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Dinner at Alfonso's

Posted on Sun Jan 24th, 2010 @ 9:48am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Dhindara Vrel

1,738 words; about a 9 minute read

Location: Alfonso's Italian Restaurant
Timeline: current

[Alfonso's Italian Restaurant]

Raven dressed in snug-fitting black leather pants, high-heeled boots, a black silk blouse and a black suede. Her hair was loose and shining. In her ears and around her neck she wore silver dragons.

She waited a short distance from the entrance to the restaurant for Dhindara. This was going to be fun.

Before long, Dhindara came into view. She was dressed exactly the same as Raven, minus the dragons as she didn't have anything like them in her collection. As she saw Raven she sent her a mental hello, beaming and swaying her hips as she came closer, to show off. She gave Raven a hug and a kiss on each cheek. ~You look breathtaking.~

~So do you,~ Raven replied. ~I'm looking forward to having a little Italian tonight.~

A slight growl was heard from Dhindara's stomach, followed by a giggle. She offered Raven her arm. ~Shall we, then?~

Raven took her arm, chuckling. ~Absolutely.~

The two women walked to the door of the restaurant and entered together, pausing inside to have a good look around.

~Hmm, smells wonderful in here.~ Dhindara smiled. This was going to be a fun evening.

Raven looked around at the room and the people in it. ~Yes, it does. And the atmosphere is very nice, too.~

A waiter approached the two women, giving them funny looks but not saying anything. "Welcome to Alfonso's. A table for two?"

"Sure," Raven said, giving him a big grin. "A nice dark one..."

As the waiter led them to an empty table, Raven spotted the Captain sitting alone. "On second thought, we'll join him," she said, indicating Fannin's table.

Fannin saw the two ladies, in fact everyone in the place saw them when they walked in...

Still with their arms locked Dhindara and Raven approached his table. "Mind if we join you, Captain?" Dhindara asked.

Ed smiled, "Ladies please have a seat."

Smiling, Dhindara sat down. "What a nice surprise. I'm hoping you'll be able to recommend something for us?"

"Why yes, I'm having a house dinner tonight. Cacciucco, a fresh fish stew with chili peppers and tomatoes. It's very popular dish from the Tyrrhenian Sea. And dark bread of course."

"I'll try that", Dhindara said, looking at the waiter. "Without the chilli, though."

Raven sat down on the other side of Fannin and glanced over the menu. "I'll give it a try. I like things spicy."

"Chilli makes me sweat. And there are more pleasant ways to work up a sweat", Dhindara commented.

The waiter filled the glasses for all three of the diners.

Fannin smiled and offered a toast to the ladies. "Wonderful company, I'm a very lucky man".

Raven gave him a mischievous grin. "Having just met me, you might be a little premature."

Dhindara grinned. ~I'm sure there's something on your mind, my dear... care to share?~

Fannin was going to enjoy the evening with these officers.

~Nothing. Yet.~ Raven replied to Dhindara. To the Captain she said, "So, do you eat here often?"

Dhindara suppressed a chuckle.

Fannin finished his drink, "Yes this is one of my many frequent haunts."

Dhindara looked around. "Looks like you're well-known. You're getting a lot of appreciative glances from people... or would that be envious?" She winked at him.

"Tonight I'm just a casual diner here. I wasn't expecting to be in the company of the likes of two attractive women as yourselves."

Dhindara sent Raven her plan of attack, so she could mirror her actions. Then she took Edward's hand, leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, expecting Raven to do the same on his other side.

Raven didn't take his hand, but she saw no problem in kissing him on the cheek at the same time as Dhindara. Then she sat back, chuckling at the stares they were getting from a table nearby.

Edward was very surprised. he turned a dark scarlet color and nodded as words just couldn't come to him at the moment...

"Thank you for agreeing to pay for our dinner tonight", Dhindara smirked.

"No problem Dhindara. It's my pleasure."

As the waiter brought their foods Dhindara thanked him. "Looks like our little plan's working beautifully, Raven."

Raven was still chuckling at the Captain's embarrassment. "My plan? I only wanted to make an entrance. The rest is all yours, my friend."

Fannin dove into his meal and called for more wine. Turning his attention to the ladies Fannin noted their presence in the cafe was a major event. The other diners seldon saw a Trio like this in a while.

"So, Captain, what else do you like to do besides dine out?" Raven asked, wanting to start up some small talk.

"I enjoy reading, a glass of wine and a good cigar. I used to enjoy flying but I've been grounded by the Fleet for the time being. I had a few issues with the physical due to past injuries. I still fly in my dreams."

"What do you like to read?" she asked.

"Always loved a good Western, lately I've been reading Military biographies of 21st century leaders.

"Somehow, I'm not surprised," Raven said with a smile.

Fannin looked back to Raven. "How about you, what do you enjoy during the few off duty hours allowed by your Commanding officer?"

"I, too, like to read. I love Poe and dark fantasy," she replied. "I'm fascinated by ravens and dragons."

Ah, Poe... Fannin raised his glass and began to recite.

"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door —
Only this, and nothing more."

Raven laughed out loud, causing several more people to look in their direction. "One of my favorite ballads. The Raven. One of Poe's greatest poems. Nicely done."

"My pleasure ma'am. Always enjoyed Mr. Poe. Few know of him anymore."

"He's still one of the greatest horror writers of all time. Along with H. P. Lovecraft, Stephen King and Bentley Little," Raven said with a grin.

The captain turned to Dhindara. "What do you enjoy during your off duty time?"

"I spend a lot of time in the holodecks, creating programmes, mostly of historical scenarios. I studied history along with psychology and have worked in the field as much as I have in counselling. It's still an interest that I pursue", Dhindara replied. "And I love to sing. Another hobby of mine is eating good food. Though, I have to be careful, since I don't want this belly and butt of mine to grow any larger."

Fannin was intrigued. "As I mentioned before I have been reading a lot of military History lately. Could it be possible to experience certain events in one of your programmes?"

"I'm afraid not", Dhindara replied. "I'm doing historical fiction, that's placing a story into a historical setting, such as an old sailing vessel, and making it as authentic as possible. That way people can experience what it was like at the time without having to re-live a specific event that they already know the outcome of."

"I may have you create a programme for me. I'll have to put some thought into it. Fannin looked at both his dinner companions, "How is your meal?"

"It's good", Dhindara replied. "Not too spicy." She grinned. She took a sip of her drink. "Do they have anything with chocolate for dessert?"

Raven gave them a beatific smile. "Oh, definitely. We have to see what they have in the way of chocolate."

Fannin called the waiter over with the wave of his hand and whispered a few words... several minutes later the table was loaded with warm chocolate soft center candies, fresh strawberries covered with white chocolate and a host of sweet confections.

Dhindara's eyes went wide. "Wow." She started eating and had a clearly audible, near-orgasmic reaction to the dish.

Raven tried the closest confection. It looked a lot like a chocolate lasagna. She took a bite and closed her eyes, a look of rapture on her face. "I think I died and went to chocolate heaven," she whispered.

Fannin enjoyed watching his two guests devour the desserts set before them. He sampled some of the candy. It was far to sweet for him to handle anymore.

Raven tried a little of everything, and more of one or two dishes. She made note of the ones she particularly enjoyed for future reference. It didn't take long, however, before she'd had her fill of dessert and she sat back, pleasantly sated.

As Dhindara was done it was clear to her that she had eaten too much. "Who's going to join me in the holodeck for a work-out tomorrow?"

"It depends on how much work I have tomorrow. I may just go for a long walk around the base as I take care of business," Raven replied.

Fannin was comfortably stuffed, "Ladies I hate to run off but I have a very long shift planned in a few hours. I cannot express my gratitude for your delightful company."

"Well, I can't say we're delightful company, but we did enjoy the dinner, Captain," Raven replied. "Thank you."

Fannin stood and bowed to the ladies. "Enjoy your evening." He smiled and took care of the check on the way out.

Raven smiled as the Captain left, then asked for a doggy bag to take half of the dessert back to her quarters to eat later. She couldn't conceive of leaving it behind to be thrown away. ~I'm going to take my goodies back to my quarters,~ she told Dhindara. ~Dinner was a lot of fun.~

Dhindara didn't have any more goodies left. ~That's what she said.~ She sent her, even though she knew that the goodies Raven was talking about was the rest of her dessert. She grinned at her.

Raven laughed merrily as she picked up her stack of 'goodies' and headed for the door.

Following her out, Dhindara sent her a mental hug and then went back towards her cabin. She was looking forward to some sleep now.

=/\\= End of Transmission =/\\=

Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Dhindara Vrel
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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