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Home a callin' (Part 4)

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 5:09am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade

1,367 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Conroy's Quarters


Ashe blushed, feeling her cheeks picking up one of the colours of her outfit. "It all sounds delightful."


It was Stacy that seemed quiet as she sat near Thomas.

We could do lunch and make a day of it." Stacy suggested quickly.

"That would be nice." Mother added. "I would like that."

"It would definitely be a break from running this place. I don't get much of a chance for a 'girly' day around here. Most of the stall owners know who I am and will come to me with their problems if they haven't been sorted by another method. It keeps me busy and with not much time to look after me. JC certainly makes a point of doing that anyway."

Mother Conroy gave her son a look then to Rii'Na, it had a certain scrutiny to it and she took a few seconds to really put her finger on the thought.

"I think we can accommodate a day of pampering ourselves." Mother said with a growing smile. "Give us some time for Girl talk and all." The sparkle in her eye was brightening. "Really get the skinny on what you two are really doing so far out there in space and all?"

"Life out here is not all that different. At least I don't think so, still.. I think I am going to be spoilt." Rii'Na hoped the make-up would hide the blush of her cheeks.

"You all cannot keep her..." Conroy started.

"You get her while on your station, I only have one daughter and she is always fluttering about so if Rii'Na will indulge in some Girly time I think I have earned it after raising you all." It was not a question. "Besides something tells me the Cute little ole girl there could use a bit of no man folks to be around and let that hair down a little?"

"Some time out of the uniform will be welcome, the company will make that all the better. I'm already starting to see where some of that spark that JC has comes from. He is quite the one to watch when he is at work; efficient, polite but does it in a way that almost feels like you could be coming home. Even if you're not."

"You sound like I might have raised him right." Mother Conroy joked. "He did always like to hear the sound of his own voice you know?"

"Mother..." Conroy shook his head. "I am the Flight Control; I have to be polite to the ship Captains coming in and all..."

"He is quite valued. There are Captains that time their runs to only deal with him. It actually shows just how much they trust him to get him where they need to be. I value his work, it means I have one less thing to worry about. No captains squabbling for spots and such. I think that there is more than one thing that shows that it is true." Ashe replied, smiling nicely.

"Just like a girlfriend to speak up for him." JC hated when his brother opened his mouth.

"She is the one to give an evaluation of my Skill Set." JC defended. "Besides, if I do not live up to my potential you can bet she will not give me slack."

"Now leave JC alone." Mother scolded. "If his girlfriend wants to boast a bit she does have that right and you should not be so jealous."

His brother just glared at JC.

"If I had of had an older brother, I would have hoped that he was nice, yet protective of me. Instead I got an overprotective sister that worries about my every move. Leave him alone. JC wanted to introduce me. He has done nothing to warrant that look in your eyes. I have seen it before and hated it then!" Her left hand balled up, out of sight of the family. She did her best to hide the fact that it was shaking.

JC took her hand out of sight and kept a smile on his face. "Did I mention she is protective of me?" JC tried to cover.

"My older son does tend to get one of two reactions." Mother Conroy interjected. "Either I have a guest to dinner or ..." She gave him the motherly eye. "A less positive reaction." She winked to Rii'Na. "Don't worry child if these two do not compete then something is wrong with one of them."

"My sister and I never really developed that competitive streak. I was away from home for a while. It's just me and her. I never had a brother to know what it was like." Ashe replied. "I am probably not used to the banter between them."

"There is no getting used to it." Mother laughed. "Just acceptance in the fact Dearie. They have always been this way and I doubt they are going to change any time soon." She explained. "Besides if a lady wants to stick up for her man then I compliment the lady as she has found someone she wants to stand up for."

"Stick up for, spend time with..." Ashe leant her head on JC'S shoulder. "He's pretty comfy too. He makes my work seem a little bit better, just a little bit more worth the effort.."

"Sounding awfully serious there." The Brother said as Mother. "Might even be the kind of Shotgun sounding thing."

"I may have to read up on Earth references in my spare time. I am not familiar with this Shotgun reference you have been using." She looked to JC. "It's not a bad reference, is it?" she asked rather innocently. "I would hate to have offended anyone.

"It is a bit more complicated." Conroy reddened a bit. "More of a hint that a wedding or Bonding in in the future is the most common implied idea behind it." He told her quickly. "So not exactly an offense but there are some implications that I should explain more in private."

"I see. We might need to talk about that later then, among other things." Ashe said with a smile.

"That is more of a Private Conversation." Conroy strongly hinted. "And it stops here."

"Whatever do you mean?" Mother asked with a hand over her chest in surprise.

"You know very well what I mean and that conversation is not happening." He told her. "Besides we have to be going as there are going to be hell to pay for such a long conversation." Conroy added. "Even with Rii'Na here it is on my time so penalties apply." He nod to Ashe. "We need to say good bye before the ..." He cut the channel.

"Oh my...." Ashe said as she saw the channel close.

"Whew she would have gone on all night." Conroy sighed. "Cutting her off is the only way."

"Not quite like my family, although once father gets going... they seem nice....Is your brother always like that?" Ashe asked, a little concerned.

Conroy coaxed her onto his lap and put his forehead to hers before taking a breath . "Would it be of concern if I said 'yes' and he will likely try to make some ... forward remarks when I take you home to the Folk's place?"

"Just let him try. If he wants a stare down contest, he'll get one!" Ashe had a giggle over it. "Mum seemed quite happy, something tells me she will be staying up late planning my wardrobe." Ashe could not help but blush.

"That and where to lunch to catch breath before more window and clothes shopping." Conroy put in. "You might have to accept the fact she will see you as being potential Girly stuff accomplice." He joked. "She is always taking anyone we bring home as 'Family Friend' and in your case..." He blushed. "Potential Kin..."

"That would be nice, family can mean the world. After all, you are starting to mean the world to me." Ashe smiled, it seemed things would be a little more complex and there would be one more 'call' to make time for.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


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