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Aria's Day (Part 4)

Posted on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 6:45pm by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki

926 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Celebrate Culture
Location: Docking Port 26

With the four cargo bay checks now complete, and no more narcotics had been found. Aria had decided to take a few minutes to grab herself some lunch. She had been itching for the past several weeks to find the time to visit the new subway sandwich cafe that had recently opened on the promenade. Apparently they were making the best subway sandwiches that reminded everyone of home, and catered for every taste. Where else could you find a Klingon Gagh Subway Sandwich?

The line of course was huge, but being in charge of security Aria had the luxury of extending her break, afterall she had been working solid for the last six hours, and with another four hours left of her ten hour hour shift, all she wanted was a break and something to eat.

"Docking control to Lieutenant Kanzaki" her comm badge chirrped. Aria's eyes instantly rolled.
"Kanzaki here" she replied.
"Lieutenant, the Starship Lancaster is docking at docking port twenty six. The ship is heavily damaged and carrying several hundred wounded and refugee's on board. You are requested to manage their security while on the station".
"What class is the Lancaster?" Aria asked curiously.
"Galaxy Class. Admiral Burke will be meeting with the ships captain shortly. Their Chief of Security, Lieutenant Commander Kelly would like to meet you"
"Acknowledged" Aria replied before cutting off the channel. She looke down at her belly. "Seems like you'll have to wait again" she said simply before walking off towards the docking port.

The Lancaster was indeed heavily damaged, no doubt that Billy-Jo would have a fit at the ship when she gets her hands on it. Aria smiled at the thought of Billy-Jo laying into the ships chief engineer for the sorry state of the ship on arrival into the fleet yards. She still remembered how she and Commander Ritsu Tainaka, the fleets Chief of Engineering both freaked out when Commodore Kayano brought in the Yamato, or the wreck that was once the Yamato more likely.

Luckily for Aria, Commander Kelly was waiting for her at the docking port. A large man, with a large muscle build. She stood there his arms crossed and he didn't look happy.
"About time!" he said as Aria approached. "Where the hell have you been? My ship has been waiting to off load these refugee's for the last ten minutes. I was assured that you would be here waiting for us!". Aria sighed, she hated it when every officer, no matter what rank always thought that their ship was the most important.

"Well, I am sorry for being a bit late. But you try getting up several hundred decks to one this docking port in just a few minutes" Aria explained sarcastically. "I am Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki, Chief of Security, Starbase Typhon. What do you need from me?".
"Well; Kanzaki was it... I need your security officers to assist in the safe transportation of the refugees from the Lancaster to their quarters which have been arranged for them" he said simply. "We've been shot at several times, and we have many injured. Thankfully we're at a starbase and letting these off to be your problem now" he said. It was obvious he was fed up of what had been going on.
"Do you think you can handle that Lieutenant?"

Aria's blood was boiling by this point. "Listen buddy" she said pointing a finger at him. "Frankly, I couldn't give two flying monkeys what rank or position you are. Neither do I care. You are on my Station now and you will answer to me, just because you have half a pip more on your collar than me doesn't mean you're any better than me and you have no right to be so rude and order me around!" she said her voice becoming slightly enrageed by the Commander. "The refugee's will be offloaded and looked after here, under my supervision. If you can't handle a few refugee's on your previous Galaxy Class then maybe you shouldn't even be out there. We are Starfleet afterall and frankly you should be willing to give your own life to protect those more vulnerable than you. Now how about you let my security and medical teams take over, get back to your little precious security officer or go play with those fancy phaser arrays you have!" she paused. "Basically, let me do my job. I know I can do it, and I don't need you to be an insensitive, patronising jerk! On this starbase I outrank YOU!"

Kelly took a step back. He obviously wasn't expecting a lecture from such a small woman, but Aria had fire in her eyes and she wasn't going to back down. "Lieutenant I...". Aria held up a hand to stop him.
"I know I shouldn't have snapped, but when running a security department on a Station is much more stressful and dangerous than you'll ever imagine Commander. Yes you might have to fight against the Borg, The Dominion even the Romulans. But here, I'm constantly battling our own people and enforcing laws not just from Starfleet but every Federation World. Now if you'd excuse me, I have to get back and arrange the security arrangments around the embarkation of the reguee's into our medical complex"

With that she left Kelly standing there and turned on a heel her fists now slightly unclenching. "Oh, I should have hit him. That would have felt so much better" she said under her breath as she stepped into a turbolift.

To be continued...


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