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Captains Med Eval

Posted on Mon Feb 8th, 2010 @ 8:22am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Basil Hart

697 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Medical deck
Timeline: Current


Over the years Fannin had a healthy fear Of Starfleet medical staff. He was under their care for extended periods of time after his release from the Romulans. His mission here was Two fold, one to get checked out as he was very overdue and then to meet the New Chief Medical officer on Typhon and inform him of a few additional duties he may be performing...

As Captain Fannin entered the main area of the Med deck, he noticed a brass plaque on the bulkhead, where everyone entering would be sure to see. It read: "Anyone wishing to see the doctor except in case of emergency can go straight to Helen Waite." To his right was a small desk at which was seated an attractive nurse. The name plaque on her desk proclaimed her as the "Go to" gal, Helen Waite. She looked up and immediately stood at attention. "Captain! What a surprise! What can we do for you?"

"As you were lass, I was advised I was far over due on my yearly check-up and thought I'd better get down to see Commander Hart."

She sat back down. "Yes, sir. I'll get him right away." She made an entry in her computer, and then bustled off to notify the Doctor. She bustled quite well.

After a moment, Basil hove into view, smiling. "Captain! what a pleasant surprise. I'm glad you popped in so I wouldn't have to hunt you down. If you'll kindly step into the exam room, we'll get started."

Edward put on his best smile and followed the Doctor into the next room...

As he sat on the biobed, Basil pulled out an antique stethoscope and placed the cold metal disc against the captain's chest. "Please breathe deeply." he instructed.

The captain was puzzled.... "Commander, what is that cold metal refrigerated disk connected to your ears for?"

Basil chuckled. "It's a very old but reliable piece of medical technology called a stethoscope. I am using it to listen to your lungs and heart, to verify that they are working right and are free from congestion. If, Heaven forbid, the power were to fail, I would still be able to make a general diagnosis of core body functions just by listening to my patient." He smiled. "Call me old-fashioned, but I like the hands-on approach to medicine. Makes it a little less impersonal and mechanical, don't you think?"

"Yes that's very amazing, sometimes the good old fashion ways are the best."

Basil smiled. "Of course, I'm no technophobe. I do cross check with the biobed, to make sure. But I believe that medicine has become so mechanized and impersonal that the fundamental trust between doctor and patient is fading away. I don't want that to happen. I wan the people under my care to be able to tell me anything without fear of a breach of confidentiality."

"Your just the kind of doc we need here on the Station. I'm glad your here for my crew. A good bedside manner heals the soul."

Basil smiled. "Well, thank you, Captain. I appreciate the compliment. It appears that you are as healthy as the proverbial horse. Do you have any questions for me, or any concerns?"

"Nope, But I should tell you that I have changed your status here on Typhon. Your now third in the chain of command here. With Commander Tolren headed for Earth to school and commander Johnson filling his shoes that bumps you up to the number three slot. Fannin smiled as he jumped off the bio bed."

Basil raised his eyebrows. "I don't know whether to be honored or worried, Captain." he grinned ruefully. "I'll let you know after I'm forced to take command. Of course by putting me in third place, you guarantee yourself some of the best physical care in the galaxy..." He chuckled.

"Good, If you need anything just let me know. I need to be heading back down to the control center. Thanks for seeing me as a walk in today."

"No problem, Captain, and likewise." Basil smiled again.


Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer


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