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Security Briefings

Posted on Sat Feb 22nd, 2020 @ 10:31pm by Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Security Briefing Room

Wilhelm watched as all the Marine officers piled into the briefing room. Two Majors, six Captains and all their subordinates Platoon Leaders representing two battalions for a total of almost 800 Marines. He had to keep Third Battalion under Marine control to maintain their guard patrols and posts of the Station's most sensitive areas and help keep the peace on the Docking Rings. "Remember to play nice with the Fleet boys and girls. Even though most of you have helped out with this Detail in the past." Wilhelm said to the assembled Marines as he took his seat and seen Aria come in. "ATTENTION ON DECK!" Wilhelm barked as all the Marines came to attention.

Aria simply smirked as she walked towards the Colonel. "Play nice with us?" she asked curiously. "Should I tell my security officers the same thing?" she asked quietly.

"Ohh your officers should be fine. These apes need to be reminded others don't like playing as rough as they do sometimes." Wilhelm said in return quietly. Then turning to the crowd, "Take your seats." Then motioned for Aria to begin.

Aria stepped up towards the front of the room. The security briefing room had rows of seats in a 'lecture hall' style with desks in front of them. It was where Aria could brief all the security department on one particular issue. A large monitor screen was on the main front wall, which was controlled from a computer console to its side on the main small raised 'stage' area.

"Ok people" Aria said simply as she tapped on a PADD bringing up an image of Typhon's deck layout. "We have increased pirate activity all over this station" she said simply. "We have been ordered to step up security across all sections of this station and to search every single person, cargo container, bag and container that enters or leaves this station" she told them.

"Now, I understand that you're marines and not security personnel, however I don't have the man power to do a contraband search on this scale. Thats why the Captain has authorised you to be deputised by me"

She looked around at the marines all were quiet right now. "Your jobs are simple. You are to provide extra security where needed, work with the team leaders of the Security Department and follow their lead. You will be taking orders from myself and the team leaders of the Security Department" she told them simply.

One of the Marine Captains raised his hand "Normal station kit and ROEs? Any of us fully kitted for bear?"

Wilhelm spoke up, "Third Battalion is maintaining are usual roving patrols, ready company and guard duties in critical areas. As for those assigned to this detail." Wilhelm looked over at Aria.

"Our main concern is to protect critical areas" Aria said. The diagram of Typhon on the large screen now showed highlighted areas. Many of them known to the marine corps. "Admirality Command Offices, Main Operations, Medical Complex, Main Engineering, Power Cores and Promenade" Aria explained simply.

"We'll be taking it in shifts to search every person, crate and ship that enters or leaves this starbase" she added. "We need to be consistent, methodological and thorough" she told them. The image changed to that of one of Typhons many docking ports.

"Once a ship has docked. Two security officers and two of you will be standing by at the airlock. Each crewmember will be scanned and if needed physically searched before being allowed to board. The ship will then be searched by two of you, while the other two stand guard" she explained. "Once all checks are completed a d if nothing is found, they can board. However each time anyone enters or leaves, they will be searched"

The image switched again. "As for Typhon. I am ordering a full search of all cargo bays, storage units and personnel quarters for any prohibited items or links to pirate activity. That doesn't mean you get to nosey into someone's closet. You simply ask the resident a few questions, explain you're taking a few scand and then leave. If anything shows up, then we work from thete" Aria explained. "Every cargo container needs to be scanned, searched if you're unsure and then assigned a new security pass seal. That will allow us to track it. Any incoming cargo will undergo the same procedure"

Lastly she turned to them all. "Its a lot if work. I've already split you up into teams and assigned who you'll be working with. I'll leave those details to the Colonel to finalise".

Wilhelm stood up and looked at the assembled officers. "Well lads thats about the jist of it. Individual unit orders will be sent to your COMMs within the hour...ATTEN'SHUN!" Wilhelm watched as all the Marines stood up and snapped to. "Dismissed."

After all the Marines left Wilhelm spoke, "Well that went pretty well Lieutenant."

"Lets hope it pays off" Aria replied simply. "We still have a lot of work to do"

Posting by

Lieutenant Aria Kanzaki
Chief of Security

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines


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