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Home a Callin' (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2022 @ 4:59am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Sun Dec 25th, 2022 @ 11:30am

1,584 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Conroy's Quarters


Rii'Na trailed off for a moment and a certain look came into her eyes, it was that Command 'don't mess with me or I'll bust a rank' look. "JC is correct, I have never asked nor pushed him to come to the Bajoran temple with me. If he wished to do so, that is his choice. I would never stop him nor force him into it. That would just not be right. I know that humans believe in their own God and I would not stop him from his own prayers, I have had that taken away from me once and hated every last minute of it. I think we can respect each other enough to have different beliefs and still care for each other. " She stopped for a breath, and to try and keep her emotions in check.


"I am sure if JC prays that I come up in them just as much as he does in my own. Yes, we may seem a little more 'devout' than some other...'aliens' that the Human race has met, but with what our own race has been through, especially with the Cardassians and Dominion, that faith has been something that helped us and has stayed with us. With what I have read of Humans and religion, it seems that we are not all that different. It does mean a good deal for the Prophets to 'be good' with your brother, but that is more for me than them. Still, Thomas. I will never 'bad mouth' or 'tease' JC for believing what he does, I would even be open to going to a church just to thank this God, for giving us what we have... but don't ever joke about him or my own faith around me."

Rii'Na had almost had enough of this brother and his reactions, it just seemed to be stoking the fire in her and she was having to hold it in check with her command training. Now she could see why JC had been a bit concerned, still this would not break them up. Far from it.

"Do forgive me, dropped into my command tone there. Some things are just a little touchy for me." Rii'Na replied, looking deep into eyes of the man she cared for, just to have a moment to calm down.

"hold you down." She gave that Motherly gaze that burned. "Now You just keep your smart mouth shut." She turned back to Rii'Na. "I am sorry child, he does get into snits when his Brother gets something new, always been that way." She nod to the young lady. "Now I am not one to say who is right or wrong with that kind of a thing, even on Earth there are many vantage points on a common belief."

"Buddah, Allah and any number are names used to place faith." Father continued. "No matter to me. You two have those eyes of someone new..." He tilted his head. "Like someone that has put a black book aside fer."He looked at Conroy. "You are at his place, can tell by the background, if he brought you there for the call then I am guessing you are not exactly looking any further on the market at this time?

"Why look when you have something wonderful right in front of you." Rii'Na smiled. "I have no real need to look, nor interest." Ashe leant her head against JC's shoulder.

"I thought as much, unlike some people James is a bit less inclined to bring someone to our attention, I like the fact you two put up fer one another so no troubles coming from me." He grinned to Rii'Na. "You all welcome at our Dinner Table Miss Rii'Na just let us know when to put our the setting?"

"I will even bring out the Holiday china." Mother put her part in. "I will sit Thomas far enough from you and close enough to me to make sure he behaves." She met Rii'Na's eyes. "If you have the time I can even sew you a dress, now stand up so I can see you and all?"

Ashe left a kiss on JC's forehead as she got up and took a couple of steps back so that Kathleen could get a good enough full view. She did a little spin so that 'Mum' could get a good enough look at all angles before joining JC once more. "I had never had an offer of having a dress made for me before, that sounds rather lovely. Thankyou"

"Lordy child if I had legs like yours when I was young I might never have met their Dad." Mother teased a little. "It is nothing; I have been sewing and seamstress since I could walk. Have you seen that cotton shirt he has; the one made to look like an old knight's shirt with the draw strings to close the front V-Neck?" She continued. "Part of a phase when he was into that Knightly costuming thing. I think he still has it as it is not with his things here."

Conroy was not about to tell his mother that Ashe had used that shirt as a night shirt as it was so soft and she thought it made her look cute; she had said like a princess night shirt from her gallant Knight. The sheer nature of the cotton in certain light did show off her figure under it, not something he would relay.

"I think I did show her that one; it was about a Knightly thing I was thinking about at the time when she saw it." He tried to remain calm. "Though I could not find that dagger so it went back into the drawer."

She thought back to his bedroom and that shirt lying on her side of the bed. Little did his mum know just how much she liked that shirt. "You did let me see that one and you looked quite dashing in it. I actually quite liked it." Ashe beamed.

"I am glad he still has it, that was a fun little thing I threw together for him on short notice, he told me his King waited for him; I think there was a princess in the wings." Mother relayed. "I can guess pretty close and we can alter it slightly when you'all get here."

"Something tells me I'll be going home with more clothes than what I leave here with. I'll remember to pack light, just in case."

"If we give mother too long all you'll need is a weekend bag of unmentionables and a toothbrush; the rest of your wardrobe will be furnished." Conroy remarked.

Ashe could not help but giggle. "That's a lot of work just for me? That would almost be too much. Don't get me wrong it would be really appreciated, I'm just not used to being made a fuss of that much."

"Mother here is a seamstress; she has a little side business of making clothes for spending money and all." Father put in.

"Well since the boys grew like weeds I had to do something to keep them in nice things and replicator stuff is nice but don't hold up as it is recyclable and such. I prefer more real cloth and when they grew I found others needed the hand me downs and ... it just gave me something to do once the boys were out of the nest." Mother beamed. "Our daughter always had nice dresses, I wanted her to look nice so whipping up some things for you is going to be more a pleasure." She looked Rii'Na in the eyes. "What colors do you like?"

"Sky Blue is a personal favourite, JC here seems to like me in my oranges and Reds that I wear a lot. Most Bajorans like a lot of earthy tones. Orange, green, blue I'm not a big fan of brown though."

"You do not like Brown child?" Mother spoke. "You have not seen the romance of what some browns can do; I can see you in a long skirt with a matching bodice type waist; not that I want to hide those legs of yours but every girl needs a long skirt of character and place a chiffon style shirt to match that one you like of JC's only in a soft antique with emphasis of a little more yellow while the skirt is the gentle brown like a tree in spring would just be perfect for you."

"Well, I have always been open to suggestions. I had just never thought that brown really suited me." Ashe replied.

"And there is some material I have somewhere that is the light blue of the sky on a cloudless day, that would be so pretty with an accented blouse or even just the knee length mini dress would be stunning." Mother raved. "We will have to go to market for the shoes; a nice ladies day out so the men folk can do their thing, and aside from that I think we could make you very pretty for our JC. Of course that would mean you need to get here for the fittings and all.

"Mother Shopping Spree." JC shook his head. "You are getting the real treatment."

Ashe blushed, feeling her cheeks picking up one of the colours of her outfit. "It all sounds delightful."

To be Continued

Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


Ensign James (J.C.) Conroy
Flight control Officer


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