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Nothing but a Lizard and Pain... (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 6:58am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 6:59am

621 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Station Habitat, Specifics Unknown


“I am just not loving the offerings in that dresser. I am not a real fan of those lacey teddys anyway. Too much itch in places you won’t ever see. The Prophets will sustain me, they will protect the other half of my Pagh. You have no hold over me and you will not get what you want. I know things now that I did not when your men grabbed me so long ago.”


She sat up to face him, almost looking a little sultry, one strap half down her shoulder and her hair a bit of a mess. “Not even what you are doing with my shoulder will get me to give in. You can play mind games as much as you like, if you truly knew JC was dead, you would be rubbing my nose in it just to watch me squirm and kill whatever fight is left! Give it up, you won’t have my Pagh for starters, as that belongs to another and I will make sure with every last breath in me that you will not have my flesh EVER AGAIN! If you were to EVER touch me like that again it would be OVER MY DEAD BODY!” She spat at him and turned her back. He could beat on her all day long, she knew enough and he had given her a limited kit to patch up some of the damage. The moment she showed a break in her resolve he would pounce on it. So, he would get attitude, claws, spat at and yelled at until she could no more, it was far better than his idea of ‘dessert’.

His idea of dessert was always a nice dinner… her having a bath being scented and Gal’Nor getting his own satisfaction for dessert. She would never let him have her as a dessert again. Her body and Pagh were for JC and an instrument of the Prophets, not for this monster.

"I will see that you are showered and presentable myself in the morning." It was a statement of intent. "Do not think you will get out if it." He warned as the door opened and he paused a second. "I will see to it personally."

He stepped out of the room.

“Just try me.” Ashe replied. She had already had enough of that slime for a lifetime. The beatings she had every time that his ‘seed’ managed to make it’s mark. She had gotten to the point of sneezing, their way of letting her know that the powers that be were in control before bashing her to a pulp to make sure she was ‘available’ again and gave her barely enough time to recover. He was slime in every sense of the word. “If he even dares try to ‘claim me’ Mabrade will have a field day.” She flopped down on the bed, with a sigh. At least she could go to the bathroom and get a drink of water. She could go a while without food, it was water that would be critical, as well as how badly she is injured.

She popped opened the kit and tended to her own shoulder first. It stung to high heaven and she used the corner of the pillow case to stifle any cries. That monster would get some real delight out of that. After getting a drink she settled down to try and get some sleep. “Goodnight JC, I love you.” She whispered looking to the opposite side of the bed, almost imagining that he was lying beside her. “I miss you, sweet man.”


Cardassian ' Former Master' to Rii'Na
(PNPC - Mabrade)


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


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