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Diplomacy is always an Asset

Posted on Wed May 17th, 2017 @ 3:04pm by Miral Annhwi & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD

819 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Promenade


Commander Rii'Na was making it a habit of walking along the Promenade. It was a wonderful way of 'gauging the pulse' of the station. Was it busy or more subtle; was the 'grapevine' in overdrive, had a new shipment sparked a spending spree? Taking in all of the hustle and bustle helped her to know much about her command and now, home.

Miral generally avoided public areas. She was a private person and she tended to draw attention as many knew her to be the Romulan Ambassador. But today she wanted to do some shopping, so she dressed casually--for her--and headed to the promenade.

Ashe rounded the corner into the main shopping district. She had her typical Jumja stick in hand, a nice sweet treat and a' cool off' after a spicy Hasperat. Rii'Na had been admiring so many of the clothing shops as of late, maybe it was a sign to broaden her horizons and her wardrobe. As she came out of a shop, with a small bag in tow she noticed a Romulan walking around, she seemed casual yet held herself in such a way that you could see she had an important job.

"That must be Ambassador Annhwi." Ashe said to herself. She moved over and hoped that the Ambassador would not mind a quick hello.

"Ambassador Annhwi?" she asked with a smile and soft bow, trying not to get Jumja stick on her jacket. "I am Commander Rii'Na Ashe. I am hoping I am not disturbing you. I wanted to be able to introduce myself before any big diplomatic incident ever came up."

Miral had hoped to make her purchase and go back to her rooms without having to talk to anyone. Too many people had asked her about the stolen ship and if any Romulans had been involved. As if they would need to steal the ship like that when they could simply make one of their own. She turned to see who had called to her. Ah, yes. The new commander. She bowed to the woman. "Good afternoon, how may I be of assistance?"

"I can understand that Romulans and Vulcans are very private people, so I don't wish to take up too much of your time. A 'day to yourself can be precious in our line of work."

"Indeed." Miral wondered if the woman was simply being friendly as many Starfleet personnel did, or if she had some other motive behind her greeting. She was not usually this disgruntled. Although she was generally not gruntled, either. Perhaps she needed to ask Khiy to fly her to the Tiberius system for a break?

"As you can see, I try to frequent the Promenade a bit. It gives me a feel for the place, if things are tense it shows around here."

"I generally avoid the promenade for the same reason," the Romulan admitted. "Federation personnel tend to get paranoid when things are tense and Romulans are present." It was an occupational hazzard and one she was used to, but it did tend to keep her out of hte spotlight as much as possible.

"Are there any concerns or things I need to know from a command point of view? It's my job to make sure everyone is comfortable and has everything they need."

"I have no complaints about the Starfleet personnel on this station," Miral assured her. "Nor do I fault those who live here. As for the tourists, you have little control, so I cannot fault you for that. The Romulan Star Empire currently has no concerns with Typhon or its handling, either."

"Good to hear, Ambassador. I would hate to inherit another's mess. Bajorans have also been left with a reputation after the whole Dominion War mess, not everyone thinks we are popular either. Just remember if you have any problems, or just wish for someone to talk to; I am not hard to find." Rii'Na smiled. "I have even found some of the quietest places on the station." She bowed to the Ambassador. "Be well, I truly do not mean any harm. Just wished to make myself known, in case our paths crossed again."

Miral appreciated the Bajoran's offer of friendship, but she was a private person, and she had Khiy if she needed to talk to someone. He was a good listener, and as a fellow Romulan, he understood her. "Thank you, commander. I do not have any questions at the present time, but I will let you know if I do."

"Until then, Ambassador. My door will always be open." Rii'Na bowed, backing up a few steps before turning and moving on her way.

Miral bowed. It was a kind gesture and bode well for future relations between herself and the new command staff. A half-smile crossed her face as she continued on her way.


Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer

Miral Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador


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