stage it is a big step that I admit will be interesting."

"No, there haven't been any other humans. Not many Bajorans either." She said warmly.

"You will be requested to attend one the subspace conversations with my family, a chance for them to get to know you and you will likely meet my Sister in person at some stage once the news gets to her." He chuckled. "She works at Star Fleet HQ, she is some kind of a yeoman with special rating or something?" He shrugged. "Her job is classified, I did not like the cloak and dagger so I went Flight Control." He winked. "I do pilot a mean shuttle if required."

"I'll have to remember that if I ever want to escape my paperwork." she giggled.

"Or find yourself beamed aboard while on a test flight." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Of course that could be considered stealing Federation gear and then the Kidnapping if you were to press charges?" He teased. "I will stick to permission for a romantic shuttle cruise."

"That could be very sweet, no distractions or interruptions. Might have to bank some leave to do just that." She smiled, snuggling in close. " Something tells me that this will be a wonderful time for us." She ran the index and middle fingers of her left hand down the back of his right ear very gently, teasing just a little.

"Keep this up and I might fall harder for you." He told her with a grin. "I am finding it harder and harder to resist the urge to just sweep you off your feet and really show you what it means to be courting from where I come from." He returned the same to her ear, letting the slow caress linger more. "You know if you keep being like this my Family are going to love you and that could be bad."

Ashe could feel herself melt a little, snuggling into his touch. It was as though his touch reached her pagh and warmed it. It was like the rest of the world faded away for a while. "If this is a part of courting, I can get very used to it. How can your family liking me be bad?" She asked, giving him a squeeze.

"They might push really hard that I keep you for a very l-o-n-g time" He winked. "you might not know it but we all are very possessive of those we'all care about."


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


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