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Escorted to her Dreams (Part 3)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:42am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 7:50am

1,102 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Executive Officer's Quarters
Timeline: Follow on from part 2


This time when he kissed her he put some passion into it and let himself be taken in by the moment as he had touched her soul and that seemed a first for him; he liked that she told him that and he wanted to do it again, he wanted to have a time like those silly holos he had been raised on to believe that in some cases it might have a chance of coming true.


His touch was so warm over her ear, soft yet unmistakably masculine. Ashe felt as warm as when she gained an answer, a glimpse of the Prophets she so worshipped with all she had. It was as though her heart had grown wings and wanted to dance on the wind and take her with it. She had never truly felt like this. After being taken so young she really didn't have the chance to have a crush on a boy let alone as a grown woman around a man. Was this what it felt like, what love and romance were supposed to feel like?

His own desire was so sweet and strong; even picking up on a Bajoran custom on the fly. She ran three fingers over the top of his right ear, letting the thumb brush and tickle at the lobe. Closing her eyes she could feel a warmth and feeling of peace and unmistakeable joy! The first time she had ever truly felt something from a Pagh like that. Sweet like Springwine with a hint of spice, like the first bite from a piece of Hasperat. Her left hand played at the back of his neck as she returned the kiss; it was like there was a spark in her heart and Pagh, what had JC brought out in her? Was this what had been missing from her life, what that Cardassian had claimed from her? Whether it was or not it felt delightful. In the middle of the kiss her arms wrapped around him, feeling an urge to be a bit closer. She broke from the kiss, feeling a tingle on her skin, like the Prophets had sent their breath across her.

"Would I be too forward to suggest I give a really good body massage, just the thing after a hard day of helping with your favourite food establishment, Of course that could lead to more special attentions to assure you get the fact I really find myself wanting to see if I can give you what the lady asked for; treasured and very much wanted?"

"That sounds lovely, but I'll warn you now...." Her eyes seemed to dim for a moment before averting to her own hands. She opened her tunic up and slid it off her right shoulder; in the space between the shoulder joint and her collar bone was a jagged scar, horizontal, flat and followed through to the other side. "not every single inch of me is as beautiful as I would hope for." Ashe actually felt rather ashamed of it, and Medical had tried their best, the damage could not be reversed. It was 'too far gone' and the blade had been treated in something that impacted the healing and regeneration. She was stuck with that damned reminder for life. "Didn't want you to find it and get a rude shock." She said quietly.

Conroy looked at the scar; it had to be agony to have what caused the damage driven into her, but other than making him feel for the pain she suffered rather than the blemish of her skin. It is obviously something that she was self conscious about. Putting two fingers to his lips he kissed them then softly touched the wound and looked at Rii'Na in the eyes.

"It is not our body I fond the most beautiful." He smiled and put his forehead to hers. "And with the lights out there is nothing to see so I hope you do not find it odd that i am not giving you a strong reaction as to me it is something simple?" He put a hand to her Pagh. "I would rather touch your Pagh than gawk at a painful scar."

Ashe's eyes lit up, before closing over at the foreheads touching. That felt very special and comforting, along with his words. At the touch to her ear she smiled and shed a few happy tears at the same time. She brought her left hand up and over his, giving it a light squeeze. It was like nothing else needed to be said about it; he was happy to accept her as is, not even knowing who or what gave that to her and that brought her a small amount of joy. To have him use his fingers to gently kiss the 'hurt' felt so special to her.

"I am not scared off; you are more than that scar, that just makes you a bit more attractive. I have a thing for strong women." He kissed her softly for a moment. "I still have a very beautiful woman who has given me some of herself and I want to return the gesture, give her all the affection I can muster for her."

Ashe took the kiss before wiping the few tears away. "Being strong is a way of life where I come from. It's being able to show the softness as well that is the trick. Thanks JC." It was a genuine thankyou. Ashe snuggled in at his chest, ear over his heart. She slipped her legs over and onto his lap, wanting to be close to him. She had been drawn in to him, if this is what being drunk is like, maybe it's not as bad as the 'fleeters' talk it up to be. At least with this there would be no hangover in the morning. "Ashe." she said contentedly.

Having her slip more into his lap and nestle herself into his chest seemed an impulsive move; he put his arms around her and just brought her close as she desired. Lightly caressing her back in response.

"Ashe... is that a Bajoran word for something?" He felt stupid that the UT had not translated it for him.

"If you are going to be giving me so much attention, and it happens to become very pleasant..." she blushed. "It would be better to know my first name, right?" With arms around his neck Ashe kissed JC, her own desires shining through and heart soaring along the sky. "Rii'Na Ashe" she whispered in his ear before letting their foreheads touch.



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