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Ops Meets the XO

Posted on Fri Jan 22nd, 2010 @ 10:22am by Commander Jack Tolren & Captain Anna Johnson

549 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Tiberius V, Ecosystem
Location: Main Operations
Timeline: Current

Jack had arrived back at Typhon within the last hour. Already he had briefed the Captain upon the results of the planetary survey and the scans of the sun and was keen to get acquainted with the new senior staff who had arrived in his absence.

He made his way to Operations, the nerve-centre of the station, to seek out the new Chief Operations Officer.

Anna stood at the main operations station making sure everything was getting done for the trip in the morning as well as setting up the schedules for those that would be left to handle things while she was gone. Her fingers moved quickly over the console as she was delegating jobs to other departments when she could as well as setting up things to keep her crew busy.

Jack, entering the large room crossed the floor to the operations area and quickly found the Lieutenant Commander.

"Good day," he said. "How are the preparations going?"

"They are going nicely." Anna said, "Once the cadets realized what we were setting up for and why they were eager to help. It is helping things move a lot more quickly." Anna answered. "I'm Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson by the way," she said and held out her hand.

"Commander Jack Tolren," Jack replied. "I've been away for a few days with the cadets so I haven't had the chance to say hello. They are a good bunch though."

"They are helping my crew get the equipment we need together now in fact." Anna said with a smile. "Did everything go okay on the trip?" She asked.

"With the exception of one of the cadets almost being eaten by a shark, everything went smoothly," he responded. "Thankfully we stopped him being lunch."

"I'll have to be careful if we decide to get some fresh meat for our meal then I take it." Anna said, "I'm glad they are okay."

"Just watch for them wandering and doing there own thing, if you keep them busy they'll be good," Jack advised, he was smiling though, whether it was light-hearted or not was for Anna to interpret.

"Their adviser is coming along as well so he can help me keep them out of trouble." Anna said. "I plan on the initial team only being there a few days and letting the marines handle the bulk of it. Barring anything going wrong that is."

"Well if you need anything brought out you know where we are," Jack offered. "In the meantime is Joe going to be keeping the place running around here?"

"Between him, Maug, and Carter I think you will be covered." Anna said with a nod.

"If not, I'll come and bring you back," Jack replied with a smile, before adding, "only joking. Do you need anything before you leave?"

"If my sister should try and contact me forward the call there other than that I can't think of anything right off hand." Anna answered.

"Of course," Tolren responded. "I'll leave you to get packed, but if you need anything you know where I am."

"Yes sir if I think of anything I will let you know." Anna answered then left to finish packing.

=/= End of Transmission =/=

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer

Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer


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