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Meeting the Captain

Posted on Sat Dec 19th, 2009 @ 3:21pm by Commander Jack Tolren & Commodore Edward Fannin

647 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current

After unpacking his belongings and changing into a more suitable uniform Jack had made a bee-line for the Captain's office in order to report his arrival on the station. He arrived on deck 12 after a few moments of lift travel, passing his own office on the way to the Captain's.

He tapped the door chime and waited, straightening his tunic as he did so. He smiled at the yeoman sat outside, he still wasn't sure if the XO got an assistant here.

Fannin was making some notes on his padd when the chime went off..."C'mon in"

The door slid open and Tolren entered.

"Captain Fannin, Lieutenant Commander Tolren reporting for duty, sir," he formally introduced himself.

Ed stood up and grabbed Tolren's hand, "Glad to meet you Commander. I'm very glad your here. Please have a seat." Fannin motioned to several large chairs in front of his desk.

"Tell me how was the trip?"

"I've had better sir," Tolren admitted, taking a seat opposite the Captain. "A runabout isn't the most comfortable of craft for a week's journey."

"Very true, but at least you made it, that's the important thing."

"Correct," Tolren replied with a smile. "Now is there anything you need me to get on with immediately, sir?"

Fannin waved the Yeoman in, James entered with some drinks and put them on the table. "This is Commander Tolren our Executive Officer."

He turned back to Jack, "I feel we need to get some air assets out there and start running some Patrols for security until Our Air Wing Commander arrives."

Tolren nodded, taking a sip from the glass of water he had collected from the table. "I'll arrange some patrol routes, have most of the pilots arrived on station, and do you want one of the garrison vessels involved in patrols too?"

"That's the other issue, those vessels haven't been checked out at all yet. I'd hate to send one out until we checked it out beforehand. We have a Flight safety Officer here, I may just send her to get them checked off, what do you think?"

"We can have the FSO check out one of the Wallace-class ships so we can begin using it straight away, I can take one of the SCE engineers on board to solve any of the problems as it'll no doubt need a shakedown run."

"Sounds like a plan. I just think we could use the protection as long as we had it."

"I'll get on it right away, sir," Tolren replied. "Anything else for the list?"

"Nope just get settled in and rest up, we're gonna hit it hard in a few days and get these contractors out of our hair..."

"That's good news, I'm just looking forward to getting the place running," Tolren replied, finishing the water. "In the meantime I'll sort out those ships."

"We're glad to have ya, if you need anything just scream at me, I'm always puttering around somewhere. Met the Admiral, seems like a fair guy. I don't think we'll see much of him though. I met him a long time ago but I don't think he remembers me."

"The flag officers meet a lot of people, sir," Tolren replied. "If they do seem to remember you it could be just an illusion."

"True, very true. Anyway he's set up down on deck 23. I'll probably never see him."

"It's your station sir, make a point of seeing him. Although I'm well aware that the intelligence types keep themselves to themselves."

"He's setting up ZEUS, it's some kind of intelligence super AI. I'd like to see it when he get's it running. Well Commander let me know how your your doing. We'll be very busy over the next few weeks." Edward shook his XO's hand.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lt.Cmdr. Jack Tolren
Executive Officer
USB Typhon


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