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Cornered by a Lizard (backpost)

Posted on Sat Feb 11th, 2023 @ 8:30am by Commander Ashe Rii'Na MD & Captain Landon Mabrade
Edited on on Sat Feb 11th, 2023 @ 8:30am

2,061 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Pirating Typhon resources
Location: Station Habitat, Specifics Unknown
Timeline: Post 'Picking a Fuchsia - part 2


Gal'Nor had planned well in advance, terrorist activity is one thing that the Station expected; kidnapping was not as expected. An Officer would of course be noticed and with that Dying Dog on the promenade, he had made a clean get away. The slipping her a slight sedative made her easier to 'guide' rather than totally carry. Also heading into the 'higher Rent District had stoked a little more of his plan into action. While not the Ritz Carlton; this was a high end place that the Ferengi did not ask questions and for a few slips of latinum would keep things quiet.

Ashe was stowed in a room especially set up for 'their' needs; he had also taken steps to assure Fuchsia would dress appropriately cutting with a very sharp knife the uniform, so it falls away when she moves is a stroke again of genius. The dresser only has the proper attire for her to choose from. The lace negligee, high thigh cut teddies and some very revealing but enough to cover most of her private areas would be accessible to her. Of course, if she is stubborn and not inclined to dress then all the better; saves time of removal of course.


The sheets were not Vulcan but at least 90 thread and soft as a pillow could be. The four poster with canvas neatly tied to allow access is a white color, giving good contrast to her uniform as she lay on the bed. The room had an adjoining master bath with a two person spa tub. The scents of roses and lilacs filled the room, the smells tickled at her senses. The lighting was dim, almost romantic under other circumstances. Ashe's head throbbed; mild sedative hang over throbbed in her skull. She knew it was temporary; she also knew that the uniform she wore is the only defence she had. Why he had not removed it, she thought as she look down upon it.

JC is lying in the corridor... or he was last she saw him, Ashe had the urge to get to him; sitting bolt upright she realized her one defence was falling off her, held together by what had to be a single thread her uniform fell off her body, including her unmentionables had been carefully cut as well,

Ashe so wanted to bundle up in her jacket, but nothing could be done to use what she had been wearing for modesty. Gal’Nor had thought of everything. He had always been that way. The snake may she it’s skin but not change it’s ways. She did her best to bundle up in the quilt as she went over to the dresser. Surely there would be something in here to cover her. She opened it to only be greeted by the one colour she refused to wear. This had always been his cruel joke. ‘you are pretty as a Fuchsia in bloom, I think that colour would suit you best’. Now she downright hated it. She had no real choice, stay bundled up in the quilt and pretty much allow him ready access or pick out the least vile thing in the drawer and hopefully not hate herself for it.

She found a simple spaghetti strap negligee, not overly frilly or lacey. It was more simple but the satin shone in that blasted colour. Of course it would have her scar on show, he took some pride in that and she knew it. Ashe sighed. *You have to hold strong, maybe the Marines or Mabrade will notice you are missing and come looking, turn the station upside down for you. Who am I kidding?! They have their hands full with the pirates! He picked his timing perfectly, the Cardassian snake! JC would be your only hope, but he was left behind bleeding on the promenade.* She shuffled back over and slipped on the unmentionables, wrapping back up in the light quilt and pouting as she curled up on the bed, feeling like she was awaiting her doom. The quilt just around her, open at the front with her legs curled up to one side underneath, with enough movement it would move for a ‘better view’.

The hatch opened as Gal'Nor strode into the room; tunic and slacks rather than the full suit worn outside his private residence, the nasty blade hilt she recalled so vividly on his belt. Naturally she sat up and the quilt slipped back, taking one strap part of the way down her shoulder. She adjusted it rather quickly.

"I see you are enjoying proper attire." He leered her from head to toe and back again slowly; methodically evaluating each millimetre of her exposed skin and how his choices of 'clothing' fit her as though painted on her. The sagacious style in which he evaluated her body in those frilly things made him smile all the more. "Though if they displease you there is the favored option of 'discarding' them as defiance to me." The smile was lecherous. "Makes no difference to me other than removal time."

“As if I would give you the satisfaction, you Cardassian Snake!” she spat. “I never liked your choices, and the other option is least favoured of all! Just leave me alone, you creep!” She had a really defiant look on her face and held the quilt closer around her waist and legs.

"You say that now, but we both know you were very 'warm' for years, even grew to enjoy it... more than you will admit." He continued. "A woman needs to have a man; her body craves the carnal and her emotional desire to be held close and made to feel wanted is natural, almost engrained in her being."

“A woman would never grow to love the snake in her bed that always came to bite at her. You took my innocence from me, tortured me, handed me over to others like candy! Left me in such a state and beat me whenever nature took it’s course just so I could still be a plaything without all the hassle! I could NEVER crave someone like you, I would hate that, I would kill myself at the mere thought of that! I may have the cravings that most females have, but they are not for your poisoned mind or flesh!!’

"You know I am right; would I be more right if Mr. Conroy were standing here; looking at the way those accent your form; throw hints to the inner desire and tease the imagination to compare his mind’s fantasises with the reality of you with none of that on." He used a hand to emphasize his point. "Caressing that supple skin to cause goosebumps?" He spoke in low tones.

Ashe shuddered violently. “You are truly sick! You leave JC out of this!! He has nothing to do with this, with the past I have. All he did was try to defend me, love me for who I truly am. Not claim me as rough as he pleases on any whim he had. He is far better than you will ever be!” Ashe started to quietly cry.

"I know that look in a woman; you want him to take you in his arms; make you feel feminine and the show you how he feels in no uncertain terms?" Gal'Nor teased.

“Those are true desires, not some made up game or some sick, sadistic torturing of another’s life and body. I have my desires with JC, they are private, now you stay out of them!” Ashe was fuming and upset at the same time. How dare he speak of JC that way. “How dare you speak of him that way… you have no right!”

"I made you feel that desire once upon a time and now I have you and the time to do it ... again." He emphasized the last word. "You are my Fuchsia, and we both know how well I can please and how you warm a man in his bed? I am sure Mr. Conroy would enjoy your being with him rather than leaving him in a cold place to rest. Would he really want you knowing I have you again and will have you… much better than him?"

‘Get out!! Get out!! Get out of my head! Leave us be, I did NOTHING to ask for this! I want to be with JC! He is sweet, gentle, sensual and listens. He is everything you are not! You think that you are a gift to women… all you are is a brute, an utter NIGHTMARE!!” Ashe was shaking, crying and glaring him down. “I may be wearing something out of that dresser but that is simply to keep a barrier between you and me. I will NEVER BE YOUR FUCHSIA AGAIN!! YOU HEAR ME!! NEVER!!”

Instantly it seemed Gal'Nor was in front of her, his right hand lashed out like a striking snake. His right rhumb dug into the scar, pressing with force as his hand squeezed the shoulder in a vice like grip. The pain he inflicted would get the desired effect.
"YOU know your place My Fuchsia." He spat the words as added pain. "No one raises their voice to me, not even my Budding Flower. I will enjoy your scent as I have my Young Flower, the best that ever came from the planet Bajor." Pressing harder to drive the thumb nearly to the collarbone.

There was a shriek out in pain. That damned scar, always with that damned scar. She swore he had tipped it in whatever hand left that scar behind just for this very reason, simple sheer torture for the sake of obedience. The sheer pain just about took her breath away

"you have grown wild My Flower." He spoke as though to a silly child. "I have to cut back that Wild Growth. For this time, you are mine to savor alone, those others were just to cultivate the woman that would be mine, exclusive again."

Her screams and tears gave more fragrance to her, she would not grow wild, he can trim her as needed.

He let her go, allowing the stemmed blood flow back into her shoulder, an old trick as the blood was moving the needles from the pressure to feel like hot points of molten metal.

Her shoulder, the pain was sheer agony, she collapsed to the bed, cradling her right shoulder and crying heavily. This was what she had lived with for years on end and now she was back in the nightmare, the one she thought she had left behind.

"There you have harmed yourself, defiance is pain and pain, is not good for My Fuchsia. I will be back to kiss the pain away, you should think of the Conroy, if you are not mine, he will be my anger and you know I eliminate that which makes me angry.

“Leve JC alone!” Ashe cried, rocking back and forth, rubbing at her shoulder as best she could. Ashe wanted JC’s sweet touch not the mitts of this big hulk.

"Think of him helpless and dying, My mercy to put him out of his pain. Glaring at her like the snake's warning. "My Fuchsia knows I can. Think of him instead of yourself for once, please me and he lives, no anger to focus if I am... satisfied with your affections."

With that he strode out of the room.

Ashe collapsed and bawled her heart out. No real choice there, please that slime ball like she had to do for years or have him take out his wrath and lose the one she truly loved. Ashe did not want to lose JC, but the moment she let Gal’Nor back in, JC’s life would be the hold he had on her and she would be forever stuck. Would JC forgive her if she pandered to this snake? Would she forgive herself? Not even thinking of this snake as if it were JC would help here. It was her old life or lost her love and feeling like she would lose her new one either way. Ashe was stuck and dreading when that snake slithered back in the door.


Cmdr Rii'Na Ashe
Executive Officer

Cardassian ' Former Master' to Rii'Na


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