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Intel Admirals Briefing

Posted on Mon Feb 1st, 2010 @ 3:36am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Raven Adams

1,113 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Deck 23, Fleet Intel Headquarters
Timeline: Current


Admiral Stone had given instructions that Commander Adams and Commander Darkmoon be brought into his office as soon as they arrived to Deck 23.

Krang made his way to deck 23. He had been called into a meeting with the mysterious Admiral Stone. He took a sip from the cup of coffee that seemed to be a natural extension of his arm as it was always present as he walked down the corridor. He stopped at the desk in the small office and nodded at the person that manned the desk.

"I have been ordered to report to Admiral Stone. I am Lieutenant Commander Darkmoon."

Stone stepped out and waved Commander Darkmoon into his office, "Krang good to meet you. Please get a refill and have a seat."

"Thank you, Sir." he answered as he followed the Admiral into the office. He emptied the cup and went to the replicator for yet another cup of coffee. "You have a nice office. One of the perks of the rank I guess?" he asked.

"Yes I like it here, but I seldom get to leave this floor. That's the down side."

"Isn't that a matter of choice, Admiral?" Raven asked, walking into the room and getting herself a cup of cocoa from the replicator. "Well met Admiral," she said as she nodded to Krang and took a seat.

Stone topped off his cup and began as the lights dimmed in the office and the view screen illuminated with a assortment of pictures of a Romulan throughout his lifespan.

"I have received a federation message concerning your Captain. It is of the highest priority."

"This is Tokarth. This rogue Riov has just been released from Federation custody for war crimes. He has finished his Ten year sentence Yesterday. I believe he is returning to his post in the Tal Shiar. He will be a major issue for us here on Typhon. It seems our good captain testified against him during his trial. He has taken a vow of death to regain his honor."

Raven watched the pictures carefully. She'd never seen the Romulan before and wanted to be sure she'd recognize him. She memorized the bone structure of his face, his cheekbones, eyebrows and jaw line She looked for physical quirks like a certain posture when he stood. "I assume you already have bodyguards in place?" she asked.

"Funny you should ask, Commander Adams. I'm sure most of the crew has observed Yeoman James' close proximity to the Captain. Yeoman James is a PSO, that's a personal security Officer. She is also known as Marine Captain Angela James, a highly skilled Officer. Fannin is totally unaware of this an I request it stay that way. When Captain Fannin took command here on Typhon the threats were known and conditions for his safety placed into motion. Current evens required your knowledge as well."

"I appreciate the information. This will keep me from thinking something is up." Raven looked at the Admiral. "You can often tell an undercover Marine by their attitude."

"So far one one has even noticed her, other than the fact she's always around, but that's the duty of the Yeoman. James just takes it up about ten levels."

"Putting a guard on him sounds like a solid plan. How is she going to explain wanting to be near by in a situation where a Yeoman would not normally be, like during her "off" hours or Fanin's down time?"

"There were two other PSO's unknown to James, but unfortunately Fannin spotted them and they were reassigned. So I'm sure he's thinking he has gotten rid of them. As far as James goes, she does what she can during duty hours after that it reverts to Station security."

"That presents an interesting set of problems. You want Fannin protected, and by my staff, but we have to make it look like we're not protecting him? With all due respect, Sir, don't you think that is asking us to do the nigh impossible?" Krang asked.

"Well I'm resigned to the fact that if they really want him their going to get him. I just hope there's an outside chance he'll survive. I would keep things as normal as possible Commander Krang. I see your job is enormous as it is. I'm confident that James will be a major factor for any assassin to get past."

"If you're confident, then I will consider it taken care of. I will make sure that we stay as vigilant as ever. The protection of the CO is a priority for us anyway, and I strive to meet that goal under almost any circumstances."

"Thank you both for coming here on such short notice, but I felt you needed to know this information."

"I appreciate it, Admiral," Raven said. "Have you, by chance, considered using other people to help? Dhindara Vrel, for example, is a counselor and a Betazoid. She would be an excellent person to have around. Perhaps she could become friends with Fannin, have dinner with him. There are also some civilians that we could have keep their eyes open for any unusual characters. Granted, they would want some concessions for this, but it might be worth a shot."

"I would frown on the use of Human shields to protect him unless they knew of the danger."

"Of course. I wouldn't bring a civilian in unless they knew of the danger and were able to deal with it," Raven assured him. "But that would only be if we needed them."

"Outstanding, I would remind you both that the Fleet will also be observing Captain Fannin's security as I'm not privy to all their plans."

"I'll make a note of that." Krang said, tapping some input onto the PADD in his hand.

"Another thing to consider, Admiral," Raven added. "If we have Starfleet security be a semi-visible presence, then have the real security be invisible, we would have a much easier time keeping the Captain safe."

"Sound plan commander lets try it , but only if it can be squeezed into commander Darkmoon's schedule."

Raven nodded and looked over to Krang, one eyebrow raised. "Commander?"

"I'm sure it would be no problem to work a few agents per shift into keeping a close eye on the Captain. The tricky part will be keeping them rotating out frequently enough that he doesn't start realizing that they are around a lot." Darkmoon replied.

"Sounds good, I need to shoo both of you out of here for now as I'm expecting a few more messages, If I hear anything more I'll send word."

Krang stood and then followed Raven out of the office.



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