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Coming Aboard

Posted on Thu Dec 17th, 2009 @ 11:58pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

479 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Flight Deck
Timeline: Current


Marines, engineer, marines and finally engineer! After four years caught between fleety and gun-slinger Will had finally been made an engineer and at that two days before his orders finally came in. Chief Engineer, Starbase Typhon.

"Ich mochte nichts" Will said to himself as the shuttle's aft hatch dropped to let him out of the cramped shuttle. Bag shouldered he headed down the ramp and started looking for the hatch into the corridors with an odd feeling that he would be doing a lot of German swearing before he got anywhere. Then he caught sight of a captain crossing the deck, either he had made a mess of his job already or he'd gotten the captain's attention.

"welcome, You must be Commander Couter."

"Indeed I am sir" Will said, "glad to finally be here, that rotten tin-can is way to cramped for me." Pointing to the shuttle, it was an older class that wasn't even on the books anymore.

"I'm Ed Fannin your CO, I'm glad your off that thing. How many times did you have to repair it to get here.."

"Actually that's our fifth shuttle of the same class getting here" Will said looking at the piece of junk, "would've been easier to get here in the Phoenix."

Fannin laughed at that one. "Well lets get you settled in, there's much to do here Commander."

"If it involves shuttles I resign" Will said following the captain to what was pretty much a maze that would be totally different from base to base to base.

After a few minutes they arrived deck 24, Senior officers quarters, The door opened to reveal a very nice two level loft style Apartment..

"Home Commander."

"Damn" Will said, looking around the room, ideas about modification already coming to mind, "and I thought the officer's quarters on the Sovereign were big."

Ed chuckled "This ain't no sub, This as big as they come Commander, but I don't want you turning this into a welding shop or a fusion assembly plant..."

"Nah, just make it more like home" Will said, putting his bag down and really starting to scheme, "I grew up in a forests world and in large part still like a tree and tower environment. Too bad there isn't room for a b'tiel tree, though if I tried that, it'd probably grow right through to the bottom of the station."

"Yes that may be a slight problem, When you get settled hit your department and let me know what the progress is there. I need to get back to Control. It was great meeting you."

"Aye sir" Will said, getting started on making this place just like home. In about a second he was too caught up in his work to even notice the captain leave.


Captain Edward Fannin
CO, USB Typhon

LT CMDR Will Couter
Chief Engineering Officer
USB Typhon


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