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Meeting with Morgan

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 1:21pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Raven Adams

770 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Deck 23, VIP Quarters
Timeline: Current


Edward Fannin wasn't looking forward to speaking with this woman but it was a necessary chore. he entered the VIP area on deck 24....

Morgan was in a meeting with her close advisors. The situation on Typhon V was not good. Several lawsuits had been filed against the Neyel government as a whole and Will Couter specifically. As she promised, she wasn't suing the Federation. Yet. As long as they held up their end of the bargain and gave her the third continent she would leave them out of it.

However, the Federation still needed to help clean up the atmosphere. She noticed Captain Fannin standing by the door and smiled. "Captain. We were just talking about you," she said as she stood up. "What can I do for you?"

"Yes Morgan, I bring news about the Federation lease. Perhaps if you had a few minutes we could discuss the matter."

"Of course, Captain," she said with a broad grin. "Help yourself to a drink and have a seat."

Fannin walked to the replicator and typed in a selection. The replicator produced a short glass with a a light brown liquid on ice.

Morgan watched Fannin as she put away her other business. By the time he joined them, the table was clear. "So, Captain, what do you have to tell me?"

Edward pulled out a chair and sat down. "I have just received the Data on the Jordan River Valley area. It's very nice, as is the rest of the continent your interested in. The area is quite large as I'm sure your aware of. The recent departure of the Neyel cities on the opposite side of the planet should not overly effect the continent."

Morgan looked at him. "I've seen the environmental damage reports, Captain. I know what those Neyel cities did. I have already contacted their government and filed a number of lawsuits with the Federation Council. If your people are any good, they should get the planet cleaned up in a month. If not, I'll start billing you for every day I am delayed. My people will start arriving as soon as I have clear title to the continent, the ground under it and the airspace over it. Plus a 50 kilometer area of ocean around it." She gave him a slow smile. "I'm being more than reasonable, Captain."

"Yes you are Morgan, That's very close to the parameters set by the Federation lease." Edward took a drink. "The Documents you seek have been loaded into your Companies computer system. All you have to do is accept the offer and the land is yours for ninety Nine years with an option to renew for another Five Hundred years. All this without cost except for the basic Federation taxes. When you accept, I shall be notified and you shall be given acess to your land."

Morgan looked over the agreement carefully, then handed it to her lawyers. It was basically what she wanted. The only exception was that the Federation had a right to enter her space for military purposes. She couldn't fault them that. She knew she couldn't get around it.

She sat back and drank her strawberry-flavored water as she let her lawyers do their job. After a while, they handed back the PADD and conferred quietly.

She watched them, watched Fannin, and thought about what she wanted to do with her little part of heaven. Granted, the Federation wanted her off Earth, but it was in her best interests as well to get a 'place of her own.' Especially this far out on a new planet. Finally, the lawyers handed her a paper with a few words on it. She looked at the paper, nodded, and tore it up. Then she put her thumbprint on the PADD. "Done, Captain. My people will start their journey in a few days. They will begin arriving in two weeks, so the sooner you can get the planet cleaned up, the better. I need to bring in the compound buildings."

Fannin stood and finished his drink setting the glass on the table. "Restoring the Planet begins tomorrow. A full battalion of Marines and a few terraformers will make short work of it." The captain turned to all around the table. "Please excuse me as I have my duties to attend too."

"Excellent," Morgan told her staff. "We start moving in a week from today. That should give us time to get everything set before my followers arrive." She smiled. "Now, let's prepare the purification ceremony..."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Morgan Damron (NPC)


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