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Aria's Day (Part 3)

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:44pm by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Edited on on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:45pm

1,118 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Cargo Bays 260-264

Cargo bays two hundred and sixty, to two hundred and sixt four were due to be checked today. Not only were they collosal in size, but they were also located on decks eight hundred and seventy, through to eight hundred and eighty five. They could be used to hold basically anything, Aria personally didn't like the huge open cargo bays. They seemed more like massive warehouses than anything else she had ever seen. She was pretty sure that if Starfleet wanted they could simply hide or box a full starship in one of these if they so wished.

Four cargo bays, had to be checked thoroughly for anything illegal or any device that could cause harm to others. This meant going over every single inch of the cargo bays with tricorders and checking each cargo item individually. Luckily however Aria's security teams, all twelve of them, comprised of ten officers each were being assisted by a team from the Operations department. That meant there would be five teams of ten officers in each cargo bay, with Aria overseeing the entire operation. However it wasn't easy to co-ordinate two hundred officers in one go.

"Right then" Aria said from one of the balconies looking down at everyone below her. She felt like she was standing up infront of a school assembly or addressing a lecture at a university. "Split up into your assigned teams, your team leaders will then break you down into the standard survey patterns. I will be in the control room co-ordinating with all team leaders and cargo bays" she explained to them. "If you all pull together we can have this done before lunch time, so work fast, but be vigilant and if you think it doesn't look right for heaven's sake let your team leader know. I would rather it be checked, then it being unchecked and then blowing up in your faces later on... literally!" she announched to them all. "Operations, you should all each have your cargo rosters, so ensure that you are checking the contents and marking down any inconsistencies. We want to know what we've got on this station. If anything illegal comes up, or something you consider a threat call through to me immediately". With a wave of her hand the teams began to disperse into the four cargo bays.

They spanned several decks, but luckily for Aria a central cargo bay control room sat in the middle of them all. The room sported several consoles, mainly used for the loading, unloading and safe operational movement of cargo. She logged one on and activated the visual sensors of every cargo bay.
"Why am I doing this again..." she sighed. "Oh yeah, thats right because no one seems to be running that crappy excuse of a department called Operations. Therefore, 'let Aria look after it for a little bit, its not like she had enough to do around here!'" she mocked as she found a chair and pulled it upto the console. It was true at the moment that Starbase Typhon was lacking a Chief Operations Officer. Therefore for the previous few weeks, Security personnel had been doubling up as Operations Officers with Cargo Bay checks and inventory stocking. Usually security would assist anyway to ensure the safety of the station, however the Chief of Operations would oversee it, not the Chief of Security.

"Ensign Lynch to Lieutenant Kanzaki". Aria sighed. No doubt someone had found something that they shouldn't have.
"Kanzaki here" she replied simply.
"Sir, we've found quite a large stash of narcotics stashed in a medical supplies container". Aria rolled her eyes and rose to her feet. She knew she wouldn't have a chance to sit down today.
"I'm on my way. Do not touch them" she ordered. She made sure she was armed, no doubt that such a container would be watched by whoever was attempting to smuggle those through Typhon. If they were in a cargo bay then either three things could be happening. One, they could have been stored away waiting a buyer; Two, they were stored to be collected and the buyer either didn't collect or was arrested before they did so; Three, They were stored away and the original owner has either 'disappeared' for whatever reason and now their location was unknown to any potential buyers or enemies of the owner.

Aria arrived quickly, and the large metal containers was clearly labelled as medical supplies. However inside was several illegal narcotics that were often smuggled through large stations. These narcotics were notorious for causing several medical problems and even death, all for a few minutes of feeling like you rules the galaxy. Aria hated them, she had stopped several rings in her time as Chief of Security. The most shocking discovery of this large stockpile is that they were being smuggled in a Starfleet Issue container. Whoever was wanting to smuggle these through Typhon obviously went through a lot of effort to conceal them and attempt to have them go unnoticed.

"These will have to be destroyed" Aria said as she scanned them with her tricorder. She was keeping a watchful eye out from the higher balconies of the Cargo Bay. If someone did still own these illegal narcotics and was looking for a buyer, then they would be close to be able to protect their assets. "I want this cargo bay sealed and locked down" Aria ordered. She turned to Ensign Lynch. "I want this cargo bay going over with a fine tooth comb, nothing in this bay gets missed. Open every container if you have to. If there's narcotics here, there could be more hidden away elsewhere". The ensign nodded and then began to instruct his teams.

Aria sealed the lid back on the container. "What are we going to do with these sir?" Lynch asked.
"We leave them here" Aria replied. "If the owner comes back for them, then we've got our criminal. However there is a possibility that they never return for them. Until then, I will have this container continously monitored every second of the day and armed security officers ready to beam in to catch them. If they don't return to it for a certain amount of time, we transport the narcotics and the container to be destroyed" she explained.
"How long of a time?" Lynch asked curiously.
"As long as I think it needs" Aria replied simply as she looked directly into Lynch's eyes. "Is there something you should be telling me ensign?"
"No sir. I was just curious about protocol thats all"
"Hmm Mhh" Aria replied with a grin before turning on a heel to return to the control room.

To be continued...


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