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Security Concerns

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 @ 3:35am by Commander Jack Tolren & Commander Krang Darkmoon

781 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Security Chief's Office
Timeline: Current

Jack was well and truly doing the rounds today. He had almost completed a tour of the whole station when he arrived at the security offices. Jack wanted to discuss this guy, 'Mason', who had arrived on the station prior to his away mission. Intel had some serious concerns about him and it seemed sensible to pre-warn the security chief that the man might be trouble, especially as Jack had already requested monitoring of Mason's movements.

Krang sat down at his desk and took the first sip out of yet another cup of coffee. He looked up just in time to see Commander Tolren step up to his door.

"Come in, Sir." he said with a wave of his hand.

Jack entered the office. He had read Krang's personnel file and so was not surprised by his appearance, although he couldn't help but appreciate the way the man had managed to get a uniform tailored to fit.

"Good morning, Commander," he said, approaching Krang's desk. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, I thought I would make myself known."

"Well, it's about time." Krang said, pretending to be grumpy. He let the comment hang in the air for a moment and then laughed. "I'm just kidding. Nice to meet you. Would you like some coffee? It's my own special recipe."

Jack stunned by the initial remark too a second to see the humour before laughing himself, "go for it, I'm always in need of coffee."

Krang stood and retrieved a cup of coffee from the replicator. Holding it out to Jack he said, "Here you are Commander. Have a seat. I was hoping we could meet up and share our outlooks on the station's status."

Jack took the cup, thanked and sat down, "Well my background is in security, so I'll do anything I can do to help, though I have a particular concern that I need you and intel to keep an eye on."

Taking a deep sip of his coffee. "Do tell." he said very interested in hearing about it.

"David Charles Mason," Jack said, taking a sip of his coffee. "He's purporting to be a prospector for OreCo, but intel have him recorded as being connected to the Syndicate. He'll be well worth keeping an eye on, I already had the systems monitor his ship movements."

Krang nodded slowly, then said, "I'm afraid you are going to have to be a bit more specific. I know of a dozen groups that refer to themselves as "the syndicate" and they are all likely to be trying to make their way through here."

Jack pointed to his green skin before clarifying, "being part-Orion I often refer to the Orion Syndicate as simply the Syndicate."

"I can see how that would happen. What sorts of things is he supposed to be involved in?"

"According to the limited reports I have he's involved in smuggling and theft of Starfleet property, along with dealing in our intelligence. I'm going to see our station Chief Intelligence Officer next to see if they can provide you with anymore information."

"He might be a good place to start looking to find the source of all the equipment that has been going missing lately. My first day here I was presented with a PADD full of missing items from recent supply runs."

"His ship is the SS Victoria, it may be worth a search if you can justify one," Jack suggested. "That is, if he hasn't already moved the stolen gear on."

"I can always use the 'health and safety' routine." Krang said with a smile. "We could have an outbreak of 'cleptomisis' and have to scan all outgoing ships."

Jack chuckled slightly, "the ways and means directive as we used to call it, if you need command approval, you have it."

Krang nodded. "Thank you, Sir. I'll keep that in mind."

"Are there any concerns you have?" Jack asked.

"I don't know where to begin. The station hasn't been online even a month yet and already it looks like the Ferengi have set up a major thoroughfare. I haven't seen theft and smuggling on this level in a long time. Who was here before me?"

"A contractor, or in effect, no-one," Jack replied.

"I will certainly make Mister Mason a high priority target. I know you're a busy man, and I have a ton of things to get started on if I am ever going to get my head above water. I won't take up anymore of your time."

"If you need anything, feel free to give me a call," Jack replied as he headed out of the office and back to his rounds.



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