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Cleaning Up (part 1)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 4:17am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Lieutenant JG Terry Wu & Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo & N'alae t’K’manatran
Edited on on Sat Jul 1st, 2017 @ 4:43am

1,149 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Typhon


Rii'Na yawned as she wandered the Promenade; the recent attack had left things a mess. It was hard being in a job where you usually told others what to do, sometimes that even meant telling people to put themselves in harm's way. For now she was content to wander between the stalls and help anyone that needed it.

The little food stall she frequented for her Bajoran treats was looking far worse for wear. She stopped, and helped to pick up a few things and sweep around a bit. The vendor frowned, wondering why someone of such a high position would be here 'getting her uniform dirty'. She had just shrugged and said it felt better than sitting behind a desk and telling others what to do.

Kira Martin was outside Xanadu, cleaning up and adding a fresh coat of paint. The rest of her staff was busy on the inside, cleaning up and moving things out of the way for maintenance to repair the roof. For her own amusement, she had the soundtrack from an old Terran movie called "Xanadu" playing in the background.

[TGT Offices]

N'alae had transported from the cloaked Wake to the Bird Of Prey Khellian and then to the station as soon as the crisis was past and the shields had been lowered. The station's computer had been unable to locate Khiy, which was quite concerning. With traffic resuming at the station she had sent the Wake back to the base. Keeping a cloaked ship in the vicinity of so many vessels was reckless. Instead N'alae had stayed behind on the Khellian. She intended to find Khiy and give him an earful for not checking in, but discovered that making her way to the TGT offices was no quick stroll. The station was a mess. What should of been a five minute walk across the promenade to the TGT offices turned into something of an adventure unto itself. When she finally arrived she found the offices to be in an even worse state than some of the shops she had passed. The door was ajar, the control circuits fried; leaving it stuck partially open with barely two feet to pass through. She peered inside at the rooms. "Hello?" N'alae called. The reception area was dark but she picked out overturned furniture. Perhaps Khiy was there, or maybe Raven.

Raven had cleared out the Marines and the prisoners so that Khiy could put his office back in order when she heard N'alae. "Back here," she said. Then, with a wry laugh added,"The door's open."

The lights flickered on, briefly illuminating the scene: phaser burns scarred the walls, floor, and what remained of the reception desk.

N'alae turned sideways and stepped through the narrow opening into the room. "Raven?", she called through the space as the lights flicked off again. "What happened here?" she asked, although the obvious answer was 'firefight'.

"I don't know what they were after," Raven said, avoiding the obvious answer. "The group took one of the prototype ships from the shipyards. My guess is they wanted one of Khiy's ships."

Or access to his files... N'alae thought. Whatever they had been after it didn't look as though they got it. Still she had better check just to be sure. Khiy's personal terminal was in his office further inside.

Oddly jubulant calypso music could be heard approaching the TGT offices covering the soft hum of tiny maneuvering thrusters as the station's newest troublemaker deftly maneuvered a workbee through the promenade, the craft's mechanical arms hefting up the debris that was too large for humans to lift and loading it onto grav carts to be whisked away. And over the music, the voice of Terry Wu could be heard singing in a voice that fell somewhat flat, "There's rubble all over da station. Da promenade's quite a wreck. It might have you feeling down but, Terry's here to clean up the deck. And if we pitch in together, we'll get this mess sorted out. In time for da next big crisis, hey, isn't that what it's all about? In my workbee! In my workbee! Hea-eavy lifting and rubble sifting, your pal Terry! Isn't it good to know a guy who really knows how to fly? We're here in a hurry, so don't you worry... In my workbee!" There was a steel-drum crescendo, and then the music was cut off. "Thank you, I'll be here all week!"

Raven turned at the sound of the music. "Who?" she asked, going out to see who was singing.

Serena had worked her way around the promenade and found herself outside the TGT offices, and in a prime spot to catch the musical styling of one Terry Wu, she could only shake her head and smile. "That was especially awful but very well timed. Well timed indeed, Wu." she dusted off her hands and got back to work still smiling.

N'alae look back as Raven exited, then stepped into the short hallway leading to the private offices. There was less damage back here, leading her to believe that the intruders had been stopped before they made it to Khiy's office. She tried his door, but found it locked. Nodding with satisfaction, she looked around the hallway again. He may have checked already, and perhaps was still nearby. With power intermittent, she had no desire to break his lock unnecessarily. Better to talk to Khiy first.

First she tried his combadge again, with no response. Hopefully he had just lost it in all the commotion. If the computer couldn't find him, she'd have to search herself. With all the mess she was not particularly looking forward to it. Fortunately she had other options at her disposal - if it worked.

With everyone distracted, N'alae closed her eyes and tried to focus. She pushed passed the presences she felt; Raven, Serena, Terry Wu and others working to clear the rubble, looking for Khiy's familiar signature. Quickly the effort started to give her a headache. For a brief moment everything came into sharp focus and she stood, in a sense, above ghostly lights, easily identifying different signatures nearby, searching. But it soon tumbled apart, pulling her back down and leaving her standing amidst nothing but fast-shifting fog. Sighing she pulled herself back from the feeling, walling this part of her mind off again behind only partially-effective controls. Her head pounded lightly, but not so bad that she could not ignore it, for now. The moment of clarity had to her what she needed to know - Khiy wasn't in the area anymore.

(To be continued...)

Commander Ashe Rii'Na
Executive Officer

Kira Martin
Owner, Xanadu

N'alae t'K'manatran
TGT Khellian

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant JG Terry Wu
Chief Flight Control Officer

Lieutenant JG Serena Giacomo
Infiltration Specialist


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