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Getting the Valhalla Ready

Posted on Mon Mar 7th, 2022 @ 4:24pm by Captain Landon Mabrade & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Raven Adams

973 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Docking Bay


Culver was able to get more than a working crew from the surviving uninjured members of the USS Keplar; more than a skeleton crew but short of a full complement. He also knew that Medical Personnel; Marine detachment, enhanced Damage Control Personnel from both Operations as well as Engineering would Round out the crew with the Security Chief of the station taking her own people.

It was a Nova class again; god he missed this little class of ship ; maybe even more than the former Akira Class carrier USS Kyushu he had commanded so long ago. When he had a route towards being a Commodore; before he allowed the Bottle to destroy him.

He had not been the first; nor will he be the last, to lose everything dear to the bottle. From Capitol ship to the smallest class in the fleet it seemed. But he had a great crew of Eggheads; he would call them the best in the fleet, the brightest thinkers who did not play well with others outside family. He had done one good thing; even as a functional Drunk, he managed to create a family on the USS Keplar.

Not only were they a family; they had scrounge, borrowed or created enough parts on the Keplar to make the 1st Generation Nova class ship resemble a Nova II class more modern vessel. Valhalla had been upgraded enough to be effective and his crew would be making her work along the way; improving through innovation and creative thinking.

HE had lost his Executive Officer; she deserved a promotion and after running the Keplar while he rest at the bottom of a bottle, she was put looking for her own command. A science ship would serve her best; he did pull what last string he had to get her a good ship; not new, but refit and in need of a Captain.

This is a 'One Off' mission; going to aid a damaged Liner; A saber class was already on hand so the Valhalla would be the Taxi to get the repair and Medical team to the woundd ship and passengers.

Stepping onto the Bridge; the controlled chaos of the attack, Valhalla waited docked to departure ready. Crews went over all the systems; Warp Core being warmed up and the whole ship brought to life.

"Captain on the Bridge..." He heard and look around to see his crew at the attention; his first time on the bridge and they paid him the respect of a Captain.

"Thank you." Culver said. "Continue preparations."

The crew went right back where they left off; now he was invisible again. He could live with that and sat in the Command Chair. He was back in a command.

"I have the Present Crew Lists, we managed to get the skeleton Crew considering." Janice Yanson; his yeoman, spoke from his left shoulder; he turned to see her in her uniform; slacks rather than her normal skirted uniform.

"Janice?" He started. "I thought you were in sick bay?"

"And where would you be if I let you go without me Sir?" She replied. "I am saving me covering your paperwork that would be undone when you return and I would be dealing with a stack, especially if we manage to get out there in time to chase someone down." She winked.

Smiling, her auburn hair was shorter and wore skin tight glove on her left hand and her face had the slight pale complexion on the left cheek from obvious skin regeneration at the latter stage of healing. The leg was possibly still bandaged as she had been burned; 2nd degree, from damage to the Keplar during combat.

"Good to have you here." He told her and watched the slight limp as she made her way to his Ready Room. "Poor kid." He thought but admired the fact she got assigned rather than staying in Medical.

Culver watched the crew on the Bridge.

=^= Captain Culver to Colonel Hackleburg. I have two bays on Deck six for you and your Marines to set up as needed. =^=

=^=Acknowledged. Lieutenant Bahroot and his platoon plus a couple extras will be boarding shortly.=^=

At the airlock a group of Marines carrying heavy packs greeted the ship security officers and requested entry.

=^= You have quarters next to your equipment; sorry about accommodations; double occupancy, Nova class vessel; I am taking only operating crew, not full complement to make the needed room.=^=

The Emergency Call did not afford much in accommodations, but there was work to be done and Marines now on board to do it.

[Bridge, After Marines were in and secured all hatches. ]

"Get the ship clear." Culver ordered.

"Umbilical's cut and we are clear , nearing the damaged doors, at least we have a way out of here." Helm reported.

"Once we clear the doors I want full a Full scan, we need a picture of what is happening?" It felt weird having his shields up and powering his weapons coming out the gate, it almost felt like old times... almost.

"WE have a Vessel; matching a known Raider Class that just fired weapons and is not yet swarmed by fighters." The Tactical Officer reported. "It is trying to slip away into the more crowded Space Lane and chaos of the traffic.

"Get the range and heading to Helm." Culver ordered smoothly. "She is not an Akira but we do pack more punch than last time." He commented. "One Raider should be a viable target, target rear shields and engines, we want to incapacitate over destruction."

"Aye Sir." The Tactical Officer agreed. " Two two one mark ten is the heading.

"Got it." Helm had the course plotted and fingers dancing over the controls.

"Once more into a fray..." Culver said to himself as the ship angled for the chase.



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