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Nothing but a Lizard and Pain...

Posted on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 6:58am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 6:58am

1,441 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Station Habitat, Specifics Unknown


The door opened as Gal'Nor strode in holding a PADD, he tossed it over to the bed landing near Rii'Na.

"Read for yourself." He started. "3 dead, seems you did take care of my problem for me." He chuckled in that sick way.

The report stated three people were shot by an unknown Wielder; the phaser has not been recovered as yet and the names are being withheld until the investigation of the scene are completed. Three males are confirmed as the victims at an apparent abduction or attempted abduction. The facts are not yet in and Station Security is keeping the facts out of public purview.

Gal'Nor waited for her to read the report.

"The prophets have seen fit to give you to me again." Gal'Nor quietly relayed his facts. "No one is around to have you as I will, your love is up for grabs. We know Bajoran women like to be held; it is just having them accept what they already know. No man outside Cardassia is enough for them."

“No! There is nothing here that says JC is dead. They have not released names. Women of Bajor may like to be held but not by the likes of you or most ‘males of Cardassia’! Only the Pah’Wraiths would be so cruel as to drop me into your lap for you to have me at your beck and call! I have felt the touch of the Prophets and this is not it!!!”

You saw the three fall, do you really hold onto that false hope that he survived even a close grazing." He laughed. "I might be kind and allow you a sleep to mourn your lost love but the unavoidable will happen. you will be mine and we will enjoy many nights together." He winked.

“HE IS NOT DEAD! He was on the promenade! He would have been close enough for Medical to get to him! I know how this station works, I saw two vaporise and JC go down. There is no way he would give up so easily! WE will be enjoying NO nights together! I don’t care how many times or where I have to kick or bite you for you to get the idea through that lizardesque brain of yours. I WILL NOT BE A PART OF THIS!!! I am not yours! My pagh is HIS!!” Rii’Na would regret it but, she spat on him for good measure.

The shoulder was in a vice again; thumb pressing to the point Gal'Nor wanted blood, he would not stop until he had it, his other hand slapped her so hard if she did not see stars she would see black.

She screamed, the pain was unbearable, the slap brought those blotches over the eyes, that sparkle and seem to come ang go, almost like ‘seeing stars’. She was dazed and in a world of pain.

"That will cost you Fuchsia!" he slapped her again while driving his thumb till he felt bone, "No one spits on me." Pushing her to her back on the bed and pinning her with his weight. "Do you really want to visit other men; of my choosing! Maybe that will curb this wild growth?" Leaning down he kissed her hard on the lips for just a second or two. "Make you appreciate my kindness all the more."

Rising to his full height he snatched the PADD as he turned to leave.

"If he is not dead..." Glancing back over his shoulder. "I WILL finish the job."

Rii’Na felt the second slap and then the weight of Gal’Nor upon her, she was pinned. She could feel the sting of her shoulder bleeding. As soon as she felt the kiss she wanted to bite her lip so she would not taste him, the forced kiss was awful and she felt a tear run down her cheek. This was her nightmare, and she dreaded it, under it all she was praying to the prophets for it all to end. He let up and stormed off and she was in tears. “JC!” She wailed. “Prophets!! I beg of you please! Protect the other half of my pagh! Please, keep JC safe, by your tears and light… I beg of you!”

The sting of things did not seem to fade easily; the room fell silent and a stillness broken only by her tears, an itch on her leg; it looked bruised but had more of an itch to it like a rash. Something like many little bugs all moving on the outside of her skin spreading a warmth in the two centimeter egg shaped pattern with darker coloring in the center.

Ashe wondered how she had done that bruise and as to why it was so itchy, she tried to just sleep as best as she could and not scratch at it. She kept praying to the Prophets as best she could. Offering her praise and heart if only to protect the one who was the other half of her.

[Hours later]

The door opened as Rii'Na lay at the top of the bed; curled still in a ball. Gal'Nor moved along the side of the bed and had a small medical kit he placed on the bed.

There is nothing you can use as a weapon; antiseptic and bandages; I know you have medical training so patch yourself as I will be back momentarily." He saw her 'soiled garment. "Make a change of clothes and clean yourself." He ordered. "I know what I gave you so clean yourself for dinner I shall bring it to you in fifteen minutes be ready or I will be ... upset."

She looked up at Gal’Nor and stared him down. Flopping her head back down and looking rather miserable. “I’m not hungry. Not for what you would be serving. I know what you like for dessert and it’s not my idea of fun. JC is still alive, probably in the Infirmary by now and if he’s awake he’s probably eating better than me and worried sick about me. The CO will probably be going out of his mind and the Marines would be itching to break down some doors. You are better off letting me go.”

"Not when they find a tattered uniform with your DNA from wearing it out of an airlock." He laughed. A poor call saying there were clothes floating outside an airlock brought attention. With the backlog of people missing and dead from attacks they will take a week to even test 'whose uniform it is?! If they do then they start scanning for a body and more wasted resources and time!”

“You do NOT know my CO! Everyone is worth the resources. He will not take that long to go on the hunt! You are fishing, find some better bait.” She was trying to use her command training as best she could.

"Oh and do you want to be brought to the Morgue locker Mr. Conroy is in; I know you will not believe until you see the body, or will a holo of his blank stare be enough inside the locker tell you what you already know deep inside?"

“I told you, HE’S NOT DEAD! And some fake holo or dummy in a freezer somewhere will not convince me otherwise and I know that deep inside. I am not the same woman Gal’Nor. Maybe you should have done your research.” She snubbed him off. “Got any more you want to try, you’re interrupting my sleep, like I said I am not hungry for what you are serving.”

"Then stave for a bit." He told her as he turned away. "When you are ready to face the truth I Will let you see his body, I have all the time.” Gal'Nor stepped away, "Wear the teddy in the morning I do not like blood on clothing, take some pride in your appearance, or has the realization I am right set in and you are already depressed over a lost love?"

“I am just not loving the offerings in that dresser. I am not a real fan of those lacey teddys anyway. Too much itch in places you won’t ever see. The Prophets will sustain me, they will protect the other half of my Pagh. You have no hold over me and you will not get what you want. I know things now that I did not when your men grabbed me so long ago.”


Cardassian ' Former Master' to Rii'Na
(PNPC - Mabrade)


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


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