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Another Ship, Another Physical

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 8:09am by Commander Raven Adams & Commander Basil Hart

1,016 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Sickbay
Timeline: current


Raven walked into sickbay and stopped at the front desk, noticing the brass engraved nameplate on it. It read, Helen Waite. "Hello," she said to the nurse on duty. "I would like to set an appointment for a physical."

The nurse looked up and smiled. "Certainly, Ma'am. Lieutenant Commander..." she paused, hoping that the officer would supply her with a last name to enter into the appointment book.

"Adams, Raven Adams," she replied. She'd noticed the woman's nameplate when she walked up to the desk. Now she chose to comment on it. "I like the name. I'm sure the doctor loves telling people to go to Helen Waite."

Helen laughed good-naturedly. "I think he's going to put a sign on the bulkhead opposite the door so that everyone who comes in here to set an appointment will see it."

"That could be quite entertaining," Raven replied. "I'm sure you'll enjoy the wide variety of responses you'll get from that sign."

Helen looked at her PADD. "I have an opening this afternoon at 1400. Will that be OK, ma'am?"

"Okay. I"ll be back at 1400," Raven said with a smile.

[1400 hours]

Raven walked back into sickbay promptly at 1400. "Hello, Helen. I'm here. Do you want me to sit and wait?"

"Helen looked up and smiled. "Actually, the doctor's ready for you now. He's in the exam room. Just knock."

"Thank you," Raven replied as she headed back to the exam room. She knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in, commander!" came the aristocratically English accented reply.

Raven walked in and smiled at the doctor. "Hello. I'm here for my physical."

Basil smiled back at the striking beauty. "Basil Hart, Commander. It's a pleasure to meet you. Please have a seat on the bio bed. You may leave your uniform on if you wish, or disrobe as you see fit. I've had patients do both, and all stages in between. To quote one of my heroes, "When I peek, it's in the line of duty."" He grinned pleasantly, and there was a twinkle in his eye.

Raven sat on the biobed and grinned. "We'll start like this and see where we end up."

"Fair enough." He went over to a drawer next to the bed and pulled out an odd-looking device. It was made of metal and plastic, with two protrusions on the top which the doctor inserted into his ears, and a dangling one with a metallic disk or wheel on the end of its flexible tubing. He then turned to his patient. "Have you ever seen one of these outside a museum?" He grinned proudly as he placed the disk near the top of her anterior chest wall. It was cold. "Breathe normally." She noticed that he professionally kept his eyes averted as he placed the disk at various locations around her upper torso.

"Nice. I know what one is, but I haven't seen it used before," Raven replied.

Basil smiled. "I like to think that there is a personal level to medicine which we sometimes forget in this digital, remote world we live in. Listening to your lungs and heart with a stethoscope brings that personal rapport that makes it easier to see what makes you tick." He smiled. "Your lungs are clear, by the way, and your sinus rhythm indicates no issues about which we need to worry." He activated the bio bed as he put his stethoscope away. "Now let's look at the rest... Do you have any questions or concerns about your health at this time? Perhaps any little ailments you'd like to bring up?"

"Do you think it's bad for one's health to sleep in a coffin?"

Basil quirked and eyebrow. "Well, now. I've never been asked that one before." he grinned. "I suppose if the coffin were properly cushioned and lined, and there was adequate ventilation, there wouldn't be a problem. There might be some who would question the normailty of sleeping in a coffin, but I like to think that I have an open mind." He winked at her. "As far as I know, vampires are still mythical creatures, so unless your canines start becoming abnormally long, and you don't start giving people hickies, I'll not worry too much about it."

"The coffin is quite comfortable, I assure you. Nicely padded and lined. Ventilation is good." She paused and grinned. "And, to put your mind at ease, I don't bite people I don't know. And I never draw blood."

"Well," said Basil, "fangs for the reassurance." The pun was terrible, but he couldn't help it. Raven was such a unique person, and he liked her.

"That pun really bites," Raven replied with a groan. The doctor was a punster. She was going to like working with him.

Basil winced and held his nose. "You're really getting into this tooth and nail, aren't you?" Before she could respond, he smiled again. "But seriously, Raven, I don't think there's any harm in your sleeping arrangements. After all, variety is the spice of life, as my Grandfather used to say. And by the way, the rest of you looks fine, too." He indicated the readout on the bio bed. "On the whole, I'd say you're fit as a fiddle, for duty and anything else you like. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about, young lady?"

"Not right now," she said. "Thank you for the advice. I'll... sleep better knowing that," she said with a chuckle.

"And I'll sleep better knowing that I won't have to line my quarters with garlic." he quipped, winking playfully at her. "Just remember that if there's anything you need, just come talk to me." He patted her on the shoulder. "Off you go, now."

Raven stood and prepared to leave. Before she did she leaned closer to the doctor and whispered. "Garlic is a myth. Have a good day." With a big grin she headed for the door.


Lieutenant Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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