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Ops and the Marines

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 5:09am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Anna Johnson

497 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Chief of Operations Office
Timeline: current


[Command Center, Chief of Operations Office]

Colonel von Hacklebrg, after making a few notes on his PADD, went from the Ready Room the the Chief of Operations Office and hit the chime.

Anna was just pouring herself a fresh cup of coffee when the chime rang. "Enter," Anna said as she poured cream into her cup as well then turned to face the door.

"Kommandeur Johnson?" Wilhelm said walking through the door, "I'm Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg. How do you do?" Wilhelm said with a respective bow. "The Captain had me stop on by and see how I can help you with Tiberius V."

"I currently have a team working on assembling the equipment we need. I also have some others replicating and loading the equipment we will need for this mission. I want to set up a camp in there area where the terraforming of the atmosphere and oceans is needed. Also the fresh water there was contaminated by the splash down of the city so we have to purify it once more so the continent is ready for any colonist that come along. What I need is a group that can help with the terraforming efforts and to keep the team safe. I'm not sure how the animals in the area may react to us being there either." Anna said.

"Who can tell with some creatures..." Wilhelm said with a shrug, "I've been asked by the Captain to lend you my Third Battalion which includes two companies of marines that'll do just fine for security. Also, included is a company of Artificers, combat engineers, though they'll be missing a handful of troops for some work I have for them. I've also been given permission to setup a Fire Base there for future uses so we could probably build that around the initial camp which would also give better security."

"Sounds good." Anna said, "I will make sure all the supplies are stocked and ready to go and would like for the team to pull out in the morning around 0800." Anna said, ""That will give your team time to get supplies together that they may need and if there is anything they need that I can get for them let me know." Anna said.

Wilhelm makes a couple notes on his PADD "I think we should be just fine for now ma'am. We already have a pre-fab base on hand and their supplies should be good." Wilhelm said then added, "If you will excuse me, I have a battalion to deploy. We'll talk some more later. Ohh, pleasure to be working with you."

"And with you as well Colonel." Anna said with a smile.

As the Colonel left the office he hit his COMM badge. "Major Reynolds. Get all you boys ready to go for an extended stay on Tiberius V, they leave at 0800 tomorrow..."

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
21st Regiment CO
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations
Starbase Typhon


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