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Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 6:21pm by Commander Dhindara Vrel & Captain Anna Johnson

2,122 words; about a 11 minute read

Location: Dhindara's Quarters
Timeline: Before "Damage Survey"

[Dhindara's Quarters]

Dhindara had slept better after talking to Anna. Helping people always gave her a sense of accomplishment and she had returned to bed in a better mood. Now she stepped out of the shower. She wasn't due to start duty for another three hours. Expecting Anna to come over any time now she dressed in black pants, a black blouse and a dark red vest adorned with intricate black stitching. She then started preparing Betazoid breakfast foods.

Anna rolled out of bed and brushed through her hair. She slipped into a tank top and some capri pants before noticing she had a message on her monitor. Anna stepped over and the family lawyer had left her a message. Her mother's health was failing, her brothers would be eighteen at the end of the month and had been accepted into the academy but her sister was only fifteen and needed a guardian until further notice. She made the arrangements to have Jana sent to stay with her.

Once that was taken care of Anna made her way out the door and down the hall before ringing the chime of Dhindara's door.

"Come in", Dhindara replied, in the process of putting the different foods on the table, of course combined with a generous supply of chocolate milk. She smiled at Anna as the doors parted. "Good morning, Anna."

"Good morning," Anna said her mind deep in thought for a moment, "Did you rest well after you left my quarters last night?" Anna asked.

Dhindara nodded. "Yes, I got a few hours of sleep. I even managed to take a shower before making breakfast, so I'm good." She smiled at her, took her hand and led her over to the table. "Don't worry about it."

"That isn't what I'm worried about at the moment." Anna said.

Holding the chair out for her, Dhindara offered. "Let's talk about it over breakfast, shall we?"

Anna took the offered seat, "I woke up this morning to a message from my family attorney. My mom's health is failing to the point she needs around the clock care. My brothers will be joining Starfleet Academy next session but my sister needs a guardian until further notice. I told him she could come stay with me." Anna said taking a deep breath.

"I'm sure you'll do well with her", Dhindara replied, sitting down opposite Anna, filling her glass with chocolate milk.

"It will take her around a month to get here, though." Anna said. "I'll probably call her every night until she gets here."

"Would you like me to help you with setting her up for school here on the base, and maybe with a part-time job?" Dhindara offered.

"The part time job may have to wait until she arrives. I'm not sure what she might be interested in doing. My quarters had an extra room already so she can use it but school will be good I can have her records transferred here." Anna said, taking a sip of the chocolate milk.

Dhindara started eating. "You're going to have a great chance to bond with her now."

"I hope so. Most kids her age resent authority, I do want to get close to her though." Anna answered.

"You'll have to get used to the idea of compromising with her. While you're several years her senior, you're still her sister. You need to take charge, but bend on a few things. Make her feel that her input is valued, and agree to a few of her ideas even if you don't like them. That should win her over", Dhindara advised.

Anna nodded, "I have about a month to get ready for all this. If something happens to mom though it will be up to my brothers or the lawyer to handle everything because I'm so far away." Anna said.

"Let's hope it won't come to that", Dhindara replied. "It's too early to start worrying about it."

"I guess." Anna said as she took a bite of something that resembled eggs from Earth but wasn't quite the same. "This is really good. I haven't ever thought of checking to see what breakfast stuff was available other than what I'm used to." Anna said.

Dhindara grinned. "Just be glad I'm not Klingon."

In Klingon Anna smiled and said, "I've learned to stomach their food pretty well." then translated it for Dhindara's sake.

"You have one on me, then", Dhindara replied. "It still turns my stomach. I'd rather eat Ferengi."

"I still avoid it when possible mind you but if the situation warrants it I can eat it out of respect and not get sick." Anna said.

"I'm not so sure it's a respect thing", Dhindara replied. "I think some of them find perverse pleasure in torturing us with their food, which they know isn't very appetising for most non-Klingons. It shows them your strength, though, which goes a long way for them respecting you."

"Exactly," Anna said. "I don't drink often but I can hold my own when it comes to blood wine as well. I have seen what it does to people that can't control themselves with it so I save it for when I need to wind down a bit usually or for special occasions."

Dhindara frowned. "Hmm... I know, I'm probably sounding like the stereotypical counsellor who can't let their job go even when not on duty, but... you shouldn't be drinking alcohol when you're trying to unwind. It too easily becomes a habit, and your family does have a history of alcoholism, so you're likely genetically predisposed to be susceptible to it."

"That's why when I do I only have one or use synthehol." Anna said. "And when I say to unwind I mean maybe once a month if that." Anna said. "I'm not fond of the taste of the hard stuff either even though I can handle it."

"I very much enjoy a glass of wine every now and then", Dhindara admitted. "But only with dinner." She took a sip from her chocolate milk. "Oh, and with the shower thing... the doctor found some dislocation of my vertebrae. I now need to do stretching and won't need the water shower this often - but it's still better than the sonic one."

"Glad he was able to fix the problem with your back then." Anna said. "I may have to check in with him from time to time when I've had to get into tight spaces."

"He's very good with his hands", Dhindara replied. "I'll have to talk to him about offering massages. It'll do good for the physical and emotional well-being of the crew."

"I'm sure it could, though he may be a bit busy with regular duties for that to be a regular thing because I know some people might take advantage of it." Anna said.

Dhindara grinned. "I certainly would." She thought. "How good are you with holographic engineering?"

"Pretty good, actually I have an idea for a shuttle that is modular that I toyed with the idea once of make it holographic. It worked well though if the power went out then you no longer have what you need so the modular idea works better." Anna said, "What were you needing?" She asked.

"I'm doing holographic programming as a hobby myself", Dhindara said. "Together, I'm sure we can make a decent massage programme that's set apart from the commercially available Ferengi concept of what a massage should be like."

Anna rolled her eyes, "Those programs are awful." She said, "We could tie in the knowledge from the EMH matrix so they would know how to adjust the massage for different races." Anna suggested.

"I like that idea. I can program the surroundings but I don't have the access I need to mess with the EMH. As operations head, I think you do", Dhindara replied.

Anna nodded, "I would and can only implement those needed for the therapeutic needs for the program. If we can get it working we'll even let the doctor know about it perhaps." She suggested.

"Hmm, we'll need several hours of work, in our free time of course", Dhindara replied. "So provided we find time in our schedules, it might be ready in a week or two."

"Sounds good to me." Anna said. "It will help keep my mind off of things too." She added.

"Not to mention make your back and butt and legs feel sooo much better", Dhindara grinned.

Anna couldn't help but laugh, being careful not to spew chocolate milk everywhere. "I'm sure that will be a plus, yes." She added.

"When you'll get to be my age you'll know it's less of a luxury and more of an indispensable element of life", Dhindara grinned.

"How old is that exactly?" Anna asked.

"Thirty-nine of your Terran years", Dhindara responded. "The first time thirty-nine three days ago."

"That isn't that old." Anna said.

"Wait until you get there, fifteen years from now you'll feel what I mean", Dhindara replied. "I felt so old yesterday when I went to get my physical."

"I'll be there in twelve years not fifteen. I'm twenty-seven." Anna said.

"Close enough", Dhindara said. "I guess I should have looked at your file more closely."

Anna shrugged, "You are as much older than me as I am to my sister." Anna said.

"Hmm... I could be her mother, I guess", Dhindara mused.

"You would be old enough to be yes." Anna said. "Though a friend may be a better route for now."

"Well, obviously", Dhindara responded. "She'll probably see me as some random old fart, anyway." She chuckled.

"I don't know, I haven't been able to spend any real time with her since our father died." Anna said.

"Then this is your chance", Dhindara replied. "You're excited, aren't you?"

"Part of me is but another part of me is terrified." Anna said.

"That, I'm afraid, is part of the excitement. Without a little bit of fear, you'd feel indifferent", Dhindara responded.

Anna shrugged, "I guess you're right." She said.

"It'll keep you on your toes, make sure you'll be careful", Dhindara added.

"I would never do anything to hurt her." Anna said.

"Oh, of course", Dhindara said. "That's not what I meant."

"I'm sorry it's just a bit much for me to take in right now." Anna said.

"You'll be fine, and so will she", Dhindara responded.

"I just don't want her to hate me." Anna said.

"Do you think she has a reason to?" Dhindara asked.

"I don't know. Sometimes teenagers don't need a reason to hate you." Anna said.

"She might give you a hard time", Dhindara replied. "But she'll likely just want to test your reaction, and see how far she can go."

Anna sighed, "And where do I cross the line between being a big sister and being the adult responsible for her right now?" She asked.

"I don't know", Dhindara responded. "That depends on what the situation is. When it comes up, I may have advice for you."

Anna nodded and finished her breakfast. "Thank you for inviting me to breakfast." She said.

Dhindara emptied her glass and started clearing off the table. "Don't thank me. I'm glad to have company for breakfast. There's very few times I like to actually be alone."

"I'd better go get a shower and get into my uniform. Something tells me I have a long day ahead of me since I will be training cadets." Anna said.

Dhindara smiled. "Sounds like fun. Save one for me, will you? A cute one?"

"I'll see what I can do but won't they be a little young for you?" Anna asked.

"You don't know what I need them for", Dhindara grinned. "But yes, they'd be too young for what you're thinking. I'd be looking for twenty-something year-olds, not teenagers."

"Well they could be twenty something, depends on what year they are in school." Anna said with a laugh.

"Okay... late twenties, is that any better?" Dhindara smirked.

Anna nodded, "Yes," She said, "So why do you need one then?" Anna asked.

"My office isn't going to dust itself off, now is it?" Dhindara grinned.

"So let the instructor know you are willing to put them to work then." Anna said, "He said he wants them to know its not all glamor and fun."

"Sure. Who's their instructor?" Dhindara asked. "I'll send a message over right away."

"Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins." Anna said. "He is teaching them here on the base."

Dhindara nodded. "Great, thanks." She saw Anna to the door and gave her a hug. "See you around, Anna."

"See you around." Anna said.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel
Chief Counsellor


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