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Prophets, Duty and Dining at Sunrise

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:43am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 7:51am

1,113 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Executive Officer's Quarters
Timeline: Follow on from 'Escorted to he Dreams' (part 4)


Rii'Na had always felt a bit spoilt when it came to the Federation; they were like the Bajorans in a way, they looked after their own probably why The Bajorans had sought to be included in it all. Their beds were always so soft, the fluffy quilts almost seemed excessive yet comforting. it did not seem to bother her anywhere near as much now, not when sharing the bed. The night with JC had almost been a blur like the swirled colours in the Bajoran paintings she had seen as a child. It was like someone had weaved a blanket from pure sunlight and soft clouds, maybe the Prophets had gifted this to her for all of her service? At any rate, if this was what it was to be 'swept off your feet' she was overjoyed for it to have happened. She had been dreaming of his touch, every last kiss, the warmth it had added to her whole being. It was like her senses had been filled with him, just like the heartfelt prayers to the Prophets. Sleep had come so easily in his arms, no nightmares or flashes just gentle arms to snuggle in, the warmth of each other's bodies under the covers and a feeling of belonging, of joy. It was going to be ever so hard to get up and head to shift after prayers, at least she would have a rather big something to be thankful for.

She actually didn't want the alarm to rouse her, just in case this was all a dream and would fade once she awoke. Still, a sound roused her from all the wondrous dreams. Muffled at first, then clearer; it wasn't the alarm at all? Had she woken early. Rii'Na stretched in the bed expecting a set of arms to surround her only to be greeted by....more bed! She sat up with a start, where was JC?! If he had played her, done a 'one night stand' she really would court martial him better yet, let the military boys play with him. The sound slowly became clearer still, was that......why would the chime to her quarters be going off at this hour? If it was something dire her Comm badge would have gone off. If this was some little Yeoman with a stack of new reports they would be in for a rude start to the day!

She climbed out of the covers, finding her slippers and fluffy dressing gown and shuffled off for the door. "I'm up....I'm up! Lay off the chime!" Ashe almost groaned as she made it to the door. She rubbed at her eyes for a moment while hitting the door release with her other hand. "I'm not particularly fond of early starts..."

"I am sorry, I-I kinda got locked out. The locks in Officer territory are really good." He said sheepishly as he had two containers and a small bag.

"JC?! What were you doing out there? I do have a replicator in here."

"I-I wanted to do this without waking you but I am not OPS and could not figure out how to keep the door able for me to come back in." He offered her the drink. "Fresh Raktajino from the Bajoran place, I-I hope you take that kind of thing in the morning. I also have a sweet Chai tea in case you were not a rakto-type." He waited for her to take it. "I really hoped to just have and not miss what you look like when you wake on your own rather than rescuing .. me?"

"You gave me a fright. I was wondering why I woke up alone when I distinctly remember not being that way when I went to sleep. It was very sweet all the same." Rii'Na took a good sip of the 'froth' off her Raktajino. "Looks like I'll need to add you to the list," Ashe said as she wandered over and sat on the lounge. "I'm not one for these.....One night..."

"I know..." He sat on the edge of the Lounge and put a hand to her cheek. "Normally I would never have envisioned our first morning being me locking myself out." He smiled warmly "So much for the gallant Gentleman getting her the perfect cup to wake her up." He leaned in to give her a soft kiss. "Morning Lovely Lady..." He almost stuttered.

Ashe smiled, slowly savouring the froth off her cup. "Morning, Sweet Man." She softly replied, returning the favour. She ran her fingers over the top of his right ear, quite delicately.

"I do not do the one night thing, I like to think there is more connection than just the physical act..." He blushed slightly. "Though that is a really romantic way to express a connection and GrandPop always told me 'never mess with a woman's affections; they are gifts." He kissed her again. "Thank you Ashe." He smiled more brightly. "I hoped not to just be dismissed in the morning. He put his forehead to hers. "You are very warm and cuddly, I like just being around you." He caressed her cheek. "If you will have me I will not be a one night, I -I want to see how much we can follow this feeling through?" He rubbed noses slightly. "Also I-I do not have any plans for the next few days if you would not mind me showing you some more attention; take you somewhere, maybe dancing and Dinner or something if you like?" He asked almost nervously. "If I am not being too forward? I-I really liked you at first sight, that is why I came over, pretty lady and I wanted to be first in line to talk to you."

"That's very sweet JC. I was hoping not to get stranded either. I'm glad you would be happy to explore what we have found, for all we know our Paghs could be destined to.....well that's for the Prophets to know and us to find out, eventually." She smiled, he was so affectionate and sweet; with such a sense of humour! Getting to know JC was going to be quite enjoyable indeed. "Other than what feels like a bucket load of reports to do, I'm not all that tied up. So long as the Vedeks see me in temple for prayer at least once a day, all will be well. I can't exactly tie myself up in the office until everything is done. It would not be good for me." She returned the rubbing noses exchange before snuggling in a little closer. "So, what's in the bag?" She asked curiously.



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