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Marine Engineering

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 3:54am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

572 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin hadn't received the full report from Commander Johnson yet on Tiberius Five but knew it would be a Major cleanup. He needed to talk to the Colonel..

Colonel von Hackleberg was busy reading a report from the armory sergeant, and the dismal state of some of the weapons and munitions. From estimate they had enough munitions for one, maybe two, full scale engagements and they needed to replicate a bunch of parts for the weapons themselves. Just then, Wilhelm received a COMM to report to the ready room about Tiberius V. Wilhelm grabbed the approproate PADD and headed to the Command Center. Arriving there he hit the chime on the Ready Room door.

The Captain was also reveiwing some reports as the chime rang. "Please enter."

Wilhelm walked into the ready room and saluted, "How can my humble marines and myself be of service today sir?"

"Welcome Colonel, As you may know we are going to send Terra forming a certain area of Tiberius Five that was damaged by the liftoff of the Neyel cities. Commander Johnson from operations will be needing the help of a few Artificers under your command. I was hoping the Third Battalion could assist in the effort."

Wilhelm runs quickly through his duty roster mentally. "That shouldn't be much of a problem sir. The combat sections could provide security and the Artificer Company can help out in their own way. Though I'll need to keep a couple squads of the artificers on hand to help out with some 'difficulties' in my armory."

"Excellent. In addition if possible to construct a fire base there in that area. You could also use the area for training or recreation, what do you think?"

"That would work quite well, especially for training purposes. Also it would give the 2nd Fallschirmjägerbataillon...." Wilhelm let loose with a momentary lapse, "Sorry, 2nd Battalion a chance to get some live practice jumps in. I hate to be a nay-sayer, but it would be a good forward base against that strange cult. If it should ever come to that." Wilhelm said with a shy look on his face.

"We have to be very careful about the Damron group. Their leader Morgan has great influence in the Federation and that could be dangerous to all of us. The fire base would definitely help out if things got out of control there."

"I agree, I just hope they're not behind my main little issue right now in the armory." Willi thought, half my munitions and weapons deep sixed is most definately an issue. "I've already ordered my marines to keep clear of them sir. I'm also baring entrance to the Marine Levels of any civvie unless under guard."

"Good thinking Colonel, Any equipment you may require at all can be obtained with Commander Johnson. I would like you to get with her on the mission and lend her any support she may need."

"That'll be fine with me sir. Come to think of it....I don't believe I've met the good Commander yet. Will, there be anything else sir?" Wilhelm asked.

"Not I can think of. Report to Commander Johnson as soon as possible. Good luck on the Fire Base, I'll come down and visit when you get set up."

"Yes sir." Wilhelm saluted and exited.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon


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