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Marine Checkup

Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2010 @ 8:03am by Commander Basil Hart

593 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Tex had just left the colonel's office and left for Sickbay for his physical. Last time he had a physical, all they found was the picture of perfect health. He wondered what they'd find this time. Old age probably. He was nearing 40 and he was beginning to feel it. He pushed the thoughts aside before entering the office. He looked around for a doctor and found a man with brown hair walking towards him.

"Ah, Colonel! I was just looking to see who was next. Basil Hart, ship's doctor, at your service." He extended his hand to the older Marine.

Tex raised an eyebrow at that as he shook the man's hand. "Ship's doctor? Sure you don't mean station doctor?"

Basil laughed sheepishly. "Sorry. Still not used to being stationed on something that doesn't have a warp core. Why don't you step into the Exam room, and we'll see how you're holding up?"

Tex walked into the exam room and sat on the biobed. "So how you like to do this? Lying down first or sitting up first?"

Basil smiled. "Sitting up will be fine, Colonel." He pulled an antique stethoscope out of a bag, and placed the earpieces in his ears and the cold disc on Tex's chest. "Breathe normally, please."

Tex looked down at the instrument and his heart beat a little faster. Was this guy seriously using old fashioned chop-shop tools?

Basil smiled. He was getting used to this reaction. "I know some people think I'm a bit old-fashioned, but I find that keeping some of the old skills alive has helped me in certain situations. If there is a power failure, and backup batteries fail, I can still give a rough diagnosis of an internal injury, just by listening to a person's innards. I usually confirm with the biobed, to stay current, and to verify my findings. For example, I can tell that you that you have at one time or other been exposed to chemicals which produced a slight scarification on your alveolar walls. Not enough to affect your health, but enough to change the sound of your breathing. With the amount of combat you've seen, I'm not surprised. I've seen a lot worse."

Tex nodded. "Oh yeah, I've seen battle," he drawled. "I spent most of my career in SpecOps, and after that I was assigned to what had to be one of the unluckiest ships in the fleet." He didn't have anything nice to say about the ancient tools, but hearing the doctor's argument, he could see the value so he kept his mouth shut.

"Well," Basil responded, "That makes sense. I still confirm and double-check my work on the bio bed, but I like to keep my instincts sharp." He glanced at the readout. "Well, Colonel, other than some minor prior health issues, you seem to be in good shape. As a matter of fact, one could say that you're as healthy as the proverbial horse." He grinned at Tex. "Is there anything you'd like to ask me?"

Tex thought for a moment then said with his thick accent, "Not that I can think of off the top of my head."

"Well, then, Tex. Off you go. Please feel free to drop by again if you need anything." He smiled at the Marine.

Tex nodded and walked out. What would he do with a broken bone? With that disturbing thought, Tex went back to work, determined not to get hurt.


LCdr Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer
SB Typhon

LCol Tex Greenwood
Played by: Austin


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