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Prophets, Duty and Dining at Sunrise (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 10:44am by Captain Landon Mabrade & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD
Edited on on Sun Jul 2nd, 2017 @ 7:52am

992 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Executive Officer's Quarters
Timeline: Follow on from 'Prophets, Duty and Dining at Sunrise' (Part 1)


"Other than what feels like a bucket load of reports to do, I'm not all that tied up. So long as the Vedeks see me in temple for prayer at least once a day, all will be well. I can't exactly tie myself up in the office until everything is done. It would not be good for me." She returned the rubbing noses exchange before snuggling in a little closer. "So, what's in the bag?" She asked curiously.


"Human tradition." He opened the bag to the fresh smell of baked goods. "Danishes." He smiled. "Goes well with tea or Racktajino." He brought them out and placed them in front of her. "A jelly filling, good if you have a sweet tooth. And because you are special you get to pick which one you want because I am that kind of a guy."

"That's very thoughtful of you JC. She scooped up the jelly filled one, inhaling a good breath and the sweet scent off of it. "You're going to have me feeling really spoilt soon." Ashe smiled as she took a dainty bite.

"I do have to be going soon though, I need to get ready for shift." He put his head to hers. "Duty doth call."

Rii'Na just about jumped on the lounge. "I'm sure of that and so do the Vedeks! If I don't call past for at least morning prayers today they will hunt me down!" Ashe gave JC a small snuggle, rubbing noses with him for a moment and ran her fingers over his right ear. "Hopefully your shift lead will not be too mad if you are a couple of minutes late." She smiled as she got up, downing another bite and a good sip of her warm drink. "Being XO has it's perks, prayers before duty will not be frowned upon, well not too much at least."

"If I am quick the Officer of the Deck will not likely notice." He said and changed from rubbing noses to a more heart felt kiss for a moment while reaching to caress that ear thing she seemed to like. "So are we on for dinner after shift or do you have some meeting Executive officers attend?"

"There's no Command Staff meeting tonight. We tend to keep each other in the loop, not as many meetings that way. Even though Fleet does love them and loves protocol." The kiss and touch to the ear brought a warmth to Ashe, one she was not looking forward to having disappear to have to go and do reports. "Dinner would be wonderful, I'll leave the evening's plans in your hands then." She shared a passionate kiss with him and begrudgingly got up. "I'd best not keep you and I have the Temple to sort out, until tonight then?"

Running a finger along her cheek; a human sign of affection, he gave her another short kiss and then a wink. "I better fly or I will get caught." He hated to dart out of the place but he paused at the door and gave her a smile. "Thank the Prophets for the loan will ya, I did not mean to bite into their time."
"May the wind be kind, be well JC." she replied with a soft smile that seemed to light up the eyes.

With that Conroy had to get going; he had a stop to make on the way to duty and could not be late.

Ashe was off to the bathroom to get ready, it seemed like her feet had grown wings; she felt a little faster than usual. With her hair nicely pinned back and clean uniform with shining pips she was out the door and off on the wind straight to the door of the Bajoran Temple. The Vedeks acknowledged her with a bow, one could not help but smile. Maybe they noticed the glow of the night before?

"Come, my child. Something tells me the prayers might be a little sweeter today, like someone had drizzled honey over them." The Vedek said softly. "Whatever it is, or whoever, it is like the Prophets decided to make you glow. I rather like it."
With that Rii'Na stepped inside and could most certainly feel her cheeks burning. They could be sweet, insightful, helpful and sometimes even downright annoying. The Vedeks and the faith had a place in the life of most Bajorans, Ashe just drew more attention because of her position and today.... the quicker she could get to shift; preferably before her cheeks could 'glow in the dark', the better.

"Gifts come in all shapes and sizes, child." The Vedek reminded her on the way out, putting a hand to her right ear, There was a moment of quiet before he whispered in her ear once more. "Just because the past was dark does not mean there will never be light. Do not let go of the light, it can help renew you. I can see that it has already begun."

Ashe pondered for a moment, the Vedek could probably see the cogs turning.

"Do not use that." He touched her temple. "For this, it will cloud you." he said, smiling gently.

"But Vedek, how do you know what is going on?"

"I was not always a Vedek and I was young once." he grinned. "Your Pagh is as great a guide as any, but this.." he tapped her chest for a moment. "For what I can see that lies ahead, the love, joy and strength in your heart will not steer you wrong. Run along now, I can't keep you from those who need you for too long. I would have a certain boss of yours think you were unreliable. Be well, my child."

"and you."

With that, Ashe was on her way to the 'command deck' and her destiny as an Executive Officer.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

James (JC) Conroy
Flight Operations


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