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Meeting the Scientist

Posted on Wed Dec 16th, 2009 @ 11:48pm by Commander Jack Tolren & Commander Lucas Jackson

715 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Deck 61
Timeline: Current

Jack Tolren had been on the station only a few hours, but he had already discovered the delights of his office and met with the Captain. The only other senior member of staff to arrive so far was the Chief Science Officer, Lucas Jackson, and it made sense to pay a visit down to the science department in order to get acquainted.

It was for that reason that Jack stepped into the science labs and took a look around, within a few moments he had been directed to the Chief's office. Like many other places on the ship, it looked bare—especially the offices. There wasn't even a chair for someone to sit in...It was somewhere in one of the 400 cargo bays aboard the base.

Luckily, Jackson was in the room. He was checking out his offices, seeing if they were done. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. "Hello," Luke began, as he saw the man walking around. "I'm assuming you're Lieutenant Commander Tolren? How do you like these luxurious offices?" Jackson gave a small grin.

"If they're anything like mine you'll still need a desk," Jack replied, sticking his head through the door. "And what a surprise they are."

He walked up to the man and extended his hand, "Jack Tolren, the station's Exec Officer. You must be Commander Jackson?"

"Indeed, I am. I agree about the offices...I assume that they'll be the final things to be finished." Various builders kept sticking their heads in the doorway, so Jackson knew it was time to go. "Why don't we take a walk down the corridor...Where people aren't too anxious." Luke gave a quick stare and condescending look at the men in the doorway.

"They don't like having their shoulders looked over, do they?" Tolren replied, nodding and making sure the contractor over heard him. He followed Luke into the corridor, before continuing, "as I understand it they've been waiting for department heads to come along to finalise their requirements. I assume it's to save installing things we don't want, but to be quite honest I am fully capable of moving furniture around, but it would be nice to actually have some to move..."

Pondering what was just said, Jackson began, "Well, I can't really speak for the other deparments, but I had all specifications for the whole science department months ago...Along with a couple of architects, I designed all of the labs from the floor up. I was surprised that they weren't done, though. If it takes too long though, I might just consider your offer and start hauling up furniture. I'm fearing the look of my quarters."

"Mine were okay, finished, furnished in the standard style - they need bit of personalisation - but they'll do. I think due to my late assignment they've only had a week to get my specs, I didn't expect much, but I would have thought they would have finished by now if they've had your designs any length of time."

He continued along the corridor, considering the thought for a second, "is the Captain aware?"

"Yes, the captain is very aware...I hear had a little conversation with the contractors as well. The one that heads my department, Lieutenant Morris, gave good explanation as to why they are behind, though. Apparently, it took longer than expected to put together and wire the bulk of the base. They weren't able to begin work on the labs until that was done."

Luke paused. "Anyways, none of the rec areas are finished yet, so I was going head over to one of the cargo bays and try and find my belongings...I have weights in there someone." Noticing the Commander's well-built form, he presumed that Tolren worked out a good amount. "Would you care to join me? Its alright if you have other things to address."

"No, that's fine I need to check out the cargo bays anyway, I'm just having a wander today, finding my feet," Tolren replied, following the science officer.

"Alright," Jackson replied back. "I think they said it was all the way down on Deck 575 in Cargo Bay 250."

OFF - Continued with "Crawling Through Cargo"

Lieutenant Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon


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