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A Evening Together

Posted on Tue Jan 26th, 2021 @ 5:33am by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,238 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Aria's Quarters


Keythos reclined on the surprisingly comfortable sofa in Aria's quarters; which were also very comfortable compared to a cabin on any of the ships he had ridden or served upon. Must be an advantage to being on a Star Base?

He was waiting for her to come around; a feisty little woman that was all about her passions; and she had passion for her duty as well as her life, he had enjoyed their shared passions for the time since that First night at her place.

It seemed Aria; when she gave her heart, was the 'All In' type of girl. Rare that she did give away her affections; very protected, and so Keythos appreciated what those affections and given trust meant to him, she was a haven for sure. He felt comfortable in her place and knew what she had she would give him if he asked, within reason of course, and that just added to the exchanges when he came around from his work run.

Like today; he had come aboard just an hour and a half ago; Keythos is sure she knows but the work of Chief Security Officer does win out over Romantic Interests and he found things to do while waiting. Reclining on a really comfortable sofa is one of them; he did enjoy what he could enjoy at her place.

The doors swished open and Aria walked in rubbing her stomach. The doctor had patched her up well, but it still felt a little tender. "Sorry I'm late. Been in the medical complex. Two Nausican thieves pushed me into a handrail, luckily our new doctor was able to fix up the bruising" she explained.

"Didn't those Nausicans realized who they were dealing with?" Keythos offered to be a body pillow if she wanted. "They bit off more than they can chew I bet?"

"They got away..." Aria said simply, her head hanging slightly, but also a glint of rage in her eyes. She didn't like people getting away.

"NO one is perfect Lovely One." He sat up and offered her a place on his lap for comfort. "Want I make some of it go away?"

"Well, I've been told to take a whole day off duty" Aria sighed as she sat down. "The doctor did all she could to help with the bruising, but it has to 'naturally heal'..." she sighed again. "I thought we had technology that fixed all this sort of crap?" she asked.

"We are not Borg." Keythos chuckled. "Unless you want millions upon millions of Nanite bugs coursing though ou..." He caress and massage her back a bit. "You might have to do it the Human way?"

Aria unzipped her grey and black tunic as usual. She had become less nervous around him and usually spent the time in her quarters with him in her gold cropped under shirt and shorts instead of her full uniform. Or she changed into more comfortable loose clothing on her days off.

"I'd rather not have of that Borg stuff in me... I can deal with some bruising" she explained softly.

"I could kiss it and hope to make it a bit better?" He gave her a warm caress as he drew her closer. "I have been told you like it when I make you feel better?"

Aria relaxed. "You would be right on that one" she told him. "If you can handle me a little softer for a while..." she added.

"Have you ever heard of Butterfly Kisses..." Giving her the sly smile as only the slightest touch of fingers to skin; almost teasing in the caress.

"Gentler than most" Aria said simply. "So... anything interesting happen today?" she asked him curiously.

"You know how the Merchant life is while unloading... boring. Money has exchanged and products delivered..." He started to knead her neck and shoulders. "Just waiting the next deal to load."

"Sounds fun" Aria replied as she relaxed. She never thought she could find a romatic interest, but she seemed to have grown closer to him more as the days go by. She was actually enjoying it, one thing she never thought she would find.

Giving very relaxing caress to her back and shoulders , the kind meant to melt away the tensions, she liked that kind of thing and if she had a hard day these menstruations and a little passionate attentions might help her sleep well through the night?

"You know" she said as she reached around and held his hand, stopping him. "I want to know one thing. Why all this effort?" she asked curiously. "Do I really mean that much to you? You're not going to leave are you or anything?"

"Define leaving?" He placed kisses at the nape of her neck. "I am a merchant; I leave on runs periodically. "SO if that is the case ... yes I am." he nuzzled her neck. "Care to be more specific?"

Aria smirked in response. "Stop being clever, it doesn't suit you" she replied softly. "I mean, will you leave me alone. You're my first proper relationship, you even took my... you know..." she told him blushing slightly. "I don't want this to end. Promise me I'm not just another girl in one of many ports"

"You are so..." HE added some gentle caress with a kiss for emphasis. "much more important to me than being a Girl in a port obviously." His caress to bring her closer and also his second kiss lingered longer. "And I do not have girls in ports, you are the only Girl I need, believe me when I say you have given me more than I could ever hope to be gifted by a ... woman, you are far more than just a girl."

It felt like Aria's heart missed a beat from hearing that. "I've never had anyone treat me like this" she explained to him softly. "I want this to last a long time" she whispered to him. "Maybe I can pursuade you to one day share the same uniform as me. We could be a proper Starfleet family" she said placing a hand on her exposed midriff and giving him a cheeky wink.

"From asking if I will leave you to wanting to be a family." He smiled. "I am not Fleet cut, but then you could always throw away your Security clearances and join me out among the stars?"

"I don't think I could leave Starfleet just yet" Aria replied softly. "I have far too much responsibility right now. Plus, everyone here needs me. Although..." she paused for a few seconds. "I may consider it one day. If it means staying with you. Could your merchant ship use a security officer?"

"And being the Captain's Lady you know how well that would be for you." He chuckled. "They would think you were a spy by me to keep them in line. Better be my Woman and have those benefits and keep me safer in the Merchant circles."

"Lets see what happens" Aria replied softly. She gently grabbed his collar. "How about, we go have relieve some stress next door" she said indicating towards the bedroom door.

"Whatever the lady desires..." He agreed.

A smile crept across Aria's face. "You always do what I want..." she said to him as she stood up and pulled him towards the bedroom.

Posting by

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security



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