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Cleaning Up (part 3)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 4:38am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & N'alae t’K’manatran
Edited on on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 4:48am

1,184 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Promenade



"I think I can free up time for some type of caffeine intake and a joy ride, that sounds fun." she replied with a grin, as the music changed and his sang again before breaking off with a sheepish grin in her direction, she smiled fully giving him the full sight of her dimples. "No worries Terry, I am sure you'll come up with a more than clever remark later." He was a real character, Serena could not wait to get to know him better.


Rii'Na heard a rather different music on the Promenade after helping at the Bajoran stall and getting a Jumja stick as a well earned reward. She walked around and stopped outside the TGT offices. She could see a workbee and a couple of faces, not all that she was familiar with yet.

"That music has certainly livened up the place." she said softly. She looked around noticing the faces by the workbee.

"This is the one hard task when taking up a post like this. There are so many new faces. Well done for bringing some cheer to the Promenade. We need it all the more right now."

She gave a slight bow and attempted to dust off her jacket for a moment. "Commander Rii'Na Ashe, this feels better than doing reports right now."

Serena gave a cheeky grin up at the taller woman, brushing off her hands, and tucking a loose strand of the vivid blue locks behind her ear, (her naturally red hair hue, hidden under the dye expertly) she offered a hand, "Serena Giacomo Intelligence officer, newly posted here myself, pleased to meet you."

Rii'Na looked at the very vibrant blue hair of the rather spirited Intel officer. At 4'11 she may have been smaller in stature but it did not limit what the Prophets had bestowed upon her.

"And you, Miss Giacomo." She replied as she shook hands. "At least I am not alone in that aspect then. I highly recommend the Bajoran food stall. They make a great Hasperat."

"I might give it a try though I happen to be partial to the fried red bat wings form the Andorian vender but never hurts to try new things." Serena said with a cheeky smile on her face. Never hurt to try and besides taking advice from the new XO was never wasted even if it on the subject of food.

"Advice comes in all forms, Miss Giacomo; from a hint about food, to a nudge from the Prophets. I find it good to take everything on board and go with the flow, it seems to be what the Prophets have intended for me. Still, I must make a note to call past the Andorian vendor, it would be good to see what they offer." she smiled, it felt good to be out helping and mingling with the staff.

"I almost feel inspired to try something new, after seeing hair that vibrant, I only wonder what I could get away with. Intelligence must have it's perks then."

Serena laughed softly before she shook her head ruefully, "I only got away with this " she tucked the loose blue locks back behind her ear, "because I had agreed before hand to go blonde for helping a friend blend in better." In other words she had gotten the short end of the stick to give another in-training officer a crash course and the blue dye was her chosen reward, after the training had been completed. "Still it is fun at times." she added with cheeky playfulness.

"Boldness and assistance in one go. That is nice to see such support. I will remember that for if and when we have need of it. This is my first station command, I am just starting to learn all the requirements and get a feel for how it all fits together. I have found the Promenade is a good gauge of things." Ashe replied. "Everything has a heart, even the station."

Ashe moved along and popped her head into the offices, wondering if anyone here needed her help with the clean up.

"Anybody home?" She called. "I thought I could lend a hand before checking on the Bajoran Temple." Rii'Na wandered along slowly, watching her steps and surroundings.

"Back here." N'alae answered from behind an overturned desk, as she crawled under it to retrieve something rather familiar-looking. Holding it up, she stood and held it in front of her. "Found your badge." She said to Khiy. The com-badge was bend in a rough L-shape.

Rii'Na's face popped around the door and saw the overturned desk with someone behind it.

"Prophets! This place needs a bit of work. I'm Commander Rii'Na, still kind of meeting everyone as I go along. Did you need any help?" she said, just slipping inside the door.

"No, thank you," Raven said. "Khiy has people to take care of that, but thanks, anyway." Knowing Khiy, he wouldn't appreciate anyone but his own people poking around his offices.

"Always better to offer and be knocked back than not offer at all. At least everything should be back to normal soon, Raven. "I just thought I'd drop past. Call if you need anything."

Raven smiled. "True. It never hurts to ask. How is the rest of the Promenade looking?"

"It Is coming along. A lot of the small food vendors are back on their feet; there is still a bit to do. Everyone is happily pitching in to get back to 'life as usual'. I haven't minded getting the uniform dirty today, feels better than doing reports." Rii'Na replied.

"Good." Raven smiled. "Nice to know they didn't succeed as well as they wanted to." As the Chief Intelligence Officer, she knew most of what was going on, especially as security, until recently had been hit and miss. With the ship back at the shipyards and most of the shops cleaning up, the station would quickly be back to normal.

"With such an attack as this, we would never want them to get their full aim. Tragic and not tactically sound. Everyone will be back on their feet soon. All of the Vedeks are out helping patch things up, everyone is pitching in to fix their home. Nothing much to worry about besides the reports that will pile up." Rii'Na replied with a smile.

"Good. Working together will help unify the civilians on teh station," Raven said. "I think we've got things pretty much in hand with TGT."

"Best leave you to it then, I'll go see if any more of the vendors could use a hand. Sing out of you need me."

"I will. Thanks!" Raven turned and went back into Khiy's office to see what she could do.

Ashe gave a small wave and popped out of sight. She wondered if the Temple was okay? Maybe it was time to head over and see if all was as it should be with the Vedeks.


Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo
Intelligence Officer

Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer

N'alae t'K'manatran
TGT Khellian

Commander Raven Addams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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