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hungry minds

Posted on Thu Jan 21st, 2010 @ 8:12am by Captain Anna Johnson

1,777 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Operations office
Timeline: current

Brad Talon was the first to enter and was closely followed by Bob Grant, Patrick Wayne, and Mandy Travis. Mandy spoke up once they were all standing in front of Anna's desk. "Commander we are the Cadets and are reporting as ordered Ma'am. Commander Hawkins said you had some task for us?"

Anna smiled, "Perfect timing." She said, "Follow me." Anna let the way to where the equipment was being assembled. "We are working on getting some equipment ready to take to Tiberius V to fix the damage left behind by the Niel." Anna said. "I want each of you to pair up with them and assist them, hand them tools needed, learn how to check to make sure the systems are set up properly and making sure they are ready to go. Once you are done here then you can come to me and help me with the check list for the supplies we need."

Talon was easily the strongest and biggest of the cadets so he looked for the heaviest job and joined the person there. He stuck out his hand in greeting Brad Talon, "I am here to learn from you and assist however I can."

Taking the offered hand before speaking, "Ensign Maug," he said. "Grab the tool kit and I will walk you through the assembly.

Grant watched the big lug and shrugged he went for the job with the most moving parts, He walked over to the work station and picked up a tool to hand to the tech there. "I believe you might find this usefull?"

"Thanks kid." He said taking the tool "Ensign Roberts is the name." He said using the offered tool as he continued the assembly.

Mandy and Patrick each followed suit as watched the techs working. Patrick glanced at Brad mumbled something like "big ox" as walked over to his chosen station. "Ahh good day, you have the good fortune to have me as your student and helper for this task!" Patrick gave his friendliest grin as waited for a reply. Mandy stepped up to her coworker smartly, "Cadet Mandy Travis reporting to assist."

Lieutenant Jeanet Carter turned as the other two approached and smiled, "Come on in you two and let's get your hands a little dirty." She said as she started instructing them in the assembly of the water purifier.

Brad grabbed the toolkit and watched, helped and learned after two assemblys he had the task well in hand and the work progressed speedily. Brad asked few questions and caught on to explanations easily. After they were working together a while Brad decided to try to start a conversation "Ensign Maug, do you enjoy any sports?"

"I like training with my Bat'leth and my D'tagh and being prepared for battle at any time." Maug Answered.
"I haven't studied other sports much."

Brad kept working as he talked, I have read a little of those weapons. I am fairly good with a pair of short swords or a staff. Would you be interested in working out together sometime? I am always interested in learning new techniques." Brad spoke politely deferring to the Klingon's superior knowledge, but he was not subservient.

"If you are willing to learn I would be willing to work with you." Answered Maug.

"Absolutely, when we are done here maybe you could give me some times you are free to practice?" Brad was excited, he had not met many other races of the Federation but had always been kind of in awe of the Klingon's warrior ways.

Grant offered suggestions and listened to why they were good or bad. Bob made a few minor mistakes in his rush to get up to speed. It took some effort to get him to slow down. He was very obviously trying to hard to prove himself.

"You are doing good just slow down. We need them soon yes but we need to do it right as well so a bit of moderation is a good idea." Roberts said.

Bob was furious with himself and forced his work pace to slow. Soon the quality improved and the work started getting done at a fast pace. Bob glanced at Roberts as worked "Sorry Sir, I was never very patient with learning. I just want to know and to do. I am working on that," He smiled ruefully, "All though it might not seem like it some times."

Roberts smiled, "We all have to learn but you are getting there. We need to test the systems now and make sure everything is working properly."

Bob made one last check of what he had done and smiled, "give it a whirl Sir. He looked at the gizmo, "C'mon old buddy don't let me down."

Patrick smiled, "Returning to real hands on stuff, very cool!" Mandy grimaced but worked twice as efficiently and three time harder then Patrick. Patrick for his part hardly noticed as he did enough work to keep up appearances and "Say Lieutenant Carter have you been on the station long, I sure could use a guide?" flirt shamelessly.

"I've been here around a month." She answered, "I'm sure you and your class mates can find someone to take you around if not I could take a group of you around the base." She said trying to blow off the attempt at a flirt.

Patrick dismissed the notion of taking the others along, "The big lug over there with the Klingon,Brad, All he cares about is working out and hunting. He is one of those backwoods types,solid, strong, and dull to be around. Unless you have some mechanical parts, well Bob is really good with machines and he often talks to them as well. They probably even find him interesting!" Patrick looked over at Mandy, "and we would not want to make Ms. Travis here feel like a third wheel?" He finished with his brightest smile and looked to Mandy for support. He got none.

Mandy let him finish hie oratory before she spoke. "Well it is true I never liked being a third wheel. Brad is solid, strong, and honest to be sure but he is rather boring. Bob is not quite as anti-social as you make him sound but he does talk to the machines. I would however appreciate if you introduce me to some of the other Young Officers to organize a shopping spree." She winked at Carter and smiled innocently at Patrick. "We could even pick up a few of those ghastly shirts Mr. Wayne here insists on wearing."

Carter smiled, "A girls night out could be fun." She said, "Especially the shopping part."

Anna stepped back into the area. "How is everything coming along?" She asked.

Carter looked toward Anna, "Everything is ready for testing ma'am."

"Good I have to get supplies ready for this away mission. Carter and Maug while I am on this mission you two will be over the ops station keeping both me and the command team updated on what is going on."

"Yes ma'am," Both responded in stereo. "Carry on." Anna said then moved to make sure all the supplies were ready.

Now that they knew what they had been working on and as Anna left Mandy remembered destination for this equipment. Mandy looked over to Carter with a quizzical expression, "We just left there, Tiberius V that is. What happened that we need all this Terra forming equipment? It was a thriving planet not even a day ago!"

Carter looked at Mandy, "We had some cities crash land on the planet that were going to colonize there. Now an emergency came up and those same planets have left so now we have to clean up the damage that was left behind." She answered.

All four cadets looked at each other shocked, as the realization hit them that the beautiful planet they had just left was in the throes of dying already.

"It's just over one of the continents for now but that is why we are working so quickly to get this started so that it doesn't affect the rest of the planet." Carter answer.

Mandy looked at the others and they all nodded, "What else do we need to do?" There was determination now
instead of just an eagerness to learn and participate that ran through the eyes of all four Cadets.

"There is a list of general supplies we need to replicate and get onto the shuttles that will be going to the planet in the morning." Carter answered. "If you want to help with that once we are done I would be glad for the help." She answered.

Brad spoke up, "I would be glad to help, and if you still need shuttle pilots, I am fully qualified and would be more then happy to return to Tiberius V." Mandy nodded "Myself and Lee Quan are also pilots and we were just there, I know I can speak for him as well. we both volunteer. Patrick looked at Grant, Grant nodded, "We volunteer to go as well, Patrick is useful and I have some talent in building and operating machines. We both can operate transporter equipment on the shuttles as well."

"You will have to okay that with your instructor and with Commander Johnson. Though I'm sure the extra help would be appreciated." Carter answered, "As Maug and myself have to stay here to help keep things running."

Bob smiled "I can help replicate the materials and if one of you would check the list before loading? This can be done in time for dinner?" Bob spoke with confidence but he was worried he might be overstepping himself and it showed on his face. Patrick tried to win some points with Lieutenant Carter, "I might be one of your new ensigns this time next year, so I will be happy to work with you till we finish." Brad looked at Ensign Maug for the ok, "Patrick why don't you join us with this heavy lifting for a while."

Patrick looked at the two large guys and his shoulder sank as he walked over to join them. Mandy smiled at Lieutenant Carter, "Well I would still like that shopping trip, whenever. If we go when we get back and if we don't whenever you can find some time."

When Patrick Wayne joined Brad Talon and Ensign Maug, Brad waved at the stuff they had tested, "Looks like it is time to start loading up."


Operations Officers by Anna Johnson
Lieutenant Jeanet Carter
Ensign Roberts
Ensign Maug

Cadets by Mike Hawkins
Brad Talon
Bob Grant
Mandy Travis
Patrick Wayne


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