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And the Nightmare just got Worse...

Posted on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 7:14am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Sat Jan 21st, 2023 @ 7:14am

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Station Habitat, Specifics Unknown


Ashe was curled up, almost foetal position with her left arm out along the other side of the bed. She was at least resting comfortably. The dream of spending a night with JC danced in her head, their soft and sweet passions and having turned in and fallen asleep gazing into each other’s eyes. She had gone into the drawer and pulled out the other negligee that she had seen in the drawers. It was a lot more lacey and kind of racy for her own tastes but she had no real say in that matter.

Gal'Nor entered to see His Fuchsia, still in bed no less, laying rather contented; he moved to the side of the bed running his fingers down her spine as he knew women liked.

The touch cut through her dream like a knife and Ashe woke with a shriek! “Don’t you EVER touch me like that again you creep!” Ashe sat up and backed away from him, a visible shudder going through her. Usually you woke to escape the nightmare. This time waking brought her back to it.

"I see you accepted my gift and have changed hat filthy garment, but you do not have the scents." He put a knee on the bed and lean towards her. "You did not bathe and be scented after your injuries, antiseptic is not a worthy of My Fuchsia, I should remedy that as I told you last night. " He reached for her across the bed.

Ashe curled up in a ball and bunched herself up to the bedhead. “Don’t you dare touch me! If you do, you will regret it!”

Grabbing her he literally dragged her across the bed and off, taking her to her feet; glaring into her eyes he did not growl but with an icy warning spoke.

"Use the gifts I give you to bathe and scent yourself." It was a firm commanding tone. "Last chance to do it yourself My Fuchsia." He warned holding one arm as he traced her side to the curve of her hip.

“Don’t touch me!! I am his to touch not yours! I gave myself to him willingly, he holds my Pagh and I hold his! Just let me go! I never want you touching me, kissing me or anything of the sort ever again!” There would be regret from it but she spat on him and went to slap the taste out of his mouth. She highly doubted he would take it lying down but it would be nice to at least, get one shot on him.

Had he not been holding her arm the force from the back of his hand meeting her cheek would have spun her, as it was he kept her standing long enough for the second slap to have more force and spin her as he released her to fall upon the bed.

"Computer fill bath water 12 Celsius." He ordered then put arms around Rii'Na and picked her up, to dump her unceremoniously in the water.

The water was a true shock, cool yet not enough to truly make her ill. There was a squeal that left her as she had the full effect of the cold and water hit her.

"Now you might be motivated to do as I ask My Fuchsia," He said. "Or do I help you bathe?"

“I said don’t touch me! Why would I want a big brute like you scrubbing me?! I doubt you even know how without taking skin off of me! Besides, I don’t want you leering over me.” Ashe turned her back to Gal’Nor. “I’m not the same as before, I like and want the way JC looks at me. You look at me like I am some sort of meal you can have whenever you wish. Not a person or a sensual being. That is where you fail.”

Ga'Nor stormed to the drawer and took out all the clothes, the few he had furnished, and made one last comment.
"Freeze or towel dry." He snapped not quite in rage, taking a few seconds to calm before finalizing. "I would prefer to warm My Fuchsia cold under the covers but only a dry towel and clean will do. ''

He then strode confidently out.

Ashe sank in the tub, starting to shiver, she wondered what he had done. She had heard the drawers of the dresser. Naturally it would not be good news. She tried to clean as best she could and then dry off. Coming out to the dresser only to find her nightmare was getting worse. She curled up in the quilt, sulking. *Come on, Mabrade, Wilhelm…. Surely, you’re turning the station upside down looking for me, right?* She thought to herself.

Not to her surprise the time would be silent; no crashing sounds came except the rattle of the air filtration system. The cool air was surrounding her with a chill that is more than the temperature in the air. He would be coming back soon enough the lack of a clock did not make the passing any easier.

Ashe was as bundled up as she could be, almost cocooned up in the quilt, She faced away from the door, not wanting to see the rest of the nightmare come for her. *JC…..I wish you were here* she thought to herself.

The door was looming behind her, the lack of activation motors; only the dim lighting in the room. An echo from the venting, the slight hum of the power grid that is always present when one did not want to hear it. Laughing it seemed when the sound alone sent chills and uncertainty through a person that could not sleep.

Hearing the echo of footfalls; dreading them as they will come to the door...

Soon enough.

Ashe was there, half rocking. The footfalls were going to drive her crazy. It had been hours since anything had happened. She was truly worried that soon enough would be the end of her freedom and the snuffing of her desires.

The Blanket was warming; a small measure of JC trying to wrap around her from wherever he is; he could not be with her, he had to be longing to be here. Would not a man in love leap over hurdles, run through hot deserts to get to her.
If he could.

*If he were alive... * The whisper of a snake's voice in her head. *Accept that he is as Gal'Nor said, you know he can do it... *

“I won’t!” she said out loud. “Gal’Nor won’t get him, won’t get me. I am safe and so is he.” Ashe said, through quiet tears.

The automatic lights shut off as programmed for middle of night.

Ashe tugged over a pillow. Not that she could truly sleep right now. If she let her guard down, that could be the moment that he would strike and that would be it. She has already been awake so long that she seemed to bobble about, things in the room were starting to blur. “No… Not now…”


Cardassian ' Former Master' to Rii'Na
(PNPC - Mabrade)


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer


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