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Home a callin' (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 4:43am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 7:56am

1,489 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Conroy's Quarters
Timeline: post 'Something of a technical question', 5 days on. (Back post)


Conroy was a bit on the nervous side; okay he had not panicked yet, but the fact they had gotten off shift late did press them for time. He was in a casual sweater instead of a shirt; going for that more refined look, and slacks. Knowing his luck he had suggested Ashe have her outfit at his place so she could get ready there before the call, he promised to keep his hands to himself until after the call. He did not promise not to strangle himself for making a fool of himself while his family were let into the news he had someone he is dating and even called a 'Girlfriend.'

Yeah, a whirlwind romance and now he was already introducing her.

"Hi ya'all. I met someone and we are a couple; all since our last call..." He scolded himself. "I should have sent word sooner, maybe a simple comm message at least when he and Ashe had become 'intimate' so to ease the shock. Of course just being able to say he had a Girlfriend was significant. He wondered if they could play it more cool like it was 'we noticed one another; I thought she had sexy legs and now we are dating...'

That would have gone over well, best to stick with the truth, she was special and he seemed to have lucked into her being his girlfriend for some strange reason he was not questioning.

He sat on the small sofa, head back and just wondering if he should be introducing her or maybe should have done the 'I am interested in someone and we are starting to date. For this call and break it later that they are a coupe; it would seem more like a courtship and thus not so sudden. His Brother was the one who had women from one call to the next; never really favoring a female longer than three calls.

Conroy was not that way, but he was wondering what he had gotten himself into; he cared for Ashe deeply but putting her into the inquiry firing line of his kin might test their relationship?

He closed his eyes and groaned.

"Even the Prophets could read your mind right now." Ashe crooned as she came out of the bedroom. "True, I have not done this before but I am sure it will be all right. Or else you are going to make me nervous." She had on a beautiful soft sky blue shirt that looked like a sunset as it gradually faded through reds and pinks and down to a burnt orange skirt. With her hair loosely down and behind her earring she thought it relaxed enough and tasteful for the call.

"Well, how does it look? Tasteful I hope."

Opening his eyes he had to admit it was more than enough, his first impulse was to bring her closer on the sofa, his smile should have told her his answer.

"I imagined you with a sunset but you take it one step further and wrap yourself in the evening." He mused and looked into her eyes; the sparkle often took him above the petty thoughts or nerves as who could resist the beauty in a woman's eyes? "You are perfect as you are." He meant it. "I am just more ..." He had to think for a second. "wondering how my Brother will make this uncomfortable?" Conroy sighed. "I brought a girl home; just a friend mind you to help me study and nothing more." He began. "My brother was older, charming and he made a pass at her. Naturally she was more time asking about him than helping me and ... it was a long session to little merit." He shrugged. "I do not want him to make anything embarrassing for my Girlfriend. I-I know you would just blow him off I just hate the fact he is likely to do something like that. I do not want to give you the wrong impression of the family because I have an over competitive Brother."

"My sister is in the overprotective category but feels about the same. I do understand, but if he tries anything he will know just what my serious command face looks like and just what a Bajoran brick wall is. I am yours after all."

Conroy brought her a bit closer, the forehead to forehead affection type thing. "You know how much I care for you right?"

"That much I don't even think the Prophets themselves could doubt. And I care for you too."

The comm chimed as though his family knew he was just having some fun.

"My kin have a way with timing."

"Most families do, I have noticed that. We are together, that is all that matters. Relax, I'll be here with you." Ashe smiled next to him. "Besides, it's not like I haven't had to do diplomacy before."

"Family enthusiasm, Diplomatic rules do not apply." Conroy got up and offered a hand to Ashe. "The piper is calling for us to pay the tab." He then took them over to the slightly larger monitor. "I had this because family crowd and I could see more of them this way. Sometimes a curse." He tapped the comm sign.

Suddenly in full nearly holographic quality were the faces of his family. The Male to the far left was slightly older than James, the obvious facial similarities were easy to recognize as a Human female with darkest black hair sat nearly on his lap in a cream colored blouse being all that can be seen from the angle of the monitor. Then the strong set face of a man in his early sixties with salt and pepper hair matched with the piercing eyes of a man who was the head of the family and the protector of said family. Beside him a woman with chubby and rosey cheeks and the face of a woman who just seemed to want to make anyone smile with her.

"Small crowd." Conroy said. "No sis, is she out on some run again?"

"Who is the new face in the monitor?" The younger man asked while looking Ashe over, evaluating her in his mind.

"Now Thomas, you just hush." The Motherly type corrected. "JC has brought a friend, I hope this is something you forgot to mention from the last time we all called in?"

"Yes mother, This is Rii'Na and it all happened since the last call. You'all say that I never bring anyone around and this is why I am reluctant."

"It's fine, JC. Hello all." Rii'Na seemed a little quiet but was happy all the same.

"Rii'Na this is My mother Kathleen, Father Randolph, Brother Thomas and his 'Friend' Stacy." Conroy did not add the 'three week streak' to his comment. "Rii'Na is Bajoran and..." He hesitated as he knew the jibes would start. "The Commanding Officer of my shift." He made eye contact with Thomas. "Which I found out after our first meeting. I just saw a pretty girl and started to talk to her."

"Well, you brought over a glass of wine and got to talking and the rest just kind of followed." Rii'Na replied with a small giggle. "I am Rii'Na Ashe. And yes, it is a bit like the Japanese people on Earth in that our last name is first. I am the Executive Officer of the station and in charge of Beta Shift, where JC here, is Flight Control for me." Rii'Na gave JC a small squeeze, so far so good.

"That is a promotion angle I never thought of, date the Boss." Thomas said just before Stacy jabbed him, with that JC figured she would be on the way out, once they show spirit he usually drops them.

"That is low even for you Tommy." Conroy replied before anyone else. "This is why I keep things to myself, wrong ideas throwing around."

"I do not think any like that of her." Mother cut in. She looks too nice to be a cheating type. At least not the way she gave you a few glances I think."

One hand of Ashe's went from her earring chain to her scar. "I have lived a life that I hope has served the Prophets. There was a time that I was not all that proud of..." she trailed off for a moment. "but that was out of my control and I fought it every step of the way." By this point there was a little bit of emotion present. "All I know is I met a man that is vibrant, does his job exceptionally well and cherishes me for who I am. That, to me is all that really matters."

Conroy put an arm around her automatically and he began to glare a little.

To Be Continued

Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


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