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Clean the home and Soothe the Pagh (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:40am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 2:43am

1,191 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Kindness Place
Timeline: Follow on form part 1


"We do have a hostess." The waitress cut in. "You would not want Lady Ebele to hear you did not trust our staff, would you?"

"No.." JC contended. "I am beginning to think that my duty here is coming to an end." he winked to the Commander. "I was just being friendly Commander, don't hold it against me later will you?"


Rii'Na giggled. "I'm not the type. Although eating alone is not something I am in the mood for tonight, last thing I would want to do is upset the staff." She looked around for a moment. "I hope you would not consider it too bold, but would you share a meal with me?" She asked JC. "I have not met Lady Ebele, better to have sampled the place before she ever asked for my opinion."

JC gave her a smile as he winked to the waitress. "Could you please relay the reservation for....two?" He gave that almost innocent smile. "That would be great of you."

The waitress shook her head. "JC, you never let me get bored do you?" The waitress snickered. "I will pass it along with your name and hope that the hostess mistakes you for someone else."

"You wound me, Tesla; and I thought I was one of your favored regulars?"

"You are a sweet man, I just would have liked to have gotten here first and done my job." She smiled to him. "Be just a few while she rotates you in; I put through the Commander's name, as you know that the bigger the name the faster you get served?" She laughed. "Profits are made by knowing who needs the most catering or the biggest way to drive away customers."

"I am grateful that you would try to squeeze us in. I can see that you are rather busy." Rii'Na replied. "I'm not as familiar with a lot of people yet, I am just happy for a nice meal and some....good company? I hope."

JC looked between them and with an almost innocent expression. "Food could be a good thing." He nodded slightly. "I just hope my manners are remembered later and that I tried to be a gentleman?"

Ashe could not help but giggle at his comment, doing her best to stifle it behind a hand. "There has been so much stress on the station, it feels good to laugh a little." Rii'Na was a rather quiet person, she was actually a bit shy when away from the command scene.

"it does make life a little easier." JC added. "Plus people tend to like having a less stressful way of doing things if they can help it." He gave a sly grin. "off duty people enjoy a little less seriousness."

"Naturally." Rii'Na replied with a smile, taking off her jacket. She kept it on her lap until a table was ready for them. "Leave the rank at the door, right." She smiled, having a sip of the wine while they waited.

"Now it makes sense." JC chuckled. "The Bajoran Food Merchant being able to get back on his feet faster." He mused. "I take it you are partial to genuine Home cooking from Bajor?" He sat back slightly. "And I'll bet Raktajino is a steadfast part of your mornings?" He smiled brightly. "You sure you want to have dinner with me I might find out a lady's secret, like what her sweet tooth craves?"

Ashe giggled away, this 'JC' was sweet; and could really get her smiling and giggling away. For the first time in a while, away from command she felt at ease in her Pagh around a new man. She wondered just how long that could last? Only time would tell. "I admit, the comforts of home are ones I hold close. I at least wanted to help out there rather than being stuck behind a desk giving orders all day. I just went to the first person I saw that I thought I could help."

Telsa came over. "You're next, might want to make sure the Commander is not late for 'Her' reservation?"

"So picky Tesla." JC rose and before he thought offered a hand to the lady; who is also the XO of the station and a Commander, to escort her. "I would not want her a bad reputation, you know me better than that." The waitress raised an eyebrow. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

Telsa looked over at the Executive Officer, she had the look of a woman who did not socialize much; her eyes gave it away. This lady was finding JC attractive, or at least fun enough not to be lonely. The information Telsa and the others in Kindness Place had to go on told of a somewhat shy woman outside her duties and not one to socialize so quickly with someone and Men were questionable as there were rumors of scars in her past from men. JC was with a woman he had no idea about; or he wanted his career down the tubes, it was said among enlisted to never date an Officer and here JC was going for the First Officer of the Station and gotten himself invited to dinner.

"JC here is a good guy; rough on the surface and an aquired taste but not a bad bone in him that we know of." Telsa gave Rii'Na. "He hasn't pulled anything shady so far." She rolled her eyes. "Now just get going and don't say I delayed you." She warned JC.

Ashe got up, rearranged her hair and popped her jacket over her right arm. She gently put a hand on Tesla's and gave her a soft but warm smile. She leant in a little closer so only Tesla would hear. "Thanks so much, it's not easy to do this once you have been....burnt. You're very kind, don't ever lose that." She straightened up and took up the offered arm. "Thanks Tesla, I'll try and put in a good word for you." Her smile, soft, warm and genuine turned to JC. "Time to 'shove off' then." She waved at Tesla and then gestured for JC to lead the way.

"That sounds like a monumental journey of only a few paces" JC commented while they strolled across the bar room.

The Orion Hostess was waiting and raised an eyebrow when she noticed the man with the Executive Officer. "Dropping names JC?" She asked in that sultry but soothing voice that Orions have so naturally.

"Oolona I did not drop a name." He had a wider eyed look. "T-the Commander kindly offered to let me dine with her... all happenstance, really." He looked over at the XO. "Is that not correct Rii'Na?"

"I will take your word .. this time." She came around the podium in the Greek style Burgandy Toga that was like wisp of a Reese clinging to her form until she strode then it billowed at the waist and seemed to only hint at the well sculpted calves and ankles wrapped in gold flat sandals that might have actually been woven of gold by the shimmer.



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