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Survey Report

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 10:41pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jack Tolren

454 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: current


Edward smiled as his executive officer entered the ready room, "Jack glad your back, how did the mission go? I didn't mean to rush you down to Tiberius five so abruptly but the Fleet is pushing the issue of Morgans colony very hard. It seems a giant storm has threatened the Neyel home world and the cities on Tiberius Five have departed. There shall be much ecological damage there now. Good news is you have found a home for Morgan and her minions...

"I take it Commander Couter has left for home then?" Tolren asked, a wave of concern and surprise at the news shot across his face.

Fannin nodded, "Yes, unfortunately Commander Couter left with his people to help them."

Tolren nodded, "well I'm sure they need all the help they can get."

"In terms of our mission, I brought back the cadets in one piece, no help from the planets wildlife though - they apparently like cadets for lunch," Jack joked. "As for the survey, it's complete, on this padd, I think you'll find the location suitable for the settlement, and perhaps the sharks can chew on a few of Morgan's followers."

"Yes I had heard rumor that one of them had almost turned into bait."

"Thankfully it was only almost, I'll do a more complete report on their performance for Commander Hawkins, but they did an excellent job oversall," Jack replied, passing Fannin the padd.

Fannin took the Padd. "I'll forward this to Fleet and notify our friend Morgan."

"Have we had any problems with the followers while I've been gone?" Jack asked.

"No serous issues yet other than Morgans Lawyers filing dozens of lawsuits against the Neyel for damages to the planet from their cities. She has signed the documents for the land lease and will be moving planet side soon I hope!"

"I hear we have a few new crew members onboard too," Jack replied. "Everything happens when I'm away for a couple of days."

"Yes several new senior officers have arrived. If you get the opportunity get out and say hello to them. Fleet has sent us some outstanding officers we're lucky."

"Well if not, I'm sure I'll bump into them at the next weekly meeting. Although I'll make an effort to get around and say hello to everyone."

"Excellent, get some rest. it's going to be very hectic the next few weeks."

Jack nodded, "if there's anything else give me a shout."

He headed out of the office, he was used to Fannin's lack of a 'dismiss' command now, he was a relatively relaxed commander, especially when it came to the senior staff.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer


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