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Escorted to her Dreams (Part 4)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:43am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 7:51am

1,410 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Executive Officer's Quarters
Timeline: Follow on from Part 3


"Ashe... is that a Bajoran word for something?" He felt stupid that the UT had not translated it for him.

"If you are going to be giving me so much attention, and it happens to become very pleasant..." she blushed. "It would be better to know my first name, right?" With arms around his neck Ashe kissed JC, her own desires shining through and heart soaring along the sky. "Rii'Na Ashe" she whispered in his ear before letting their foreheads touch


"Ashe..." He replied softly then he fought the surprised gasp, he recalled in his Xeno-racial relation studies about the Bajoran people only using a 'first name' basis with those who were family or very close to the person, he was just bumped up to a close relation. "I am glad to know we achieved a first name basis." He gave her a gentle but affectionate squeeze. "I know that is not often done on Bajor." He moved his hand to run his fingers through her hair. "You feel warm and soft Ashe." He gave a chuckle. "Where I come from that is rare and very good. He was content being right here for a bit longer, it just felt .. right, it fit.

"There have been times where it felt a little better to take a more human approach. Not everybody copes well with Bajoran customs." Rii'Na smiled and took in the warmth off him.

"Computer, access music library. Play a random track, something soft and soothing." An instrumental track started playing 'Unchanging Things' sounded very nice in the background. "I'm not too sure about all this in Earth customs but it might be a bit better if I'm not in the rest of my uniform." She blushed a moment. "I'll be right back." She slipped off JC's lap and headed into her room.

Watching 'Ashe' get up was something of an instant disappointment, he began to get very comfortable with her there, the closeness and warmth felt like he had done something right. Of course he was the one that offered the massage and therefore is his own fault she moved. He thought about where he should be as she came back, on the lounge where she left him or standing where she could return to it?

She came back out in a soft burnt orange spaghettis strap night dress that came to just above the knee. "This should be a bit better, right?" She did a twirl before flopping back onto the lounge. "You're lead on this one. It's nice to take a back seat every so often"

"More like sharing I think so no one in charge." Conroy said as he moved to sit on the edge of the lounge; leant down to kiss her cheek, and then rubbed his hands together to get friction to warm them a bit. "This may seem funnny at first..." He explained then quickly put the now warm hands upon her bare skin to let the heat for those seconds aid in his kneading of her shoulders as he began his massage. "Now you see whay using the epidermis skin levels with friction can add just a bit to the touch?" He continued to the base of her neck and then using his index finger found a small gap in the center of her neck where the skull met the neck at the two major muscle groups in the back of the neck. He placed his thumb and middle finger on either side to have three points of contact to give a steady caress that promoted blood flow and had a tendency to stimulate the back with 'Goose pimples' along the neck and shoulders from his experience.

The sudden heat brought out a slight gasp, it was not too hot but it was still rather surprising. As the kneading started her eyes closed and she felt the goose bumps prickle over her skin. her head just gently nodded along with his touch. She blushed a little at how gentle yet sensual it was, Ashe became so aware of her own breathing and heart along with his touch. Her breathing had relaxed yet her heart rate was up. His touch brought this out in her, a real delight and warmth.

"Now do not go to sleep or you might miss the next part." Conroy warned with a whisper.

Using both hands he moved back down her spine putting a thumb on each side of a vertebrae and used gentle pressure outward to relax that lateral muscles of the back but stimulate only the area connected to that individual vertebrae. He worked his way down her spine one at a time with the same motion to touch each and every inch of her spine trying to loosen the tight muscles of tensions built up through the day. The gentle pressure was released at the curvature of her back transitioning to her side, just like the motion went off a slope just past the back and before the sides so not to tickle her. It is a precise and slow but even flow with each action until he came to her waist where he stopped so not to 'take too many liberties and returned to the neck to start again.
"This is where I lose most people I do this for; my Sister is a medical therapist and taught me a few things to relieve a person's stress and I end up putting a blanket over them and go home." He chuckled.

His touch felt so wonderful, the satin material even made it feel quite sensual. Ashe just went with the flow of the movement, murmuring and sighing as he went. If she were a little bit more tired she could understand how people could fall asleep to this kind of treatment but her heart... she felt like she had broken into a light run instead of sitting down. She leant back a little into his touch, truly soaking it in. "That feels so good, it would be kind of rude to fall asleep before you were done. Besides, my heart would not let me even if I wanted to."

"I have not heard that one before..." He said as he kneaded the shoulders and shoulder blades. "Most just fall asleep and I get a red faced thanks the next day." He joked. "It is nice that someone wants to be around for the end."

Ashe turned around, straddling JC's lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck gently. "I feel so relaxed and comfy, like I could float away on a pair of wings." Ashe leant in and kissed JC, holding him close, she could feel her heart racing. It had never raced quite like this before; fear, threat response, anger, she had felt them all and how they impacted her heart. This was very different, this was like being in the presence of the Prophets; you wound up wanting more. Her passion was starting to spill over, she felt quite warm and tingly; it kind of took the necessity of breath to part the two. Ashe sat atop his lap, warm with heart thumping away, she just wanted to kiss him again and again, could she stay in his arms a while longer; was the next kiss to be the last or was this time for the 'overwhelming kind of more' that her mother had always talked about.

Things could get complicated really fast; he could tell that as his heart began to beat with the heat of her kiss. He had been truthful in that his massages did tend to over relax the intended; then there is Ashe; she seemed more stimulated than relaxed. Not wanting this moment to end Conroy just let himself be swept up into the moment, he wanted to be as close to Ashe as she seemed to want to be to him.

These were intimate feelings right off the bat; why did it take so long to get one scene from those Holos his mom made him watch?

Only the possible addition of some scented candles would have made this any more wondrous. Ashe let her feelings take over, kissing once more. This was feeling so perfect it would be hard when it ended. It certainly looked like it would be breakfast for two in the morning.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


James (JC) Conroy
Flight Operations

Song :Unchanging Things - Hanako Oku


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