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You said you needed supplies?

Posted on Sun Jan 24th, 2010 @ 5:39am by Captain Anna Johnson

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Ops Office

Ted walked to the Chief Operations Officer's office on the starbase, padds in hand. There were two more copies of what he had given Sheridan: one for him, and one for starbase operations. He had eight padds with him and his hands were getting tired. He stopped in front of the office and pressed the chime.

Anna looked up from the report she was reading and said, "Enter," before taking another sip of coffee. She needed to get away from here and get some sleep so she was rested for the mission the next day but things were keeping her here.

A slightly broad human man of average height walked in; he had dark brown hair and kind dark eyes that seemed to smile at Anna even though he was smiling himself. "Hi. I'm Ted Turner, I'm looking for the Chief of Operations on this Starbase. One..." He consulted his padd. "Anna Johnson." He looked up at her again. Again, the half-smile.

"You have found her." Anna said, "What can I do for you?"

Ted gave her a real smile. "Nice to meet you. I am a lounge manager on a ship that's docked here and as you can see I've lost a good bit of supplies in a recent battle." He handed her four of the padds he was carrying: one with food, one with drinks, one with things such as furniture and dishes and another with cleaning supplies.

Anna looked over the list and moved over and grabbed a separate PADD. "Here is a catalog of regular items available. The food can be replicated of course but if you want fresh food supplies I will need a list of items you want so that I can put in the order and let you know about the credits that will be needed to get them." Anna said. "I just need to know the style and patterns you want for the dishes and furniture." Anna said.

Ted nodded. "If you will look at the third padd, it lists all the fresh food I need, mostly things like produce that have been squished or meat that has gone bad because the stasis pods have been damaged. The fourth padd has a list of all the fresh drinks I need. And..." He went over the furniture on the padd and pressed a few buttons, then looked at the dishes and pressed a few more. "There is what you need for the dishes and furniture." He smiled. "Do you have any idea how much it's going to cost? I need to tell the CO of my ship about how much the damage is," he said, half joking.

Anna took the PADD with food and drink on it and started keying in the orders to the various venders. She got the rush price as well as the standard price and uploaded it to the PADD. "I have included the price for both rush delivery and normal delivery you just have to decide which price you are willing to pay. Though I have to warn you rush delivery is close to twice the price." Anna said handing Ted the PADD. "Once the funds have been transferred the order will be placed and on its way."

Ted smiled at her. "Thank ya, Ma'am. I appreciate your time. Have a good evening, Commander."

"Your furniture and dishes will be delivered in the morning." She said with a smile, "I'll get a team working on getting them replicated this evening for you."

"Thank ya, Ma'am. Anything else I need to know before I leave? I want to make sure I got all my bases covered before I go." He gave her another smile.

"I think that should cover it for now." Anna said, "Will your place have a specific theme?" Anna asked curiously.

Ted thought for a moment. "You know, I was just going to replace what I had. But now that you mention it, now would be a perfect time for a remodel with all the repairs going on."

"I was just mainly wondering what type of food you would be serving mainly." Anna said.

A look of understanding appeared on Ted's face. "I tend to get requests for everything from Klingon food to Vulcan to Betazoid and beyond. Lots of salads, fruit, meat, cheese, dairy... The second officer and several others like a wide variety of fruit juices. Almost every other crewmember prefers either Arabian coffee, Colombian coffee or Raktajino, although I get calls for Romulan herbdraught. I don't suppose you have that, do you?" He thought for a minute. "But yes, I serve a wide variety of things." He finished with a blush. He did have a tendency to ramble when it was about his bar.

"I have a private supply of a variety of coffees, teas and chocolates, but I don't have any herbdraught." Anna said.

Ted pressed his lips together and folded his arms. He would have to think about this for a while... "Hmm..." He relaxed his face and unfolded his arms, smiling at her again. "I'm sure I can find some somewhere down the road."

"I can get you some yes I just don't have a ready supply of it. Trust me if you need it give me enough time and I can find it." Anna said with a smile.

Ted smiled. "I appreciate that, ma'am. Wouldn't be able to get some strawberry wine, Jim Beam and Jack Daniels, would you?"

"I will get on it and see what I can do and let you know the cost." Anna said with a smile, "Is there anything else you need?"

Ted thought for a moment. "I believe everything else is on those four lists in your hand."

"Very well. I have an away team to lead over the next few days but I will do what I can today and leave the rest in the hands of my assistants. They will be in touch with me and I will get your supplies as soon as possible. " Anna said.

"Thank you, ma'am." Ted was getting worried. He had to meet an art dealer somewhere else on the starbase and he still needed to find his way there. "Thank you very much, but I do have another appointment in thirty minutes, and I do not want to keep him waiting." He gave her a sheepish smile, thinking it sounded a little rude.

"No problem. I will make sure you get everything you need." Anna said.

Ted nodded to her one last time and left. Then he wondered if it was him that had been keeping the conversation going. He shrugged it off and continued on his way. He may never know.


LCdr Anna Johnson
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon

Ted Turner
Lounge Manager
USS Orion


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