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Clean the home and Soothe the Pagh (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:39am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 2:43am

1,100 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: Post 'Cleaning Up'


Rii'Na walked into one of the Promenade's establishments that seemed to have fared rather well through all of the commotion of the past few days. Her feet felt like they had decided to swell in her boots and her uniform looked like it had about three different types of dust on it.

She took her jacket off and shook it out at the door; pausing to clean and shine her pips. Being second in charge meant whenever that uniform was on she was meant to be making an impression; right now it was that she was working just as hard as everyone else to fix the damage. This was her home just as much as everyone else, it was only fitting that she put in a good effort to get it back up and running the way it should be. Executive officers didn't just look after the people, it was like looking after a family and their house too. Ashe sighed as she rubbed at her neck on her right side, making the chain of her earring dance in the process. She spotted an empty seat in the bar area and headed on in. Upon sitting down it felt like her body was made of the Earth material one vendor had mentioned 'I think my body will fell like Lead by the end of the day'. Now she was well aware of what he had meant by that. If she had of been in quarters she could have kicked her boots of and just sprawled out on her bed, but she was not there yet.

Conroy had been on a long shift but he also managed to get past his quarters and change his clothes into a pair of black slacks and a white shirt, it left him option as to what and where he went after hours. Casual with the sleeves slightly rolled up and the collar open. He decided on the look as he would have put on a tie until he made the decision to go to Kindness Place and he put the tie in the pocket of his black vest.

The action around the bar was slow for a midweek crowd; the thought of finishing his drink and heading out as nothing seemed to interest him and the Klingon Twins were giving him an evil eye. They liked to do that ; it should not have surprised him even the Female Klingons can give that death stare naturally and if he had not been a regular they might have intimidated him.

Turning to Stacy behind the bar he had an idea as he noticed the Bajoran come in and take a seat, she had been working on the damage; it was the way she sat down; she had done hard labor. Pretty girl and hard work, that had to be worth something?

"Hey Stacy, you think you can give me a Bajoran Sweet wine?" Conroy asked.

"Not your usual." Stacy leered at him for a second as she fetched the bottle and a glass.

"Nope." He gave her a mock salute and head over to whom he thought was the most beautiful woman around. He had the smile on his face and then he caught sight of the pips; he was approaching the Executive Officer and as she had glanced to see him coming he could not chicken out now.

"You look like you could use this Commander, some real Bajoran Sweet wine." He winked to the station's second in command. "Just the thing to ease a tired Pagh."

Rii'Na was a little startled by the appearance of the man and with such an offering. "Prophets! I'm sorry, you kind of startled me. Must be a little more worn out than I thought." She replied, blushing a little. "Thankyou, I feel like you read my mind."

"Nothing to it Commander Lady, have to make sure that the chain is strong and having a little peace with the Spirit is good for ya."

Ashe stifled a small giggle, this young man was being so kind. Ashe was actually a little taken aback. "Rii'Na. Please call me Rii'Na." She smiled, happy for the company. "How did you know? Not everybody likes the same things".

He tapped at his temple a moment. "Trade secret, I would not be of any good if I cannot cater to a lady's needs?" He smiled. "You mind if I take a moment?" he gestured to the chair across from her. "My job keeps me on my feet all day and a moment's recoup with a stimulating conversation helps ease that a bit."

"By all means, please" She offered with a smile. " I have been helping on the Promenade, barely feel like I made a dent. I think the Bajoran food vendor will be back on his feet a little faster at least."

"At least on a station this big you can get 'home cooking' and not have to holo it or jump a transport to get it?" He smiled. "James, Conroy, but most just call me JC." With that he tipped the small brimmed Fedora. "At your service, you want; I will get it for you."

There was a nod of the head with a sip of the wine."I will most certainly keep that in mind,....JC." there was a slight pause as she had to remember her 'Earth niceties'.

A Risian server had been wandering, tending to the tables. She seemed most puzzled when she approached the table of Rii'Na and JC. "Oh! I see you have a drink already, is there anything else you need right now from Kindness Place?"

Rii'na looked to the Risian, then to JC and then on to her drink. Her eyes met the server's once more. "After all my work, I have barely eaten today. I wouldn't want for this wonderful wine to go to my head. I am always open to suggestions."

"I would suggest the restaurant side as there is a Deltan Chef that does wonders with the menu." JC remarked. "You cannot go wrong with anything she makes. I really can back her skills." He smiled. " Be happy to help you to your seat and make sure you are served?"

"We do have a hostess." The waitress cut in. "You would not want Lady Ebele to hear you did not trust our staff, would you?"

"No.." JC contended. "I am beginning to think that my duty here is coming to an end." he winked to the Commander. "I was just being friendly Commander, don't hold it against me later will you?"



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