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Fuchsia is NOT an option (Back post)

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 5:25am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 7:55am

2,113 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Xo's Office
Timeline: Post 'The Present Meets Past Shadows'


The box waited on her chair; the bow is red over a reflective silver paper. The thin box is ten by ten square and two inches thick. No card on the package as the wrapping and contents should deliver the message well enough.

Rii'Na came in after handover and making sure the team was settled, she put her cup down and came around the desk to her chair, finding a box left there.

"What in the name of the Prophets could this be?" She said as she picked the box up and went to lift off the lid.

Inside under the white tissue was a rather risqué set of unmentionables of see through lace in a fuchsia colour neatly folded in the package.

There was a VERY high and rather loud scream that came from the XO's office. This was not something that she wanted to see, that colour was one that she had never wanted to see again as long as she drew breath!

JC was the first one there, a pastry and Rakta'jino in hand he had intended to deliver to calm her. He was the chosen ambassador of good taste between the Commander and the crew. He had been volunteered so he was doing his job when the scream sang out.

"What the hell happened?" Conroy placed the two items down and looked to Rii'Na.

The box went sailing over the desk, landing on the small two seater that was nicely under the window in her office. One fuchsia strap was dangling out from under the lid.

"Of all of the things that I could have found waiting in my office I did not expect that... but in THAT colour.... Fuchsia is NOT an option for me......" Her left arm tensed and she could feel the scar at her collar bone ache. "Nobody else knows about that.....Mabrade knows the barest of details......." She thumped the desk as she flopped back into her chair. It was at that point that she tried to giver her shoulder a rub and her brow furrowed.

"How loud was I? Hopefully they didn't hear me on the Promenade. I wouldn't be surprised if Mabrade showed up wanting to know what happened... How to explain this.... do me a favour? Throw that in the replicator and hit recycle. I don't want to look at it much less wear it." A shiver went down her spine at the same moment as a jolt of pain went through her shoulder.

'You belong to me, 'my little Fuchsia'. Her old master had said that to her when he first claimed her, pushing the dagger through her shoulder just that little bit further to ram the point home.

Some tears started to stream down her face quietly, be it from the memory or the pain. "Why now? I'm finally happy.....what is going on?"

"The Commander thought she saw a Space Rat." Conroy announced out the doorway. Take an internal scan to put her mind more at ease please?" He nod towards the Sensory panel and Chino; the Officer that manned it.

The tears that were forming on his ... girlfriend, were from the past, in accord with that scar of hers. Conroy did not know the details really; he is too polite to ask her to share the pain most of the time, but there is a catalyst in that box. Slowly Conroy went over to it and casually picked it up and looked at the contents; glancing he had to admit the things were frilly and might have even been within her style he thought , but obviously that colour had a type of 'Paslov's Dog' effect. A strong response that almost frightened Conroy for his lovely lady. Going to the unit he recycled the contents while making a mental note to not buy her anything in that shade of pink.

"You want to give me a hint as to what that is about?" Conroy asked. "I-I hope you know I would never leave a thing like that in your office for anyone to happen upon?" He moved across to her back and began to caress her shoulders in a way she often liked. "I think it in bad taste to tell a woman what she should wear , I would have taken you to choose if I had an inclination. Which I do not as you have much better taste in that department than I could ever really suggest."

His touch was the same, it seemed to reach down and tickle at her heart, that little something to make her heart jump. Until a memory popped back and a sharp pain went through her shoulder like a spike. Damn the Pah'Wraiths that it had never healed properly! This pain was almost too much to bear.

It was never nice when the memories started flooding back, now was not the time but it did it anyway.

Conroy did not need the Betazoid gift to know something is wrong with Ashe; he knew her well from a very intimate point of view. He gently went to check the slight twitch of her arm at the wounded shoulder. It was obviously hurting her and he admitted it had to be something by the look of the scar. How had Medical not healed that?

"Ashe Love..." He tried to comfort her.

JC was not to know what was going on behind her eyes, what images her mind conjured to tease and stab at her heart..

[Somewhere in Ashe's past]

'Who will share your bed tonight?' A servant hovered by the man Ashe dreaded.

'It was a fine deal and my little Fuchsia played her part well she deserves a reward. Have her washed, scented and left in my room. Something alluring in her namesake would be just what I need.'

She would fight him off tooth and nail, for the first few times; hearing that name or seeing that colour sent a shudder through her that she doubted much of anything could make go away. She was surprised once the Federation found her and took her away that she was not left numb after it all. Just the touch of the doctors made her jump at first, the idea of someone actually making love to her and not being rough or treating her like a piece of meat had seemed like a dream until JC came along.

She tried to hide the wince and block the pain out as best as she could; her hands were in her lap with her fingers laced together and she squeezed them together hard. She wanted to cry out, say 'ouch' but that would be no good. She had learnt long ago that that kind of thing would just land her in more trouble than it was worth.

'Quit squirming!' He had said with a back hand to her face. 'It makes this less enjoyable'. That damned man always had a physical answer for everything! No wonder Ashe had felt like a human punching bag.

Silently the tears were streaming down her face. *You have to say something to him, but what? If this is 'HIM' saying something to JC may put him in danger. If it is 'HIM' JC may already be if 'HE' knows about us? Why this, why now? I keep trying to put that OUT of my mind and life. Say something! For the love of the Prophets, say something!* Her mind screamed at her, everything felt so disconnected and not safe any more.

"Thanks, you know I care for you a lot...." There was a quaver to her voice. JC could probably hear the pain. One hand came up to his at the right shoulder. "I'm sorry, I know you are trying to help, but that shoulder hurts a lot right now. I.....I don't want to hurt you........or put you in danger....but.......if.....if I am may already be too late." Her hands shook a little.

Conroy took her hands into his and made eye contact. "We are on a station surrounded by people; I am here and not going anywhere so you can feel better in that, right?" He would keep the confidence for them both. "Nothing we cannot handle together." He assured and smiled. "What is it those Prophets say; in life there is always hope and in Love there is a safe haven?"

"You have been doing some reading, I see." Her bottom lip was shaking about as much as her hands were. "I want to tell you....believe me I do....."

'Little Fuchsia...' the call echoed in her mind, almost like it could have been in a far off place in the room. 'I hope my little flower is ready for me...'

Ashe leant over, weeping over his hands. He would probably feel her shaking something shocking. "Why now? I'm happy....why....." She looked up to him. "I know this may seem a bit overwhelming and almost throwing protocol out, but can we just curl up here for a moment and could you just hold me? I don't care if I have to seal the door so that no one else but Mabrade can get in! I.... I just need...." The tears took over for a long moment.

Silently he sealed the door and went to the chair taking the Executive Officer into his lap; he would be here for as long as she needs. "It will be okay.... I am here..."

"Oh JC...." She melted right onto his shoulder. "Thankyou. Love you, my dear JC. Thanks for this." She let her ear settle over his heart for a moment, trying to take in his pagh and calm down.

"You really should get this; whatever, out into the open as you cannot be afraid." He gave her a squeeze. "I can only help if you let me Love."

"I wish it was that easy. Skeletons in the closet never are." She leant in close. "I really want to...but.."

"Do I have to put latinum on a table to bet it has to do with a Cardassian?" Conroy asked gently.

Ashe tensed in his lap. It was hard to even look at him. She just tried to focus on the sound of his heart, it always seemed to calm her.

"Do I have to Double down to it has to do with a shoulder scar?"

Ashe felt her left hand grab at the hem of her skirt. She was speechless, what could she say to him without telling him about Gal'Nor and her past as his 'unwilling bedroom favour'. She shook for a moment, "Do we have to talk about this now? I'm not exactly in the mood... for a trip down that memory lane."

"Just know nothing you say will really scare me off; I am a big boy and all." He caressed her back. "Of course dating the XO might make me the teacher's pet but I can even live with that so long as you are the Teacher."

"I'm happy to hear that, I will tell you, just not now. This has me shaken up enough. I am happy to have you here though." Ashe replied.

"That is why I am here Love." He caressed her back in a way she favored. "Just let it come out for a bit and then we can work on the rest."

She leant right into him. "Don't be surprised if I come to see you tonight. I think I will be needing some time with my JC to calm down."

"Like you need even ask." He chuckled. "Of all people you get better access than even my flighty sister who just drops by." He almost chuckled. "Mi casa is Su Casa."

"What would I ever do without you? You handle your job so smoothly and you make me feel so amazing. I'm truly lucky to have you. It will be a right pain when I have to go out on patrol, to have to leave you behind."

"At least I will be waiting when you arrive; seems I might have a good source of ship arrivals." He smiled.

"I might even get the best....parking spot?" Ashe actually started to smile.

"I have a special place set aside just for you." He leant over and kissed her.

Ashe took in the kiss. Here she was kissing him in the XO's ready room. Talk about bending rules! It felt really nice and he helped her to feel a lot calmer. "I bet you do."


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


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