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The New Second Officer

Posted on Wed Jan 20th, 2010 @ 7:41am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson

808 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Commanders Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Yeoman James came into Fannins office. "Sir the confirmation just came in, Lieutenant Commander Johnson's appointment has been confirmed by Fleet Sir."

"Outstanding can you pry her away from her packing and have her report to her Benevolent Captain please." Fannin chuckled at the last statement...

Anna had replicated several uniforms and was packing some of her casual clothes getting ready to leave in the morning. The last couple of days had seemed more like a week to her. She stood up and moved to the coffee pot in her kitchen and poured a cup then added cream to it.

Yeoman James tapped her com badge, "lieutenant commander Anna Johnson please report to the Captains ready room"

"I'm on my way." Anna said then sighed. She grabbed a thermos and filled it with the fresh coffee and took it along with her to the captain's office her cup in one hand she tucked the thermos under her arm and rang the chime and grabbed the thermos once more.

"Please Enter."

Anna stepped in and offered Fannin the thermos, "I know after the day I've had I thought you might could use this." Anna said. "What did you need captain?" She asked.

Fannin smiled and got himself a refill, "Thanks Anna." he raised his coffee cup...

"Here's to Typhons newest Second officer."

Anna blinked and looked around the office, "What did you just say?" She asked.

"The XO and myself would be honored if you would take the second officer position here on Typhon. Fleet has concurred with the recommendation. And I don't believe the subject is up for debate either."

"I'm honored sir but why did you choose me. I just got here." Anna said.

"Yes you have just arrived, In fact I already selected you for the position before you even got here. In the Command college we call that thinking ahead. Your skills were well noted by myself and the XO from your previous captain. According to him your capable to handle a station of this size blindfolded. We would ask you to perform your duties without the blindfold...

Anna chuckled with the last statement, "I will probably be away for a few days getting this terraforming stuff set up though. I have two of my best people I'm leaving in charge here while I'm gone." Anna said.

"Good, your absence for a few days won't be an issue at all. I presume your ops staff will be here to assist."

"They will and I will stay in contact with them as much as I can." Anna said, "Oh and one other thing you should know. I received word from my family's lawyer today. My mother's health is failing my brothers will be starting the academy within the next couple of months but my sister is fifteen and needs a guardian for the time being. She is on her way here from Earth." Anna said.

"I'm sorry about your Mother, We shall welcome your Sister and luck to your brothers."

"She is being taken care of I'm waiting to get all the details about that as it is. I'm not sure how long Jana will need to stay but I'm looking forward to some time with her." Ana said.

Captain Fannin poured another cup of coffee from Anna's thermos. "I'll let you get back to your section. If you have any problems on the planet let me know. The XO and I expect daily reports as to your progress there."

"I was actually working on getting some personal items packed then I was going to double check the supplies for the mission." Anna said. "And so you know I almost always have fresh coffee going either in my officer or my quarters depending on where I am."

"I really don't think I could run this station without it."

"It comes in handy that is for sure. Especially when there is a need to stay up late." Anna nodded in agreement.

"Good luck with your mission Commander. When you return The XO and I will be expecting to see you on the bridge running a few shifts."

"I'm here anyway." Anna said with a smile. "I'll keep in touch with the mission. Once I'm back I want to offer shuttle certification test so we hopefully don't have any more crashes." she added.

"I see your already using your forward thinking skills."

"I don't want to have another reason to have to save a planet that was perfectly fine a few days ago." Anna said.

"Point taken Commander. Sounds like a grand idea."

Anna nodded, "Very well then. I'll let you get back to work then."

"I'm looking forward to working with you more on the bridge commander."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer
Starbase Typhon


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