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New Engineer

Posted on Sun Jan 24th, 2010 @ 5:36am by Commodore Edward Fannin

632 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: CO's office
Timeline: Current

A tall human male with an astounding resemblance to the Marine XO walked through the command center. He even had the same blue eyes and friendly smile. He smiled and nodded at a young crewman before returning his attention to the captain's office and sounding the chime.

Captain Fannin was bent over a few schematics of Construction Yards, "Come In"

The man entered and said, "Sir. Lieuten'en Junior Grade Austin Greenwood, reportin' fer duty, sir."

"Greetings Greenwood , come in and have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?"

"Ah'll have some sweet tea if ya got it, sir," Austin said with a smile as he sat down.

Yeoman James appeared with a cool glass of Tea for Greenwood and a coffee re-fill for her Captain..

Fannin sat on the large couch sipping from his cup. "Great to have you with us on the Typhon Austin, I need a good working Engineer here."

Austin nodded. "Thank ya, sir. Ah hear good thangs bout ya too from mah brother."

Fannin nodded, "I hold Colonel Greenwood in high regard also. His skills as our Marine executive Officer are second to none. That reminds me, "Yeoman James can you have lieutenant Colonel Greenwood report here at once."

Austin smiled. Tex was still here? A few minutes later the door chime sounded and Austin turned around expectantly.

Fannin was smiling. "Enter"

Tex had no clue of what was going on. But he entered the office and the first thing he saw was the captain sitting next to his brother Austin. Tex let out a yell of excitement and and rushed over to his baby brother, who was coming to him. The two behemoths clashed in a hug, laughing. When they broke apart, they began jabbering away in a Southern accent that just got thicker and thicker until it got to the point that Fannin couldn't understand a word they said.

Tex turned around to Fannin, hooking his arm around Austin's neck. "Ser, thais's mah bayeebee brudder, Awstin."

"Yes it is, Colonel...."

Tex smiled again. The resemblance between the two men was pretty strong; there must have been some very strong genes on one side of their family. "Thank ya sir fer tellin' me. Ah migh' niver've met 'im onboard till months later."

"Colonel Greenwood, I have called you here for an official duty," Fannin reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a small box.

"Tex I would like you pin these lieutenant's pip's on your younger brother. Congratulations Austin."

Austin smiled as Tex took the pips and placed this on his brother's gold collar. "Wait til Pa finds out. He's gonna be so proud!"

The younger Greenwood smiled and said, "Ah hope so."

"Colonel, I would appreciate if you and our newest Lieutenant directly to the lounge for a family reunion and promotion party. Dinners on me guys. I'll catch up with you both in a few minutes."

Austin smiled and Tex clapped Austin on the shoulder saying he needed to get back to work. That left Austin with his new CO. "Thank ya fer tha', sir. Really means a lot."

"Austin, take off with your Brother and have a good time and catch up on things, Get settled in then report to Commander Johnson. She's the Typhons Second officer and cheif of Ops. I'm sure she will have a lot of work for you."

The young man smiled and nodded. "Thank ya, sir." He ran off to catch up with catch up with his brother.

The Captain returned to his desk and got back to work on his padd, It was nice to have a chief engineer back on board.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lt Austin Greenwood
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhoon

LCol Tex Greenwood
Marine XO
Played by: Austin


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