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Home a Callin' (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 4:51am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Sun Dec 25th, 2022 @ 11:30am

1,447 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Conroy's Quarters


One hand of Ashe's went from her earring chain to her scar. "I have lived a life that I hope has served the Prophets. There was a time that I was not all that proud of..." she trailed off for a moment. "but that was out of my control and I fought it every step of the way." By this point there was a little bit of emotion present. "All I know is I met a man that is vibrant, does his job exceptionally well and cherishes me for who I am. That, to me is all that really matters."

Conroy put an arm around her automatically and he began to glare a little.


"Honey child..." Mother began. "everyone has a past; and I taught my sons to treat ladies as they feel they should be, that means they treat you like a lady or I snatch them bald."

"Oh, JC has been wonderful to me. Quite the gentleman actually." Rii'Na replied sweetly.

The father and brother seemed to have rather strange expressions of not totally believing the reply. Mother looked at her son and waited a second. "I am glad to hear he did not do anything I taught him not to." She almost glanced to Thomas. "Or take advantage of a lady's good nature."

"JC, of course not! He thought I needed to seek the permission of the Prophets just so we could date. He has been very gentle and kind, I doubt the thought of taking advantage of me had ever crossed his mind." Ashe gave him a small snuggle. The parents didn't need to know what was happening in the privacy of their cabins on the station.

"You'all seem taken with JC there?" Stacy asked. "So did he sweep you off your feet?"

"Being swept off your feet can be a good thing." Ashe smiled, leaving a kiss on his forehead.

"I was a gentleman..." He looked at the expression of his mother. "Not a 'Perfect' Gentleman, I did not let her get away without making future dinner arrangements of course." He said with an innocent enough expression.

"Dinner, and the dinner after that, and the mugs of my favourite coffee in my ready room. That is quite sweet." Ashe replied. "He knows what I like and seems to make sure it's there, it makes Beta shift run like clockwork and helps me to care for him a little more every day."

Stacy gave a look to Thomas, Conroy knew that girl was on her way out; in all probability, as Thomas was not one to seem like he was any less than his little brother in any way.

"I did try to teach my boys how to treat a lady." Mother told. "It is good that one of them does pay attention to his Lady.

"Sounds like he is just kissing up to get close." Thomas relayed his opinion. "Now if he can keep you from accepting other offers then I might give him credit?"

"That would be my choice to make and I believe I have made a fine one in JC. Commanders are taught to make considered decisions, Thomas." That man was starting to get on almost every command nerve that Ashe had.

"You know she is MY Girlfriend." Conroy cut in. "I will spoil her as I please, thank you."

"It's fine, JC. Your mother seems happy about us, and your father seems to be reserving his decision and I can respect that. The Prophets do honour wisdom after all. What truly matters is that we care for each other." Ashe held JC's hand letting their fingers mingle. "If the Prophets can see how much we care for each other but your brother cannot, that would be his problem and not ours."

"I am not giving any judgements." Father said with a grin. "I am just looking at the fact my Boy is going to be bringing a nice Girl home... right son?"

"Don't you love the subtle nature." Conroy shook his head. "First leave we can manage a trip home together I will bring her with me." He promised. "Though being the XO I think it is up to the Station to decide if it will let her go?" He chuckled. "A small city and she is deputy mayor, I think riding with Thomas might be a better idea."

"Oh a good road trip." Stacy laughed. What about your little sister, she has a fast ride and works for Fleet, couldn't she use those daggers or her cloak to get you both here?"

"No, she is not anything but a glorified express driver for notes between stations, an express delivery girl." Thomas said.

"We will work the details but I would like to meet her face to face one day, you can tell a lot by looking into the eyes point blank." Father said. "So far you get my vote; keep looking at JC like that and I might have to get the family Shotgun."

Mother tried not to laugh. "He is kidding, you know?" She covered. "But do tell me how are your parents taking the relationship, are they excited as well, Rii'Na?"

"I have not been able to communicate with them over sub space as of yet but we send regular correspondence. It does take a little while getting to and from Bajor but it is worth the wait. I have spoken a lot of JC and my time on the station. They have always been of the belief that so long as I am happy and it does not offend the Prophets then all is well in the world. I do have their most recent letter but I have not yet had a chance to read it, it only came in about a day ago and I have had my hands rather full with shift work."

Thomas was becoming a bit more of an emotional fidget; he had a lovely woman on his lap and yet everyone seemed to be doting over the Bajoran chick. She was exotic and her rank would make her hotter while he was dating a lowly Lieutenant; who still out ranked his brother, it did not bode well with him.

"So your Prophets are good with my Little Brother, I can only imagine him at a service in your ... " He had to think and came up empty. "place of worship?"

"I do not attend; it is a sacred thing for her so I do not interfere with her beliefs." Conroy cut in. "We have an understanding, she is devout and it makes her fulfilled so nothing harmed."

"That works until there is a conflict." Thomas put into the conversation.

"Not really a problem and one that will be dealt with if it becomes something, right now we are getting to know one another still. It was quite..." He almost blushed. "Sudden and very comforting at the same time. We are closer to Earth but not so much from Bajor that a vacation is impossible, just have to do one or the other." He pointed out. "So it might take some fancy planning but I; I mean we..." He looked to Ashe and smiled. "will get there eventually just have to get some leave time and transport."

"I'm station XO, one chat with Mabrade and I'm sure I can borrow a shuttle or something that we have spare. For all I know, Miss Rhodes might have something up her sleeve too. I do have the ability to pull on a few favours. Still, better to get to know each other and let things calm down around the station. We have had a bit of commotion around here. and as for JC, myself and worship.."

Rii'Na trailed off for a moment and a certain look came into her eyes, it was that Command 'don't mess with me or I'll bust a rank' look. "JC is correct, I have never asked nor pushed him to come to the Bajoran temple with me. If he wished to do so, that is his choice. I would never stop him nor force him into it. That would just not be right. I know that humans believe in their own God and I would not stop him from his own prayers, I have had that taken away from me once and hated every last minute of it. I think we can respect each other enough to have different beliefs and still care for each other. " She stopped for a breath, and to try and keep her emotions in check.

To Be Continued

Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


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