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Stopping into Security

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 8:02am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon

652 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Security Chief's Office, Deck 756
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin entered the lift, "Main security Deck." As the door opened he entered the stations main security area. He walked to Commander Darkmoon's office. He was asked by a young Ensign if he needed assistance. "Yes, is commander Darkmoon in?" The Ensign went to inquire...

Krang had just gotten himself yet another cup of coffee when an ensign popped her head in. "Sir, the Captain is here to see you."

Krang had the cup up to his mouth and nodded and waved with the other hand.

She quickly turned and went back to the Captain. "Yes, he is in his office and said to send you in."

"Thank you." Ed walked in. "Krang, how are you doing? Sorry for the intrusion."

Krang stood and walked around to the front of the desk. "No intrusion Sir. What brings you all the way down here?"

I'm on my way to talk to the lovely Morgan, I've received information about the land grant awarded to her Organization. Soon her followers shall be flocking here en mass and may even cause some grief here on the station.

"I have heard about them. Religious zealots are always a fun lot to deal with." he said, sarcasm thick in his voice. "You would be surprised how many times the most likely suspect is the one claiming to be the most righteous."

"Yes very true. As they arrive, I plan to expedite their transition to Tiberius Five. But we should be careful with these subjects while on board the Station. I received this message from Fleet intel." Fannin handed the PADD to his security chief. "It seems they believe some of these pilgrims may be criminals under assumed names."

"Not surprising. That has been a cover used for centuries. Maybe we should act preemptively and have all arrivals finger printed?" Krang suggested.

"Yes, a good scan and check will be helpful to building a database, just to have around. Even though they'll be down on the planet shouldn't mean we shouldn't be keeping track of these fools. I just hope we don't fill the brig with them."

"You have a point. I am guessing you want me to detain only serious offenders then? If we start going my the strict letter of the law, we will be detaining most of them I'd almost be willing to bet." he said then took another sip of his coffee.

"I think we should hit them hard at first, just to let them know we're watching them. That may even dissuade some of them from making the trip. But the colonists who live on the fringe we need to keep track of."

"You're the boss. Hit them hard it is. Alert the brig that they are going to have their hands full for the first few days. Do you want to hold them for transfer or just deny them entry?"

"If the subject in question has a Federation warrant we will send them back to the Feds, if any agency refuses extradition we will return them to where they came from and refuse their entry."

"Sounds like a solid plan boss man. I can almost here them now." he said, then took a silly posture, "Do you know who I am?" he mocked. "The 'v.i.p.s' are going to be coming out of the woodwork. Want to place bets on how many 'close personal friends' of yours end up at my checkpoints?"

Fannin laughed. "If you get someone who claims to know me, just ask them how I lost my leg."

"That is sufficiently random, but now I have to ask, how did you lose your leg?"

"I didn't...." Fannin smiled and headed for the door. Have a good day Commander.

Krang couldn't help but laugh. "You too, sir."

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security/ SRT Leader
Starbase Typhon


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